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Science Journal


Academia Arena


Volume 2 - Number 10, October 1, 2010, ISSN 1553-992X

Cover Page (online), Cover (print), Introduction, Contents, Call for Papers, All papers in one file

Welcome to send your manuscript(s) to: editor@sciencepub.net.



Titles / Authors




The New Concepts to Big Bang and to Black Holes: Both Had No Singularity at All

==== Preface====

The fundamental defect of the General Theory of Relativity Equation is that any particles in EGTR has no thermodynamic action. It leads finally the gravitational collapse of a definite energy-matter only go to Singularity.

Dongsheng Zhang

Graduated in 1957 From Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. China.

Email: zhangds12@hotmail.com

Abstract: Right now, the General Theory of Relativity Equation (GTRE) is almost linked together with all new physical concepts, such as the Big Bang, black holes (BH), Singularity, zero point energy, dark energy, N demission spaces, etc. Perhaps say it in another way, all above new physical concepts are squeezed into GTRE by the modern physicians as the reasonable coats in the mainstream of physics. However, the observed facts have demonstrated that, those new physical concepts may be illusory. The obvious examples are singularity and the density of vacuum energy. About 40 years ago, R. Penrose and S. Hawking discovered Singularity losing the time-space significance in EGTR, but there would not be any indications of singularity of infinitely great density observed in nature. They further derived from GTRE that, our universe was originated from singularity, which would certainly exist in any BHs, and even have naked singularity in universe. They also proposed out “the hypothesis of cosmic censorship” for explaining singularity better in nature, In addition, according to J. Wheeler’s calculations, the density of vacuum energy would be up to 1095g/cm3. All above arguments are unimaginable, unrealistic and may have no way to be observed and demonstrated forever. In this article below, author will demonstrate with Hawking’s laws of black holes that, there would not be any singularity in BHs, and our universe was not born from singularity or the Big Bang of singularity at all. Singularity can only be a product from GTRE, but impossibly appear and exist in real nature.

[Dongsheng Zhang. The New Concepts to Big Bang and to Black Holes Both Had No Singularity at All. Academia Arena 2010;2(10):1-4]. (ISSN 1553-992X).



Key Words: General Theory of Relativity Equation (GTRE); singularity; black holes (BH); big bang;; Planck era; Planck particle--mp; minimum gravitational black holes-- Mbm

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y-tx@163.com, huchangwei5@yahoo.com.cn



[白科大. 21世纪新儒学---量子色动力学. Academia Arena 2010;2(10):5-22]. (ISSN 1553-992X).



关键词:儒学 味夸克 夸克海

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电话051482822538 邮编225008

电子信箱: yzscw@163.com 博客http://yzscw.blog.163.com



[孙纯武. 地震起因和防治. Academia Arena 2010;2(10):23-31]. (ISSN 1553-992X).



关键词:地震起因防治 功过

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[叶眺新. 从川大走出的数理化“三剑客”. Academia Arena 2010;2(10):32-46]. (ISSN 1553-992X).


关键词:弦膜圈说 赵本旭 王国雄 李后强

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The Anatomy of Earth (Global Warming)

Earth’s Orbit around the Sun is Decaying


Willie McDonald



Abstract: Global warming can be reversed, if action is taken in time. If its not reversed in time the sun’s heat will dominate this planet’s weather, and generate unusual weather patterns to the point where the only thing left to eat will be other people (cannibalism). Criminal activity will promote, disorder will rule (robbery, rape, murder, etc.) The real reason for global warming is the earth’s orbit around the sun is decaying, in other words the earth is moving closer to the sun. The earth is a planet that functions like a machine. Like cars, trucks, aircrafts, or rockets. The earth has a fuel system (crude oil/ methane gas wells), an engine system (the core), exhaust system (volcanoes), and a cooling system (the oceans). A car’s engine system generates torque, an aircraft’s engine system generates thrust, and the earth’s engine system generates a powerful magnetic field.

[Willie McDonald. The Anatomy of Earth (Global Warming), Earth’s Orbit around the Sun is Decaying. Academia Arena 2010;2(10):47-48]. (ISSN 1553-992X).



Keywords: Earth; Global Warming; Earth’s Orbit; Sun; Decaying

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Analysis of the influence of community based organizations on community development in Rivers State, Nigeria


Onyeozu, a.m

Department of adult and Non Formal Education, University of port harcourt



Abstract: The study focused on analysis of political influence of community based organizations on community development in Rivers State, Nigeria. Data was collected with the aid of structured questionnaire from 960 randomly selected respondents in the study area and analysed using descriptive statistics. Findings revealed that the activities of community based organizations in Rivers State include building of market stalls, provision and servicing of boreholes, building and renovation of town halls, maintenance of community roads, provision of furniture and equipment to schools. The study also concludes that the activities of community based organizations influence respondents both physically and politically which are good development. Based on the findings of the study, the following recommendations were made: increased awareness at the community level on the formation of community based organizations. Such awareness campaigns should be carried out by the opinion leaders in the communities and the campaign should highlight the benefits open to individuals and members of associations and the communities both locally and internationally. Community Based Organizations should seek for ways of partnering with all the tiers of government for development projects in rural communities. Government should encourage community based organizations by supporting their developmental efforts or by subvention.

[Onyeozu, a.m. Analysis of the influence of community based organizations on community development in Rivers State, Nigeria Academia Arena 2010;2(10):49-53]. (ISSN 1553-992X).



Key words: political influence, community based organizations

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Xue Sheng


Abstract: 现代物理学的理论是根据对称产生的,可是我们周围的世界又是不对称的,笔者根据现代科技理论提出了对称的相对性与绝对性原理,分析了有限与无限的相对性与绝对性、离散与连续的相对性与绝对性、全息的相对性与绝对性、运动与静止的相对性与绝对性、时空的相对性与绝对性、同时性的相对性与绝对性等.

[Xue Sheng. 请教几个理论物理问题. Academia Arena 2010;2(10):54-57]. (ISSN 1553-992X).



Keywords: 物理学; 称产生;相对性; 绝对性;同时性

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Determinants Of Farm And Off –Farm Income Among Farmhouseholds In South East Nigeira


Ibekwe, U.C; C.C. Eze; C.S. Onyemauwa; A. Henri-Ukoha; O.C. Korie and I.U. Nwaiwu


Department of Agricultural Economics, Federal University of Technology, P.M.B. 1526, Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria.

E-mail: csonyemauwa@yahoo.com


Abstract: Agriculture has been considered as one of the important sectors that could help and improve the income distribution problem and its poverty implications in South Eastern Nigeria. This has led to the focus of this study on the determinants of the farm and off farm income among the farm households in South East Nigeria and Imo State in particular. Primary data were collected and ordinary least squared regression model was used to analyze the data collected. Results showed that: Farm size, age, education, occupation and hours spent on farm are important explanatory variables that influenced both farm and off farm incomes.

[Ibekwe, U.C; C.C. Eze; C.S. Onyemauwa; A. Henri-Ukoha; O.C. Korie and I.U. Nwaiwu. Determinants Of Farm And Off –Farm Income Among Farmhouseholds In South East Nigeira. Academia Arena 2010;2(10):58-61]. (ISSN 1553-992X).



Keywords: Determinants, Farm, Off-farm, Income, Diversification, Push factors

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对万有引力的再考察 (再评广义相对论)






[谭天荣. 对万有引力的再考察. Academia Arena 2010;2(10):62-66]. (ISSN 1553-992X).



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惯性力与加速系的物理学 (一评广义相对论)






[谭天荣. 惯性力与加速系的物理学. Academia Arena 2010;2(10):67-71]. (ISSN 1553-992X).



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Laws of Nature: Genesis and Enforcement


Dr Javed Jamil*


doctorforu123@yahoo.com, javedjamil@rediffmail.com


Abstract: According to the news reports, the eminent British theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking argues in a new book that ‘God did not create the universe and the "Big Bang" was an inevitable consequence of the laws of physics. In "The Grand Design," co-authored with U.S. physicist Leonard Mlodinow, Hawking says a new series of theories made a creator of the universe redundant, according to the Times newspaper which published extracts on Thursday. "Because there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing. Spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing, why the universe exists, why we exist," Hawking writes. "It is not necessary to invoke God to light the blue touch paper and set the universe going."’ It is unfortunate that the opposition to the existence of God has become such a precondition for the think-tank of the New World Order that scientists who oppose God are being given all the attention, and those that argue against atheism are normally ignored. Hawking says that the creation of the universe is the automatic consequence of the laws of nature. But the question arises: What is the genesis of these laws and how they are being enforced. In my paper, I will discuss the questions related to Genesis and Enforcement of laws.

Academia Arena 2010;2(10):72-79]. (ISSN 1553-992X).



Keywords: Laws of Nature, General Theory of Relativity, Einsteinianism

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Role Of Cassava In Minimizing Household Food Insecurity In Owerri North L.G.A Of Imo State


Emenyonu, Christopher Akujuobi

Department of Agricultural Economics, Federal University of Technology Owerri, P.M.B. 1526 Owerri Imo State. cemenyonu@yahoo.com, +2348028347174.

Inyang, Nyambi .N.

Cross Rivers State University of Technology Obubra, nyambiinyang@yahoo.com, +2348037376104.

Ohajianya Donatus .O.

Department of Agricultural Economics, Federal University of Technology Owerri, P.M.B. 1526 Owerri Imo State. dohajianya@yahoo.com, +2348035438019.

Henri-Ukoha Ada

Department of Agricultural Economics, Federal University of Technology Owerri, P.M.B. 1526 Owerri Imo State. haukoha@yahoo.com, +2348036682823.

 Onyemauwa Sebastian .C.

Department of Agricultural Economics, Federal University of Technology Owerri, P.M.B. 1526 Owerri Imo State. csonyemauwa@yahoo.com, +2348069284242.

 Kadiri Fuasat Ajoke

Department of Agricultural Economics, Federal University of Technology Owerri, P.M.B. 1526 Owerri Imo State. fakadiri@yahoo.com, +2348023310601.


Abstract: This study was aimed at analyzing' the role of cassava in minimizing household food insecurity in Owerri North L.G.A. of Imo State, based on the survey of 70 randomly selected households. The specific objectives were to determine the quantity of cassava consumed per household; factors influencing the quantity consumed and estimate the percentage contribution of cassava towards meeting daily calorific requirement as well as identification of the constraints that influence cassava consumption in the area. Multiple regression analysis was run in a bid to estimate the factors that affect the quantity of cassava consumed. The results of the analysis showed that price of cassava, price of close substitutes and household sizes were the major determinants and hence significant measures of cassava quantity consumed in the area. Food security here was measured in terms of energy value in the quantity consumed and entitlement (availability and price when compared with close substitutes) it was observed that cassava made 36% contribution towards meeting daily energy requirement per adult and hence does not provide enough food security when compared with the standard for an adult, but in terms of entitlement, it was a food secure crop as it was the cheapest and most readily available when compared with other close substitutes. The major constraint faced by the respondents was the cost of the product. Though most of the household produce it, it is often taken outside the council area to market so as to meet other family needs. It was therefore recommend that to mitigate food security in the council area, other products of cassava should be enhanced to increase household consumption of the products and again the provision of more processing centers in the villages will reduce the cost of the product.

[Emenyonu, Christopher Akujuobi, Inyang, Nyambi .N., Ohajianya Donatus .O., Henri-Ukoha Ada Onyemauwa Sebastian .C., Kadiri Fuasat AjokeRole Of Cassava In Minimizing Household Food Insecurity In Owerri North L.G.A Of Imo State. Academia Arena 2010;2(10):80-85]. (ISSN 1553-992X).



Keywords: Roles, Cassava, Minimizing, Household, Food Insecurity, Imo State

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Nesting Behaviour of a Tropical Avian Species, the Pied Bush Chat (Saxicola caprata)


Vinaya Kumar Sethi, Dinesh Bhatt, Amit Kumar and Vivek Saxena
Department of Zoology and Environmental Science, Gurukul Kangri University,

Haridwar 249 404, Uttarakhand, India

E-mails: vinayaksethi@yahoo.co.in, dineshharidwar@gmail.com


Abstract: Nesting behaviour in majority of bird species in India is poorly studied. The present study deals with some aspects of breeding behaviour in the Pied Bush Chat (Saxicola caprata) such as the length of breeding season, peak breeding activity, nest site selection, nest building and nest site characteristics. Observations were made during March-June in 2008 and 2009 in the scrub lands, agricultural fields and suburban areas of district Haridwar (290 55' N and 780 08' E; Himalayan foothills of Uttarakhand state), India. Systematic field visits were carried out in most parts of the day almost on alternate days. The breeding activities of Pied Bush Chat commenced in late February and continued till July. The peak in breeding activity was observed in May as maximum clutches (35%) were observed in this month. Nest-site selection was performed by both the sexes. However, final decision seemed to be of the female. Male initially explored the whole territory and inspected various sites such as quarries, gravel pits, road cuttings, construction site, under-bushes etc. Thereafter, he approached the female to show her sites for final selection. Only female performed the nest building. Nest was an open cup made up of grasses and rootlets tucked into a hole or crevice. Nest construction period averaged 8.47±2.68 days and did not vary between study periods. The outer nest diameter, cup diameter and cup depth were measured 76.32±5.52 mm, 61.3±4.26 mm, and 51.73±3.61 mm respectively.

[Vinaya Kumar Sethi, Dinesh Bhatt, Amit Kumar and Vivek Saxena. Nesting behaviour of a tropical avian species, the Pied Bush Chat (Saxicola caprata). Academia Arena 2010;2(10):86-90]. (ISSN 1553-992X).



Key words: Breeding season, bird, nesting behaviour, Pied Bush Chat, Saxicola caprata

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Uptake of Phosphate and Heavy Metals by Sorghum in Automobile Waste affected Typic HaplustuLt in South east Nigeria.


C.N. Mbah

Department of Soil Science and Environmental Management, Ebonyi State University, P.M.B. 053, Abakaliki, Ebonyi StateNigeria.



Abstract: This study investigated the phosphate (P04-) and heavy metal (Cu, Zn, Fe, Pb and Cd) uptake by sorghum in a typic haplustult affected by automobile waste. Results of the study showed that automobile waste enriched the soil with heavy metals above maximum acceptable limits. Similarly, higher levels of P04- and heavy metals were observed in the roots and shoots of sorghum in automobile waste soil relative to the control. However, observed levels of heavy metals in the test crop were within normal range in plants for automobile and control soils. Automobile waste soils in the area are safe for agricultural activities.

[C.N. Mbah. Uptake of Phosphate and Heavy Metals by Sorghum in Automobile Waste affected Typic HaplustuLt in South east Nigeria. Academia Arena 2010;2(10):91-93]. (ISSN 1553-992X).



Keywords: normal range, acceptable limit, heavy metals, sorghum, agricultural activities automobile waste

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The articles in this issue are presented as online first for peer-review starting from August 25, 2010. 
All comments are welcome: editor@sciencepub.net

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