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Science Journal


Academia Arena


ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online), doi prefix:10.7537, Monthly

Volume 8 - Number 12 (Cumulated No. 90), December 25, 2016

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The impact of intellectual capital on Internal organizational entrepreneurship and financial performance of the Directorate General of prisons in Khuzestan province


Hamid Hazbavi1*, Belghis Bavarsad2**


*1Department of Financial Management, Persian Gulf International Branch, Islamic Azad university, Khorramshahr, Iran

**2 Assistant Professor, Department of Financial Management in Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Iran


Abstract: The present study aimed to investigate the impact of intellectual capital on Internal organizational entrepreneurship and financial performance of the Directorate General of prisons in Khuzestan province. The statistical population of this study have composed of all staff of in the Directorate General of prisons in Khuzestan province. Whose number is equal to 200. Which according to Morgan’s table, the sample size is 127, which were selected by convenience sampling method and questionnaires were distributed among them. All information of field requirements by Three questionnaires Questionnaire intellectual capital (Bontis, 1998), Internal organizational entrepreneurship Questionnaire (Moghimi et al, 2012) and Questionnaire financial performance (Azizi, 2012) were collected. Questionnaire validity by technique content validity and Questionnaire reliability by technique a Cronbach's alpha test was confirmed. Structural equation modeling technique SEM (Software Smart-Pls), were used to test the research hypotheses. ​Results showed that the dimensions of intellectual capital on Internal organizational entrepreneurship and financial performance of the Directorate General of prisons in Khuzestan province has a positive significant impact.

[Hamid Hazbavi, Belghis Bavarsad. The impact of intellectual capital on Internal organizational entrepreneurship and financial performance of the Directorate General of prisons in Khuzestan province. Academ Arena 2016;8(12):1-7]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 1. doi:10.7537/marsaaj081216.01.


Keywords: dimensions of intellectual capital, Internal organizational entrepreneurship, financial performance

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The effect of capital structure on agency costs of free cash flow in companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange


Ahad Rezaei monfared1*, Mahmod Ghaytasvand2**


*Department of Accounting, Persian Gulf International Branch, Islamic Azad university, khorramshahr, iran

**Department of Accounting, Abadan Branch, Islamic Azad university, Abadan, iran


Abstract: The aim of this study is to verify capital structure on agency costs of free cash flow in companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange. In the line of reach to this aim, it is explain three hypotheses and has tested by selecting 130 companies among companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange during 6 years, since 2009 to 2014. Present methodology is application in terms of end and is descriptive and correlational and it has used from combinatory regression and panel data models to test the hypothesis. The results of the statistical analysis of hypotheses show hat company agency costs is under the effect of financing costs (capital structure), so the main hypothesis was accepted.

[Ahad Rezaei monfared, Mahmod Ghaytasvand. The effect of capital structure on agency costs of free cash flow in companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange. Academ Arena 2016;8(12):8-12]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 2. doi:10.7537/marsaaj081216.02.


Keywords: capital structure, agency costs, free cash flow, exchange.

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Recommended王德奎, y-tx@163.com; Zhang Dongsheng, zhangds12@hotmail.com


Abstract: 2016年是一个真正的物理学奇迹年。对我们一懂了弦论是组装,二懂了引力波有路径。而国外诺贝尔物理和化学奖同时助威量子色动弦学的拓扑概念,国内层子模型1966年公开50年后,中国科技大学潘建伟院士主持的墨子号量子通信研究卫星上天,和中科院高能所所长王贻芳院士对丘成桐院士,倡议中国建造大型强子对撞机的大胆支持,显示中国特色社会主义科学抓理论和抓实验,开始两手同时硬,揭开了里奇张量引力量子信息隐形传输的序幕。借助这股东风,在完成《纪念量子色动弦学发轫60周年》一文之后,我们决定在年底前完成最后一篇《张崇安非介质波到施郁说量子电磁波(11----话说粒场波与张量链统一未来之旅》的论文。这主要是想从绵阳富临山庄学术讨论看张崇安先生的“亚光子”学说的发展。正好张崇安先生也来信说:尽管涉及物理学前沿的结论很不好下,但他希望《张崇安非介质波到施郁说量子电磁波(11)》能有些结论。他批评说:“相对论扭曲时空,把光速当做上帝是错的;量子力学几率波是没有看清光本性的一种过渡数学纽带,迟早会退出科学舞台。一个‘周期发射粒子群流’可以把几率波打出原形!所以,如果模糊于相对论、量子力学一些西方玄学,个人认为恐怕还要有些弯路”。他深信中国一阴一阳的古哲学,深信空实二源,看来要与量子色动弦学讲高低。

[曾富. 张崇安非介质波到施郁说量子电磁波(11----话说粒场波与张量链未来统一之旅. Academ Arena 2016;8(12):13-29]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 3. doi:10.7537/marsaaj081216.03.


Keywords: 张崇安; 介质波; 施郁; 量子; 电磁波; 张量

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Results Of Research On Geoscience


Gangadhara Rao Irlapati


H.No.5-30-4/1, Saibaba Nagar, Jeedimetla, Hyderabad – 500 055, Telangana State, INDIA

Email ID: scientistgangadhar@gmail.com


Abstract: Geoscience is an all-encompassing term that refers to the fields of science dealing with earth. Geosciences may include the study of the atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere and biosphere. It is different term than earth science because it deals geological geographysical matters only. I have conducted many researches in the field of geosciences and invented some related discoveries & inventions which may also be useful in understanding the extent of the use of geosciences.

[Gangadhara Rao Irlapati. Results Of Research On Geoscience. Academ Arena 2016;8(12):30-66]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 4. doi:10.7537/marsaaj081216.04.


Keywords: Earth quakes, Geoscope, Monsoons

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An Expansion Model Of The Universe


Chun-Xuan. Jiang


P. O. Box 3924, Beijing 100854, P. R. China



Abstract We find Jiang gravitational formula: . Using it we establish an expansion model of the universe. PACS numbers: 04. 90. +e, 11. 25.-w.

[Chun-Xuan. Jiang. An Expansion Model Of The Universe. Academ Arena 2016;8(12):67-69]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 5. doi:10.7537/marsaaj081216.05.


Keywords: Expansion; Model; Universe; gravitational; formula

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李学生 (Li Xuesheng)


山东大学副教授,理论物理教师, 中国管理科学院学术委员会特约研究员, 北京相对论研究联谊会会员,中国民主同盟盟员(作者为中国科学院高能物理所研究员)

xiandaiwulixue@21cn.com, 1922538071@qq.com


摘要 (Abstract): 当今的理论物理学并不缺乏坚深的数学演绎,缺乏的只是理论发展所需要的活力:新视角、新概念、新思想和深刻的洞察力.新的科学体系的诞生无不是在固有体系的基础上,根据当时所了解的知识,理想化出一系列基本理论,并在这些基本理论基础上发展出来整个体系。但没有人能保证这些基本理论始终有效。当我们学习这些科学体系时,对权威的崇拜,对这些科学体系魅力的迷恋,对整个科学体系坍塌的恐惧使得我们的自由意志与既有结论或权威对立时,我们的第一个反应就是逃避。而作为科学基本的态度和精神的怀疑与批判,则早已被我们置之于脑后。逐渐地,我们就把这些基本理论看成神圣不可侵犯的"公理",即使它们已经不合时宜。

[李学生 (Li Xuesheng). 现代物理学基础的思考之四————《广义相对论的思考》. Academ Arena 2016;8(12):70-76]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 6. doi:10.7537/marsaaj081216.06.


关键词 (Keywords): 理论; 物理;数学; 演绎; 科学

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Need for indigenous knowledge: Important issue in rural development


Azam Ghaffari


Marvdasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht, Iran

E-mail: leila11070@yahoo.com


Abstract: With studying indigenous agriculture we can get points that will help us to design the same systems in industrial countries. Sustainable agriculture which is taken from indigenous systems will remedy the shortcoming of modern agriculture. In a single-product of modern farm, life circles of nature has changed by using chemical poison that give no chance for using principles of ecological agriculture. But completeness (evolution) of culture and environment is the result of local agricultural systems. In indigenous agriculture, variety and alternation of cultivation make minimize the possibility of farming products destruction. Although these systems have resources limitation, but they use of learning advantage and intellectual ways for use of animals, soil and compatible farm species. For this reason, researchers of ecological agriculture know these systems as unexampled kinds to specify constant static scales for agriculture activities. In industrial countries they use of these scales for designing and managing ecological production systems.

[Azam Ghaffari. Need for indigenous knowledge: Important issue in rural development. Academ Arena 2016;8(12):77-81]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 7. doi:10.7537/marsaaj081216.07.


Keywords: indigenous knowledge; rural development; agricultural system

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Automatic Recognition of Handwritten Arabic Text: A Survey


Usman Saeed


Faculty of Computing and Information Technology North Jeddah, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

Email: usaeed@kau.edu.sa


Abstract: Arabic script is the third most widely used writing system after Latin and Chinese, but research in Arabic Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is still nascent in comparison to Latin script. Arabic script is inherently cursive in nature, therefore techniques developed for other scripts are generally inappropriate for Arabic. In this paper we present recent progress in the field of Handwritten Arabic Text Recognition. We present the recent techniques developed, classified as steps of a general OCR system. Beginning with image acquisition and preprocessing techniques for Handwritten Arabic Text Recognition., we next present the methods for segmentation, feature extraction and classification. In the end we conclude with a discussion of future directions in Handwritten Arabic Text Recognition.

[Usman Saeed. Automatic Recognition of Handwritten Arabic Text: A Survey. Academ Arena 2016;8(12):82-85]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 8. doi:10.7537/marsaaj081216.08.


Keywords: Image Processing, Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Arabic OCR.

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Modern ilam (pooshtekooh) and Political conditions of satraps of west of Iran (Poshtkooh) during Qajar regimen


Ebrahim Yaghobi1, Behzad Ovaysi2, Rahman zabihi3


1- Professor of Farhanghian and Bakhtar University, Ilam, Iran, and PhD student of Yerevan State University, Armenia

2- MS of Persian Language and Literature, University of Ilam, Iran

3- Professor Assistant of Persian Language and Literature, University of Ilam, Iran

Mobile: +989188430013; Yaghobi6@yahoo.com


Abstract: Hassan Khan was appointed as governor of Lorestan from 1215 to 1255 AH according to Valian historical writings in Takht Khan remained from Agha Mohammad Khan Qajar Era.  Hasan Khan ruled Poshtkooh area until age 90. After death of Agha Mohammad Khan, his successor Fath Ali Shah undertook to limit the influence of local and border area governors and rulers in order to strengthen his own reign and achieve his designated objectives.  He appointed Qajar governors to those areas he considered problematic for his rule in an attempt to bring Iran in complete control of Qajar rule.  He appointed his able son, Mohammad Ali Mirza Dolatshah, to governorship of Kordestan and Kermanshah.  Lorestan was divided into two areas called Pishkooh and Poshtkooh.  Poshtkooh was a border area and subject to continuous disputes between Iran and Ottoman. Dispute arose between Hassan Khan and his sons, Ali Khan, Ahmad Khan, and Heidar Khan at the end of Hassan Khan's life.  The result of this dispute was the division of Poshtkoof into three areas between Hassan Khan's three sons.  Mohammad Ali Mirza Dolatshah took advantage of the family dispute to weaken Hassan Khan Vali.  He managed to increase its sphere of influence by interfering and supporting sons against father. It is believed that Hassan Khan Vali did not show his loyalty to Fath Ali Shah and reigned as an independent ruler.  His independence forced the central government to weaken his position by conspiring and encouraging family disputes. Hassan Khan Vali was one of the servants to Shahverdi Khan, the last ruler of Atabakan of Lorestan.  He died at age 90 in 1255 AH during Fath Ali Shah era.  He was buried in Keshik Khaneh, in Najaf Ashraf. Vali Heidar Khan ruled Poshtkooh from 1255 to 1273 AH.  His reign was supported by the central government.  Hussein Gholi became Poshtkooh governor after the death of Haidar Khan.  Hussein Gholi Khan earned several titles including Sarem al-Saltaneh, Sardar Ashraf, and Amir Tooman. Qajar historiographers and foreign reporters, including travelers and adventurists who had traveled to Poshtkooh during Nasser al-Din Shah Era and later, had explicitly written about Hussein Gholi Khan's bravery, heroism, and authority.  He earned the title of Aboo Ghaddareh for his harsh suppression of rebellious and unruly Seqvand tribes, who had looted Dezfool, and his continued conflict with Bani Lam Arabs, who were Ottoman citizens and crossed borders in aggression. After death of Hussein Gholi Khan, his son Gholam Reza Khan became Vali.  He had received Fath al-Sultan title after his father's suppression of rebellious tribes.  He later took the title of Sarem al-Sultan.  Gholam Reza took his money and jewelry, moved to Iraq, and settled in Bagdad during Reza Shah Pahlavi era. Gholam Reza moiled over returning to Iran in 1308.  He was even granted respite.  However, Gholam Reza Khan changed his mind about returning after Anvar Lorestan chiefs were hanged in Khorram Abad by Major General Agha Khan Khazaiee upon their return to Iran in spite of respite granted by Iranian authorities with a pledge not to be harmed.

[Ebrahim Yaghobi, Behzad Ovaysi, Rahman zabihi. Modern ilam (pooshtekooh) and Political conditions of satraps of west of Iran (Poshtkooh) during Qajar regimen. Academ Arena. 2016;8(12):86-95]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 9. doi:10.7537/marsaaj081216.09.


Keywords: Poshtkooh Valian, Valigari, Hassan Khan, Heidar Khan, Hussein Khan, Aboo Ghadareh, Gholam Reza Khan

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Sociological description of inclination to superstitions (emphasizing on Cognition Sociology)


Alireza Kaldi


Maryam Karimi Ramsheh


Abstract: One of the sociologists’ interests is superstitions, reasons and its prevalence in the society. This article tries to have a glance on psychological, historical, religious and philosophical viewpoints in analyzing superstitions and also analyzes it from sociological viewpoints and represents the reasons of inclination to superstitions from Cognition Sociological viewpoint, particularly. The methodology is documentary and literary; the researcher tries to describe superstitions through analyzing theories of scholars. Prevalence of superstitions in African mythology as a result of traditional, non-scientific system from viewpoint of Horton (Jahouda, 1992, pp. 185-186); the role of little literacy in worker class from viewpoint of Hugart (same source, p. 241); the relationship between occupation, income and people thoughts from viewpoint of Sugarmann (Alaviyoun, 1994; pp. 76-77) and finally, the spirit of inclination to destiny and superstations in farmers class from viewpoint of Ragers (Rafiee, 2003; p.35) are among theories which have been analyzed in this article.

[Alireza Kaldi. Sociological description of inclination to superstitions (emphasizing on Cognition Sociology). Academ Arena 2016;8(12):96-101]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 10. doi:10.7537/marsaaj081216.10.


Keywords: superstitions, thought, Cognition Sociology, sociological description, social condition, social-economical basis

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The articles in this issue are presented as online first for peer-review starting from December 10, 2016. 

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