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Science Journal


Academia Arena


Volume 4 - Number 11 (Cumulated No. 41), November 25, 2012, ISSN 1553-992X, Monthy

Cover (online), Cover (print), Introduction, Contents, Call for Papers, All papers in one file


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Recommended by王德奎 (y-tx@163.com) and Zhang Dongsheng (zds@outlook.com)



[林云璀. 《世界科学工厂高等数学-物理》绪---非线性希格斯粒子数学讨论(8. Academ Arena 2012;4(11):1-12] (ISSN 1553-992X). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 1



关键词:韦尔张量 里奇张量 暴涨子 澜源容杯

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The various verses and Hadiths and will strive to maintain and preserve human life and breath to Muslims in the Muslim community




Abstract: This paper focuses on the various verses and Hadiths and will strive to maintain and preserve human life and breath to Muslims in the Muslim community to the issue of blood loss or the base of the "Muslim tail Layzhb Hdra" investigate and scrutinize the data. The meaning of this rule will be discussed as follows in the blood of a Muslim to examine situational judgment and explanation. Diego is not known if the killer is not toppled, but it should be paid to the heirs of the victim to the treasury and the rule of Muslim blood reflects not only the value but also the duty to express his government's tasks.

[Anonymity. The various verses and Hadiths and will strive to maintain and preserve human life and breath to Muslims in the Muslim community. Academ Arena 2012;4(10):13-19] (ISSN 1553-992X). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 2



Keywords: Diego - treasury - rules - rules state

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The Relationship between Workplace Spirituality and organizational Loyalty; the Mediator role of Structural Empowerment


Alireza Mooghali


Department of Management, Payame Noor University, I.R. Iran


Abstract: The current research examines the mediator role of structural empowerment in the relationship between organizational spirituality and loyalty in Telecommunication Company of Fars province. At the first reliability coefficients calculated to determine if the measures are reliable. Alpha cronbach coefficients showed that the measures are reliable. Then kurtosis and skewness coefficients and correlation analysis showed that we are able to conduct the path analysis. Then data analyzed using LISREL software. Analyses showed that the structural empowerment plays a mediator role in the relationship between workplace spirituality and loyalty.

[Alireza Mooghali. The Relationship between Workplace Spirituality and organizational Loyalty; the Mediator role of Structural Empowerment. Academ Arena 2012;4(11):20-22] (ISSN 1553-992X). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 3



Keywords: Empowerment, Spirituality, Structural empowerment, mediator role, Loyalty,

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 张洞生Zhang Dongsheng zds@outlook.com


《前言》。作者在<对黑洞学、宇宙学的一些新观念、新公式、和新结论>[1]一文和其它的文章中,根据经典理论物理的基本原理,推导出来了一系列有关黑洞、宇宙学和信息的新公式。其中最重要的是推导出来了黑洞总质量Mb 和在其视界半径Rb上的霍金量子辐射mss 的准确公式(1d),即mssMb = hC/8πG = 1.187´10-10g2。霍金第一个将量子力学用于黑洞,证明在黑洞视界半径Rb上有温度,会发射霍金量子辐射。黑洞的基本原理本来是经典理论的产物,但是霍金用非经典理论的狄拉克海来解释黑洞发射量子辐射mss。霍金解释说,由于真空是大量的虚粒子对不断快速产生和湮灭的真空海洋,这就使得粒子对中的负粒子被黑洞捕获而正粒子在外部世界显形,这就是黑洞中正粒子逃出黑洞的原因。[2] 更重要的是,由于宇宙中黑洞的Mb相差约1060g等级,所以其mss也应相差约1060g等级,这样,真空中各处的虚粒子对也应相差约1060g等级才能与mss配对,这怎么可能呢?所以,霍金是在用无法证实的新物理理论‘故弄玄虚’来解释黑洞的霍金辐射,又无法将霍金辐射量化,从而使霍金误入歧途,没有找出mss的公式(1d),使黑洞理论仍然是一个跛脚理论。作者因为得出了精确的mss公式(1d),不仅完善了黑洞的基本理论,还将黑洞理论与宇宙学、普朗克领域和信息学的基本原理能自洽地联系起来,得出了许多重要的结论。1.本文的目的在于利用在<对黑洞学、宇宙学的一些新观念、新公式、和新结论>[1]一文和其它的文章中中论证、推导出来的许多重要新结论,对作者得出的黑洞和宇宙学的新观点作一个系统的、有重点的介绍和补充,以便大家能清晰地认识黑洞理论和宇宙学的最新进展和尚未解决的问题。至于对许多较复杂的公式的推导和证明,和对一些观点的论证,请看参考文献[1]中作者的有关黑洞和宇宙学的文章。2. 本文只探讨研究论证球对称、无旋转、无电荷的史瓦西(Karl Schswarzschild)黑洞。

[张洞生. 黑洞理论和宇宙学的一些新进展. Academ Arena 2012;4(11):23-30] (ISSN 1553-992X). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 4



Keywords: 黑洞学; 宇宙学; 理论物理; 信息; 质量; 辐射

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Valuation of Trademarks and Effective Factors On That in the Context of Listed manufacturing Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange


Mohammad Hosein Dasti

Student of Islamic Azad University, Khalij Fars Center, apadana_m_z@yahoo.com

Ali Nasiri Aghdam (Ph.D)

Assistante professor of Tehran Motaleat university, alinasiri110@gmail.com

Habibollah Rasoli

Member of Scientific Staff of Abadan Islamic Azad University, rasoli_h@yahoo.ir


Abstract: The purpose of this research is Valuation of Trademarks and Effective Factors On That in the Context of Listed manufacturing Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange in the context of companies listed in Tehran stock exchange. In this research, Effective Factors are profetibility, salses revenues, cash flows of operating, advertising, E/P ratio, size and age of firm. sample is 76 firms listed in Tehran stock exchange that are analyzed for the period of 2004-2009 by using of the Pooled Data system and Ordinary Least Square Regressions (OLS) Model. Research has seven hypotheses that investigations relationship between independent variables and Valuation of Trademarks as dependent variable. The results show that profetibility, salses revenues, cash flows of operating, advertising, E/P ratio and age of firm are significantly associated with the Valuation of Trademarks and size of firm is not significantly associated with the Valuation of Trademarks.

[Mohammad Hosein Dasti, Ali Nasiri Aghdam, Habibollah Rasoli. Valuation of Trademarks and Effective Factors On That in the Context of Listed manufacturing Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange. Academ Arena 2012;4(11):31-48] (ISSN 1553-992X). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 5



Keywords: Trademarks, Brand, Performance Indaxes, Cash Flows of Operating, Advertising

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The articles in this issue are presented as online first for peer-review starting from November 1, 2012. 
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