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Science Journal


Academia Arena


ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online), doi prefix: 10.7537, Monthly

Volume 8 - Number 5 (Cumulated No. 83),  May 25, 2016

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Analysis Of Shrimp Bycatch In The Nematopalaemon Shrimp Fishery Of Okoro River Estuary, Southeastern Nigeria


*Ukpatu John and Eyo Ambrose


Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Environmental Management, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Uyo, P.M.B 1017 Uyo Nigeria.

*Corresponding author: 08027716902; E-mail: etitigwun@yahoo.com


Abstract: The species composition, size structure, length frequency and length at first maturity (L50) of shrimps and bycatch in the Nematopalaemon shrimp fishery in the fishing grounds of Okoro River estuary, Southeastern, Nigeria were studied for 12 consecutive months (April 2011 to March 2012). Seven (7) shrimp species belonging to three (3) families were identified in the catch, while forty-one (41) species belonging to 29 families of fishes constituted the bycatch species and are juveniles with a total length range of 0.32 to 46 cm. The catch composition comprised palaemonidae, penaeidae, hyppolytidae, teleostei, elasmobranch and invertebrate families. Sciaenidae and clupeidae recorded the most abundant families in the bycatch component, while the squids are mainly of the family, Ommastrophedae. Total catch consisted of 85% shrimp, 14% bycatch and 0.81% crabs/squids. Shrimp to bycatch ratio was calculated as 6:1, while crabs to squids ratio was 7:1. One sample t-test found a significant difference (p<0.05) between mean length (Lmean) and length at maturity (Lm) for 16 species. Maturity length (Lm) value was significantly greater than mean length (Lmean) for 30 out of the 41 bycatch species analyzed, indicating that young and immature fishes were harvested. There is a danger that too many fish may be caught before they could spawn and replace themselves. The results can be interpreted as an important tool in monitoring of artisanal shrimp fishery and in the evaluation of bycatch component.

[Ukpatu John and Eyo Ambrose. Analysis Of Shrimp Bycatch In The Nematopalaemon Shrimp Fishery Of Okoro River Estuary, Southeastern Nigeria. Academ Arena 2016;8(5):1-9]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 1.



Key Words: bycatch-to-shrimp ratio, Lmean/Lm ratio, shrimp trawl fisheries, Okoro River estuary, Southeastern Nigeria

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Replacement value of millet for maize as a source of energy in the diets of growing rabbits.


M. Abubakar*, R. Ahmed, and 1Y.A. Kirfi


Animal Production Programme, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi, Nigeria

1Department of Animal Science and Range Management, MAUTECH Yola, Adamawa state

*Corresponding Author email: mabubakarkobi@yahoo.co.uk


Abstract: The study was conducted to determine the replacement value of millet for maize as a source of energy in the diets of growing rabbits. Forty weaned mongrel rabbits were used for the study. The rabbits were randomly assigned to five dietary treatments with eight rabbits per treatments. The rabbits were kept for eight weeks during which they were fed formulated feed in which maize was replaced with millet at 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% levels in the diets. 1 control, 2, 3, 4, and 5 respectively replacing maize as a source of energy. The results on the performance of the rabbits fed the experimental diets for daily feed intake showed no significant (p> 0.05) difference in all the treatments. Daily water intake was highly significant (P<0.001) with the highest value recorded in T2 (211.09ml) and lower value in T1 (148.9ml). No significant (P>0.05) difference recorded in the initial weight, while the final weight was different (P<0.05) in T2, T4 and T5, but not significant (P>0.05) in T1 and T3. Daily weight gain showed no significant (P>0.05) difference among T2, T4 and T3, T5 but significantly different (P<0.05) in T1. Feed conversion was recorded significant (P<0.05) in T4, while no significant (P>0.05) difference in T1, T2 and T3, T5. The carcass evaluation revealed that pelt, liver and lungs were recorded highly significant (P<0.001) difference. Kidney and kidney fat were high in significant (P<0.01) difference. Dressing percentage was also significant (P<0.05) while live weight, carcass weight, head, tail, small intestine, large intestine, spleen, heart and stomach were all similar across the treatments. In the economic analysis, the total feed intake was observed higher in T5 (3.96kg) and least feed intake in T4 (3.81kg). T1 had the highest feed cost/kg. Total weight gain was higher in T4 and feed cost/gain was observed high in T1 with the value (N78.28).

[M. Abubakar, R. Ahmed and Y.A. Kirfi. Replacement value of millet for maize as a source of energy in the diets of growing rabbits. Academ Arena 2016;8(5):10-14]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 2.



Key Words: millet (Pennisetum typhoid), Energy source, rabbit

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Recommended: Zhang Dongsheng, zhangds12@hotmail.com


  要:揭示宇宙空间问题是一件庞大的认识工程。“距离是一个时间概念” “时间是三维的”,通过改变人们对“距离”、“时间”概念的固有认识,建立了“时间球”宇宙模型。从“时间球”角度揭示了宇宙是什么样子的,何为宇宙的中心和边界。同时指出了时间在时空中的相对性的原因,阐述了光线运动轨迹问题、光线弯曲及曲率函数问题,解释了背景辐射现象和光速不可叠加现象。并且根据“时间球”宇宙模型对宇宙现象作出了一些推论和解释。

[郭丙善. 宇宙边界和时间的相对性——膨胀的“时间球”. Academ Arena 2016;8(5):15-32]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 3.




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The Impact of the Intangible Asset on Business Performance: Empirical Study on Algerian Companies


Dr Bouguesri Sarra1 & Pr Benabou Djillali2


1. University of Chlef, Algeria 02000; 2. University of Mascara, Algeria, 29000

sara9002007@yahoo.fr, djbenabou@yahoo.fr


Abstract: The purpose of the study is to investigate the impact of Intellectual Capital (IC) In Algerian Companies' Business Performance (BP). The data was collected from 307 employees by means of a questionnaire. Statistical techniques such as descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA test, correlation and multiple regressions were employed. To confirm the suitability of data collection instrument, a Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) test, Cronbach’s Alpha and factor analysis were used. The present study found that each of the three types of intellectual capital to be associated with increased business performance. Human capital, structural capital and relational capital exhibited weak relationship with business performance. The relationship between structural capital and performance become statistically significant in the study with weakness relationship. IC should be taken into serious consideration when formulating the companies' strategy. Finally, these results refer the necessary to increase the awareness of the manager to the importance of the intellectual capital component’s in result to increase the business performance.

[Bouguesri Sarra & Benabou Djillali. The Impact of the Intangible Asset on Business Performance: Empirical Study on Algerian Companies. Academ Arena 2016;8(5):33-42]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 4.



Key Words: Intellectual Capital (IC), Human Capital (HC), Structural Capital (SC), Relational Capital (RC), Algerian companies, Business Performance (BP).


L’Impact du Capital Immatériel sur la Performance de l’Entreprise: Etude Empirique sur les Sociétés Algériennes.


Dr Bouguesri Sarra1 & Pr Benabou Djillali2


1. University of Chlef, Algeria 02000; 2. University of Mascara, Algeria, 29000

sara9002007@yahoo.fr, djbenabou@yahoo.fr


Résumé: Le but de l'étude est d'étudier l'impact du capital intellectuel (CI) sur la performance de l’entreprise dans les sociétés Algériennes. Les données ont été recueillies auprès de 307 employés par questionnaire. Les techniques statistiques telles que les statistiques descriptives, le test t de Student, le test ANOVA, la corrélation et les régressions multiples ont été utilisés. Et pour confirmer l'aptitude de l'instrument de collecte de données, nous avons utilisé le test Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) et l’indice alpha de Cronbach. La présente étude démontre que chacun des trois types du capital intellectuel doit être associé avec la performance accrue de l'entreprise. Le capital humain, le capital structurel et le capital relationnel ont montré une relation faible avec la performance de l'entreprise. La relation entre le capital structurel et les performances deviennent statistiquement significative dans l'étude avec une relation faible. Le capital intellectuel devrait être sérieusement pris en considération lors de l’élaboration de la stratégie des entreprises. Enfin, les résultats obtenus font référence à la nécessité d’accroître la sensibilisation du gestionnaire quant à l'importance des composantes du capital intellectuel dont le résultat est d'augmenter la performance de l'entreprise.

[Bouguesri S, Benabou D. L’Impact du Capital Immatériel sur la Performance de l’Entreprise : Etude Empirique sur les Sociétés Algériennes. Academ Arena 2016;8(5):33-42]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 4.



Mots clés: Capital intellectuel - Capital humain - Capital structurel - Capital Relationnel - Sociétés Algériennes - Performance de l’entreprise.

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Systematic Review on Microbiological and Physicochemical Indicators of Water Quality


Ruhuoma Wosu Kinika1, Chisom Ejileugha1, Asiton-a Asifamabia Dick 2


1Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Science, University of Port Harcourt, P.M.B 5323, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria

2Department of Science Laboratory Technology, School of Science and Technology, Rivers State College of Arts and Science, P.M.B. 5936, Rumuola, Port Harcourt, Nigeria.

unipas013@gmail.com; asitona@yahoo.com


Abstract: Water is one of the most important natural resources, and there are many conflicting demands upon it. Skillful management of water bodies is required if they are to be used for such diverse purposes as domestic and industrial supply, crop irrigation, transport, recreation sport, and commercial fisheries, power generation and waste disposal. Water quality simply refers to the overall characteristics of aquatic environment. Once maximum acceptable concentrations of selected variables in relation to water use have been exceeded, or the aquatic habitat and biota have been markedly modified, the water quality is usually defined as polluted. Water that is free of disease-producing microorganisms and chemical substances deleterious to health is called potable water. Water contaminated with either domestic or industrial wastes is called non-potable or polluted water. The assessment of portability generally is based on knowledge of sanitary condition of the supply as determined by bacteriological monitoring. Water quality monitoring is based on the detection of coliform and the specific indicator of human faecal contamination, Escherichia coli.  Description of the quality of the aquatic environment can be carried out in a variety of ways. It can be achieved either through quantitative measurement (in the water, particulate material or biological tissues) and biochemical/biological or through semi-qualitative descriptions such as biotic indices, visual aspects, species inventories, odour and others.

[R. Wosu Kinika, C. Ejileugha and A. A. Dick. Systematic Review on Microbiological and Physicochemical Indicators of Water Quality. Academ Arena 2016;8(5):43-55]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 5.



Key words: Water quality, microorganisms, bacteriological monitoring, human faecal contamination

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Systematic Review on Microbiological and Physicochemical Indicators of Water Quality


Ruhuoma Wosu Kinika1, Chisom Ejileugha1, Asiton-a Asifamabia Dick 2


1Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Science, University of Port Harcourt, P.M.B 5323, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria

2Department of Science Laboratory Technology, School of Science and Technology, Rivers State College of Arts and Science, P.M.B. 5936, Rumuola, Port Harcourt, Nigeria.

unipas013@gmail.com; asitona@yahoo.com


Abstract: Water is one of the most important natural resources, and there are many conflicting demands upon it. Skillful management of water bodies is required if they are to be used for such diverse purposes as domestic and industrial supply, crop irrigation, transport, recreation sport, and commercial fisheries, power generation and waste disposal. Water quality simply refers to the overall characteristics of aquatic environment. Once maximum acceptable concentrations of selected variables in relation to water use have been exceeded, or the aquatic habitat and biota have been markedly modified, the water quality is usually defined as polluted. Water that is free of disease-producing microorganisms and chemical substances deleterious to health is called potable water. Water contaminated with either domestic or industrial wastes is called non-potable or polluted water. The assessment of portability generally is based on knowledge of sanitary condition of the supply as determined by bacteriological monitoring. Water quality monitoring is based on the detection of coliform and the specific indicator of human faecal contamination, Escherichia coli. Description of the quality of the aquatic environment can be carried out in a variety of ways. It can be achieved either through quantitative measurement (in the water, particulate material or biological tissues) and biochemical/biological or through semi-qualitative descriptions such as biotic indices, visual aspects, species inventories, odour and others.

[R. Wosu Kinika, C. Ejileugha and A. A. Dick. Systematic Review on Microbiological and Physicochemical Indicators of Water Quality. Academ Arena 2016;8(5):56-68]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 6.



Key words: Water quality, microorganisms, bacteriological monitoring, human faecal contamination

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Theory of Consciousness


Edouard Asseo


Telecommunications Engineer, Ph.D. in Philosophy Epistemology (France)



Abstract: The Theory of Consciousness has been published and presented in several conferences. Its originality is to call into question the Postulate of Objectivity on which today-science relies, to define consciousness as knowledge of knowledge and to formulate knowledge (or awareness) as a mathematical function. The purpose of this document is to present the following first steps of the Theory: (1) Definition of the feeling of consciousness. (2) Formulation of the Postulate of objectivity. (3) Introduction to the knowledge function. (4) Introduction to the Fundamental Relations. (5) The Principle of the Theory of Consciousness: the Theory must be global. (6) Explaining how the knowledge function complying to the Fundamental Relations satisfies our definition of the feeling of consciousness. (7) The Theory of Consciousness as a new paradigm in Physics. We will then give a quick explanation of the overall architecture of the Theory presented here below.

[Edouard Asseo. Theory of Consciousness. Academ Arena 2016;8(5):69-77]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 7.



Keywords: Theory; Consciousness; conference; Postulate; Objectivity; science; knowledge; formulate; awareness; mathematical function

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Automorphic Functions And Fermat’s Last Theorem (1)


Jiang, Chun-Xuan (蒋春暄)


Institute for Basic Research, Palm Harbor, FL34682-1577, USA

And: P. O. Box 3924, Beijing 100854, China (蒋春暄,北京3924信箱,100854)

jiangchunxuan@sohu.com, cxjiang@mail.bcf.net.cn, jcxuan@sina.com, Jiangchunxuan@vip.sohu.com, jcxxxx@163.com


Abstract: In 1637 Fermat wrote: “It is impossible to separate a cube into two cubes, or a biquadrate into two biquadrates, or in general any power higher than the second into powers of like degree: I have discovered a truly marvelous proof, which this margin is too small to contain.” This means:  has no integer solutions, all different from 0(i.e., it has only the trivial solution, where one of the integers is equal to 0). It has been called Fermat’s last theorem (FLT). It suffices to prove FLT for exponent 4. and every prime exponent . Fermat proved FLT for exponent 4. Euler proved FLT for exponent 3. In this paper using automorphic functions we prove FLT for exponents  and , where  is an odd prime. The proof of FLT must be direct. But indirect proof of FLT is disbelieving.

[Jiang, Chun-Xuan (蒋春暄). Automorphic Functions And Fermat’s Last Theorem (1). Academ Arena 2016;8(5):78-84]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 8.



Keywords: Automorphic Function; Fermat’s Last Theorem; Jiang Chunxuan; number

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Automorphic Functions And Fermat’s Last Theorem3 (Fermat’s Proof of FLT)


Jiang, Chun-Xuan (蒋春暄)


Institute for Basic Research, Palm Harbor, FL34682-1577, USA

And: P. O. Box 3924, Beijing 100854, China (蒋春暄,北京3924信箱,100854)

jiangchunxuan@sohu.com, cxjiang@mail.bcf.net.cn, jcxuan@sina.com, Jiangchunxuan@vip.sohu.com, jcxxxx@163.com


Abstract: In 1637 Fermat wrote: “It is impossible to separate a cube into two cubes, or a biquadrate into two biquadrates, or in general any power higher than the second into powers of like degree: I have discovered a truly marvelous proof, which this margin is too small to contain.” This means:  has no integer solutions, all different from 0(i.e., it has only the trivial solution, where one of the integers is equal to 0). It has been called Fermat’s last theorem (FLT). It suffices to prove FLT for exponent 4 and every prime exponent . Fermat proved FLT for exponent 4. Euler proved FLT for exponent 3. In this paper using automorphic functions we prove FLT for exponents  and , where  is an odd prime. We rediscover the Fermat proof. The proof of FLT must be direct. But indirect proof of FLT is disbelieving.

[Jiang, Chun-Xuan (蒋春暄). Automorphic Functions And Fermat’s Last Theorem3 (Fermat’s Proof of FLT). Academ Arena 2016;8(5):85-92]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 9.



Keywords: Automorphic Function; Fermat’s Last Theorem; Jiang Chunxuan; number

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New Gravitational Formula:


Jiang, Chun-Xuan (蒋春暄)


Institute for Basic Research, Palm Harbor, FL34682-1577, USA

And: P. O. Box 3924, Beijing 100854, China (蒋春暄,北京3924信箱,100854)

jiangchunxuan@sohu.com, cxjiang@mail.bcf.net.cn, jcxuan@sina.com, Jiangchunxuan@vip.sohu.com, jcxxxx@163.com


Abstract: Using two methods we deduce the new gravitational formula. Tardyonic rotating motion produces the centrifugal force ,but tachyonic rotating motion produces the centripetal force, that is gravity(引力不是暗物质产生的,1976年我们推出新引力公式,就否定暗物质存在) Using it we establish the expansion theory of the universe and suggest the new universe model. We prove that in the universe there are no dark matter and no dark energy. New gravitational formula changes all that. Multiverse, inflation and primordial gravitational waves do not exist.

[Jiang, Chun-Xuan (蒋春暄). New Gravitational Formula: . Academ Arena 2016;8(5):93-100]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 10.



Keywords: new gravitational formula, expansion theory of universe, new universe model

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Jiang, Chun-Xuan (蒋春暄)


Institute for Basic Research, Palm Harbor, FL34682-1577, USA

And: P. O. Box 3924, Beijing 100854, China (蒋春暄,北京3924信箱,100854)

jiangchunxuan@sohu.com, cxjiang@mail.bcf.net.cn, jcxuan@sina.com, Jiangchunxuan@vip.sohu.com, jcxxxx@163.com


摘要: 在旋转运动时,亚光速粒子(慢子)产生离心力,而超光速粒子(快子)产生向心力,即引力。

[Jiang, Chun-Xuan (蒋春暄). What is Gravity? Academ Arena 2016;8(5):101-106]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 11. doi:10.7537/marsaaj080516.11


Keywords: 旋转运动; 亚光速粒子(慢子); 离心力; 超光速粒子(快子); 向心力; 引力


What is Gravity?


Jiang, Chun-Xuan (蒋春暄)


Institute for Basic Research, Palm Harbor, FL34682-1577, USA

And: P. O. Box 3924, Beijing 100854, China (蒋春暄,北京3924信箱,100854)

jiangchunxuan@sohu.com, cxjiang@mail.bcf.net.cn, jcxuan@sina.com, Jiangchunxuan@vip.sohu.com, jcxxxx@163.com


Abstract: In rotating motion subluminal particles (tardyons) produce centrifugal force, superluminal particles (tachyons) produce centripetal force, that is gravity.

[Jiang, Chun-Xuan (蒋春暄). What is Gravity? Academ Arena 2016;8(5):101-106]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 11.



Keywords: rotating motion; subluminal particles (tardyons); centrifugal force; superluminal particles (tachyons) centripetal force; gravity

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The articles in this issue are presented as online first for peer-review starting from May 12, 2016. 

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