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Science Journal


Academia Arena


ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online), doi:10.7537, Monthly

Volume 9 - Number 12 (Cumulated No. 102), December 25, 2017

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梁子章 叶眺新


Recommended: 张洞生 (Zhang Dongsheng), 17 Pontiac Road, West Hartford, CT 06117-2129, USA, zhangds12@hotmail.com, zds@outlook.com; 王德奎 (Wang Dekui), y-tx@163.com


Abstract 摘要:今天超弦理论观控和审视反相反量反中医等极端思潮,已走到应用新时代,能给反相反量反中医等学者,指引一条为中华民族伟大复兴团结一致作贡献的方向。

[梁子章 叶眺新. 张树润与张树斌呈展弦论战争之谜----全息超弦理论的研究与应用(2. Academ Arena 2017;9(12):1-9]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 1. doi:10.7537/marsaaj091217.01.


Keywords 关键词:超弦战争 自由落体实验 量子色动化学

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路小栋 习强


Recommended: 张洞生 (Zhang Dongsheng), 17 Pontiac Road, West Hartford, CT 06117-2129, USA, zhangds12@hotmail.com, zds@outlook.com; 王德奎 (Wang Dekui), y-tx@163.com


Abstract 摘要王孟源博士说,WIMP和它所依据的超对称理论不靠谱。但在美国超弦界影响下,国内外依然坚持做超对称实验。有识之士认为是做虚功,但美国实验还重复投资。他看悟空卫星类似“通美门”,不是“通俄门”:美国和悟空卫星,都是在投资上不明智:美国找不到,中国找到的脚本,也是不可能发生的。

[路小栋 习强. 悟空卫星发现暗物质类似“通美门”吗?----全息超弦理论的研究与应用(4. Academ Arena 2017;9(12):10-16]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 2. doi:10.7537/marsaaj091217.02.


Keywords 关键词:暗物质 弱相互作用 -米尔斯场论

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对美国LIGO声称测到2黑洞碰撞后产生引力波的一些看法==新黑洞理论第12 2017-10-18====本文论证根据拙作《黑洞宇宙学概论》中的「新黑洞理论」==


张洞生 (Zhang Dongsheng)


17 Pontiac Road, West Hartford, CT 06117-2129, USA, zhangds12@hotmail.com, zds@outlook.com





Abstract: <序言>; 新浪科技讯: 北京时间103日傍晚消息,刚刚,瑞典皇家科学院宣布将2017年诺贝尔物理学奖授予三位引力波探测计划的重要科学家,三人均来自LIGO/VIRGO合作组,以奖励他们在“LIGO探测器以及引力波探测方面的决定性贡献。奖金的一半授予莱纳·魏斯(Rainer Weiss),另外一半由巴里·巴里什(Barry C Barish)和基普·索恩(Kip S Thorne)两人分享。

2015914175045秒,LIGO观测到了一次引力波事件,被命名为GW150914,这次事件或许会永载天文学史册,因为它记录下了好几个第一次:第一次探测到引力波,第一次通过引力波直接探测到黑洞,第一次证明了宇宙中存在双黑洞系统(binary black holes),等等。

2016211日,根据近1年来LIGOThe Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory,美国激光干涉引力波天文台)官方的数次报告,LIGO的执行理事David Reitze博士,激动不已地向全世界宣布了这一重要事件,这或许也是100年来人类最为卓越的科学成就之一。"Ladies and gentlemen. We…. have detected…. gravitational waves! We did it!"(女士们先生们,我们已经探测到引力波!我们做到了!)

当然,相信探测到引力波,和证明探测到引力波,中间还有一段过程,这就是为什么前年9月接收到信号,来年的2月才向世界宣布这个消息。在近5个月的时间里,LIGO 需要做的是,100%肯定其结论的正确。在这段时间里,数百人花费了几千个小时检查每一位数据,每一个计算机代码,每个测量,每次计算,每个潜在的非宇宙解释,以及有可能存在的流氓恶意注入(比如某个地方的某个人黑入了LIGO的系统,注入假信号),所有这一切,都被检查,再检查,然后再检查。

[张洞生 (Zhang Dongsheng). 对美国LIGO声称测到2黑洞碰撞后产生引力波的一些看法==新黑洞理论第12 2017-10-18====本文论证根据拙作《黑洞宇宙学概论》中的「新黑洞理论」==. Academ Arena 2017;9(12):17-21]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 3. doi:10.7537/marsaaj091217.03.


Keywords: <关键词>;爱因斯坦的广义相对论;引力波;LIGO2黑洞的碰撞;2017年诺贝尔物理学奖三位获得者----莱纳·魏斯(Rainer Weiss)获得一半,另外一半由巴里·巴里什(Barry C Barish)和基普·索恩(Kip S Thorne)两人分享

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华东建筑设计研究院总院副总工程师, ldy247484@126.com

Recommended 张洞生 (Zhang Dongsheng) 17 Pontiac Road West Hartford CT 06117-2129 USA

zhangds12@hotmail.com, zds@outlook.com


Abstract:首先,‘庄子切棒悖论’是公认未解决的最著名悖论。这悖论与现行教科书没有区分 EQ \o\ac(,n)n n 而把公共编号 EQ \o\ac(,n)n-- EQ \o\ac(,)∞错成n→∞,进而错写成n…有关(n EQ \o\ac(,n)n的不同与 EQ \o\ac(,)∞的不同直接有关,其原始原理请参看[3])。但近年来,由中科院士张景中主编的第二版《数学聊斋》[1]对‘悖论’的概念作出荒谬无理的解释,竟在其 375 页说【悖论不是坏东西……悖论不但有趣,而且有用】,并在他作序的《话说极限》([2])的第 3 页说出低劣错误的【无限段路程之和可以是有限量】(应该‘有限段路程之和是有限量’才正确---请看下面证实。)是在掩盖‘悖论’。理学界掩盖‘悖论’的概念,使之变成谁也搞不懂的‘疑难’的实例很多;但像张景中教授们这种低劣错误却是绝无仅有的。展示在下面的【1】、【2】,是[2]中‘庄子切棒悖论’产生的错误的级数式子。

[陆道渊. ‘庄子切棒悖论’、‘调和级数悖论’等的浅简彻底解决 (本文用创新的‘均分形式’法浅简而彻底的解决了此两大悖论).Academ Arena 2017;9(12):22-25]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 4. doi:10.7537/marsaaj091217.04.



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华东建筑设计研究院总院副总工程师, ldy247484@126.com

Recommended: 张洞生 (Zhang Dongsheng), 17 Pontiac Road, West Hartford, CT 06117-2129, USA,

zhangds12@hotmail.com, zds@outlook.com


Abstract 摘要: 发现并使用“实数”新概念,消除了理学中一切有关的重大悖论(请注意:学术研究中的矛盾一词,实质上分两种概念,必须要分清:1、一个命题自我否定,简称悖,必错;2、两个命题的互相否定,哪个错未确定。所以命题有 就自我否定而不成立。)和疑难,并展示了消悖实例,使数学、理论物理学彻底浅简了。

[陆道渊. 对数学基础的 0 1 的新认识《中国科技纵横》2016 01 . Academ Arena 2017;9(12):26-29]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 5. doi:10.7537/marsaaj091217.05.


Keywords 关键词: 总段 1、〈自然数〉、〈量数〉、〈整数〉等

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路小栋, 习强

Recommended: 张洞生 (Zhang Dongsheng), 17 Pontiac Road, West Hartford, CT 06117-2129, USA, zhangds12@hotmail.com, zds@outlook.com


Abstract  摘要:超弦理论的“弦”,是连接基本粒子和宏观物质化学分子之间的量子纠缠计算与编程的“软件”。它在标准模型的基础上添加的“量子九连环套模型”和“量子卡西米尔效应平板链模型”,能解决21世纪物理学真正“两朵乌云”涉及悟空卫星和墨子卫星争论的要害问题。超弦理论不搞,唯心和唯物的政治争论。
[路小栋 习强. 解读北大陈斌教授盼超弦统一之梦----全息超弦理论的研究与应用(5). Academ Arena 2017;9(12):30-41]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 6. doi:10.7537/marsaaj091217.06.

Keywords 关键词:和谐统一 超弦理论 暗物质 量子纠缠

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Investigate the relationship between stock returns and measures Fama - French and Anderson at al


Naser Yazdani Far1, Hamed Paydar2, Hamid Reza Ranjbar jamal abadi3


1Master of Accounting, Finance officer, mashhad, Iran

 2Master of Accounting, Finance officer, Yazd, Iran

3(Corresponding Author) Master of Accounting, Accountant University medical, Yazd, Iran


Abstract: Stock return is one of the topics found to influence on the investors’ decisions. Assets growth rate is one of the modern variables in predicting the stock returns. In doing so, this study examines the relationship between stock returns and growth rate assets. This is a correlation-descriptive study and the required data is collected from the verified reports of the firms listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange. The multivariate regression tests are used in terms of panel data. The statistical population is composed of 91 firms listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange during a period covering the years from 2006 to 2011. The findings represent that there is a positive direct association between Fama-French variable and stock returns. Additionally, a no significant relationship between Anderson at al and stock returns has been documented.

[Naser Yazdani Far, Master of Accounting, Finance officer, mashhad, Iran. Investigate the relationship between stock returns and measures Fama - French and Anderson at al. Academ Arena 2017;9(12):42-46]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 7. doi:10.7537/marsaaj091217.07.


Keywords: Assets Growth, Size, Stock Return, Fama-French Measure, Anderson Measure

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The study of the economic effects of smuggling goods in the country


Seyed Mahmoud Mosavi1, Dr. Amir Dibaie2*


1Department of law, Faculty of Humanities, Persian Gulf International Branch, Islamic Azad university, khorramshahr, iran

2Department of law, Faculty of Humanities, Persian Gulf International Branch, Islamic Azad university, khorramshahr, iran

Corresponding Author: Dr. Amir Dibaie 2*


Abstract: Trafficking in the secret transfer of point to another is one thing that can be done a variety of different shapes and hidden arrangements. In terms of customs and other government collection, the purpose of trafficking, ferret goods from payment of taxes and duties And transfer and its sales are illegal and prohibited. It is strong in the Third World under the direction and management of global and of course the control and management aspects related to The political dimension of national security, economic and socio-cultural and is connected to the arrogant powers for the purpose of profit and plunder of national resources in developing countries and tapping the policy and The wide-spread movement have begun and in this way to steal the country's resources. No doubt smuggling economy- The production, investment, exports and employment have affected and their impact on it. The most important negative effect of smuggling, its impact on investment. In the meantime, some products organized and directed with the aim of attacking the values and ethical standards and are trafficked to the country in terms of cultural and And increase the gap, wasting national resources, weakening efficiently, reducing hopes of national and public security to reduce the negative consequences of trafficking was political Iran shares borders with seven countries to have foreign (through land border) with different cultures and contrary to Iranian-Islamic culture has always been, Some special attention to economic and physical exploitation and also attracted the attention of others to Politically and culturally and hit the Islamic Republic of Iran was and is (like Turkey and Armenia Culturally and adherence to ethics in rank very low in comparison with the cultural communities affected by the rich culture of Islam). n this article smuggling economic effects on the country's economic system is reviewed and assessed.

[Seyed Mahmoud Mosavi, Dr. Amir Dibaie. The study of the economic effects of smuggling goods in the country. Academ Arena 2017;9(12):47-51]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 8. doi:10.7537/marsaaj091217.08.


Key words: Smuggling, economic effects, economic security, policy, legislative, confront and combat the trafficking phenomenon

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Effects of Varying Fermentation Period on the Chemical Properties of Tropical Sikcle Pod (Senna obtusifolia) Seed Meal


Augustine, C1., Waba, Y.E2., Abdullahi I.A3 and Nyalas, B.P4


1.  Department of Animal Production, Adamawa State University, Mubi, Nigeria.

2.  Federal Polytechnic Bali, Taraba State, Nigeria

3.  Modibbo Adama University of Technology, Yola, Nigeria

4.  Ministry of Livestock, Adamawa State, Nigeria



Abstract: A study was conducted to evaluate the proximate composition, amino acid profile and levels of anti-nutritional factors of Senna obtusifolia seeds subjected to varying fermentation periods. The seeds of Senna obtusifolia were naturally fermented for 0, 3, 5, 7 and 9 days, respectively. Each representative sample was analysed in triplicates in a complete randomized design for dry matter, crude protein, crude fibre, ether extract, nitrogen free extract, amino acids and levels of anti-nutritional factors using standard laboratory procedure. The results indicated an increasing trend as the fermentation period progresses for the protein (26.95 to 28.29%), ash (4.50 to 5.31%) and some amino acid content. Lysine and methionine increased from 1.19 to 2.97g/100g and 2.20 to 2.88g /100g. As the fermentation period progressed, the crude fibre, nitrogen free extract, ether extract and anti-nutritional factors were observed to decrease. Crude fibre decreased from 11.17 to 4.23%, NFE 41.85 to 37.31% and ether extract 3.65 to 1.98%. Similarly, Tannins and oxalates decreased from 5.42 to 1.17 g/100 g and 1.95 to 0.36 g/100 g, respectively. It can be concluded that fermenting Senna obtusifolia seeds for up to 9 days has significantly reduced the levels of ant-nutritional factors and improved the protein and amino acid profile of Senna obtusifolia with less depreciation in some of the proximate components. There is need to conduct further studies to investigate the effect of fermenting Senna obtusifolia seeds beyond nine (9) days. Furthermore, studies should be conducted using fermented Senna obtusifolia seed meal in a feeding trial with a view to evaluating its feeding value.

[Augustine, C., Waba, Y.E., Abdullahi I.A and Nyalas, B.P. Effects of Varying Fermentation Period on the Chemical Properties of Tropical Sikcle Pod (Senna obtusifolia) Seed Meal. Academ Arena 2017;9(12):52-56]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 9. doi:10.7537/marsaaj091217.09.


Keywords: Sickle pod, chemical properties, varying fermentation period.

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GOD’s Mathematical Signs on Earth and in the Heavens


David Bruce Brenton




Abstract: The measurement of the geological features of Earth, including mountain peaks, islands, coastlines, rivers, ancient archeological sites, and, Holy sites, using a protractor, ruler, and compass, along with a Mercator Projection map (used in navigation and aviation), that plainly show that their locations, which current science says should be random, are, in fact, aligned at the cardinal angles, and their divisors, based on the 360 degree protractor. With Easter Rapa Nui Island (first mapped Easter Sunday,1722, meaning “Navel of the World”) and it’s 90 degree north/south alignment with the intersect-point of the Dine’ Tribe Holy Mountains in the Four-Corner states of Arizona/Colorado/New Mexico/Utah. With world famous Easter Rapa Nui Island as the center and starting-point of a geometric/geographic pattern and story, encompassing the globe, proving intelligent design and fulfilling ancient recorded prophesies.

[David Bruce Brenton. GOD’s Mathematical Signs on Earth and in the Heavens. Academ Arena 2017;9(12):57-59]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 10. doi:10.7537/marsaaj091217.10.


Keywords: Jesus, Holy Mary, Holy Mountains, Holy Rivers, Geometry, Mapping, Religions, Archeology, Holy Sites, Astrophysics, Geology, Geography, Sports, Basketball, Baseball, Football, Physics, Odds

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Carcass Characteristics, Organ Weights and Economic Evaluation of Cockerels Fed Raw or Processed Sickle Pod (Senna obtusifolia) Seed Meal Based-Diets


Augustine, C*1., Kwari, I.D2., Igwebuikwe, J.U2., Adamu, S.B2., Doma U.D3. Moses, J.D.4 and Medugu, C.I2


1. Department of Animal Production, Adamawa State University, Mubi, Nigeria.

2. Department of Animal Science University of Maiduguri, Nigeria.

3. Department of Animal Science Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi, Nigeria.

4. Department of Animal Production and Extension, Adamawa State University, Mubi, Nigeria.



Abstract: The scarcity and high cost of conventional feed ingredients still remain a major challenge to the Nigerian poultry industry. Therefore concerted effort has to be put in place to encourage the utilization of a cheaper alternative feed. Senna obtusifolia is one of such alternative feed resource. However, the presence of anti-nutritional factors in the seeds is a major hindrance to the effective utilization of the seeds. This therefore calls for processing of the seeds before incorporation in the diets of chickens. It was in view of the above that, a feeding trial was conducted for one hundred and twelve (112) days to evaluate the carcass characteristics, organ weights and economic performance of cockerels fed raw or processed Senna obtusifolia seed meal based-diets. Six (6) experimental diets were compounded to contain 0 and 20% each of the raw, boiled, soaked, sprouted and fermented Senna obtusifolia seed meal designated as T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 and T6, respectively. Two hundred and sixteen (216) growing cockerels were managed in deep litter pens. The birds were allotted to the six dietary treatments in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) replicated three (3) times with twelve (12) chicks each. Pen location served as the blocking factor. Data were collected on live weight, plucked weight, and dressed weight, dressing percentage, cut-up parts, organ weights and cost-benefits of using Senna obtusifolia seed meal as a feed ingredient for cockerels. The data were analysed using Statistix 8.0 software package. The carcass characteristics were significantly (P<0.05) affected by the dietary treatments except for the head, neck, thorax and shanks. The lowest dressed weight and dressing percentage (402.70 g and 53.96%) were recorded in the group of cockerels fed raw Senna obtusifolia seed meal based-diet. However, the group of cockerels fed the fermented Senna obtusifolia seed meal based-diets indicated better dressed weight (850.35 g) and dressing percentage (63.78%) compared to the other treatment groups fed the raw or processed Senna obtusifolia seed meal based-diets. The cut-up parts significantly (P<0.05) followed similar a trend as that of the dressing percentage. The organ weights were significantly (P<0.05) affected by the dietary treatments except for the empty gizzard, heart and kidney. However, the liver was significantly (P<0.O5) heavier (3.72 g) in the group of cockerels fed raw Senna obtusifolia seed meal based diets. On economic ground, the use of Senna obtusifolia is cost effective except for the raw Senna obtusifolia seed meal which indicated higher feed cost per kilogram body weight gain (N245.54). It can be concluded that the use of fermented Senna obtusifolia seed meal as feed ingredient for cockerels had more biological and economic benefits compared to the other processed Senna obtusifolia seed meals and is therefore recommended for feeding cockerels.

[Augustine, C., Kwari, I.D., Igwebuikwe, J.U., Adamu, S.B., Doma U.D. Moses, J.D. and Medugu, C.I. Carcass Characteristics, Organ Weights and Economic Evaluation of Cockerels Fed Raw or Processed Sickle Pod (Senna obtusifolia) Seed Meal Based-Diets. Academ Arena 2017;9(12):60-66]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 11. doi:10.7537/marsaaj091217.11.


Keywords: Carcass; Characteristics; Organ; Weight; Economic Evaluation; Cockerel; Fed Raw; Processed Sickle Pod; Senna obtusifolia; Seed Meal Based-Diet

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Investigation of Effect Surplus Free cash Flow on Earnings Predictability with Emphasis on Moderating Role of Corporate governance of Listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange


Bentolhoda farhadi1*, tooraje dastyar2


1*Department of Accounting, Ramhormoz Branch, Islamic Azad university, Ramhormoz, iran

2Department of Accounting, Behbahan Branch, Islamic Azad university, Behbahan, iran

Corresponding Author: hodafarhadi@gmail.com


Abstract : The objective of this research is to investigate the effect of surplus free cash flow on earnings predictability with emphasis on the moderating role of corporate governance in listed companies on the Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE). For testing the hypotheses of research, multivariate linear regression model was used. In this study, the analysis of combined data is used. Significance test of the relationships between variables has been done using the t-statistic and significance level test. The results obtained from testing the hypotheses of research show that surplus free cash flow has a significant negative impact on earnings predictability in listed companies on the Tehran Stock Exchange. Independence and size of Board of directors have significant positive impact on earnings predictability in listed companies on the Tehran Stock Exchange. And finally, board independence has significant positive impact on surplus free cash flow and earnings predictability in listed companies on the Tehran Stock Exchange.

[Bentolhoda farhadi, tooraje dastyar. Investigation of Effect Surplus Free cash Flow on Earnings Predictability with Emphasis on Moderating Role of Corporate governance of Listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange. Academ Arena 2017;9(12):67-71]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 12. doi:10.7537/marsaaj091217.12.


Keywords: Free cash flow, board independence, board size, earnings predictability

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Historical-Knowledge Importance Of Kazakh Written And National Goal Of Transition To New Alphabet Область научных интересов авторов: лингвистика, языковая политика, латиница


Ospanova Bayandy1, Kokenova Zakira2


1Kazakh National University named after Abay, Kazakhstan Almaty, m. Turkistan -1, Building 9, Ul. Raiymbek, house 247, apt 16. e-mail: baian_80@mail.ru

2Kazakh National Medical University named S.D. Asfendiyarov Kazakhstan, Almaty, ul. Pervomaiiskaia, houze 52 e-mail: kokenova_zakira@mail.ru


Abstract: To date, from the point of view of national interest, the unjustified state of the theory of the transition of the Kazakh alphabet to the Latin alphabet and its future development form a doubt among modern Kazakhstani society. In this regard, the main purpose of this study is to conduct a scientific and theoretical analysis of the national interest on the issue of the transition of Kazakh script to the Latin alphabet. On the basis of spiritual national values, to form the education system, to identify the problems of the formation of national spiritual values for the development of the program of spiritual and moral education of the younger generation of our country for the development of the national mentality, tradition, self-knowledge, spirituality and religion in terms of the national idea. The theoretical problems and basic national views of the transition of modern Kazakh script to the Latin schedule have been determined. Analyzing the theoretical significance of the study, the basis for the knowledge of the transition of modern writing into Latin script is formed, which results from national-spiritual needs. Along with modern changes, the main achievements of our country are the spiritual independence of the country, which led to a unique opportunity to consider effective ways of mastering modern technologies.

[Ospanova Bayandy, Kokenova Zakira. Historical-Knowledge Importance Of Kazakh Written And National Goal Of Transition To New Alphabet. Academ Arena 2017;9(12):72-80]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 13. doi:10.7537/marsaaj091217.13.


Keywords: Kazakh script, Latin graphics, ABC, national self-knowledge, national mentality, sound, letter, Arabic alphabet, Latin alphabet, graphics, Kazakh alphabet in Cyrillic, spelling, spelling rules, sound system, language laws.




Оспанова Баянды

Казахстан, Алматы, м-н Туркистан -1, дом 9, ул. Райымбека, дом 247, кв 16.

e-mail: baian_80@mail.ru


Зайсанбаев Толеубек Кийзатович

Казахский Национальный медицинский университет имени С.Д.Асфендиярова, Казахстан, Алматы, ул.Байдибек би, дом 19

e-mail: t__1962@mail.ru


Кокенова Закира

Казахский Национальный медицинский университет имени С.Д.Асфендиярова, Казахстан, Алматы, ул.Первомайская, дом 52

e-mail: kokenova_zakira@mail.ru


Abstract: На сегодняшний день, с точки зрения нционального интереса, необоснованное состояние теории перехода казахской азбуки на латиницу и его будущее развитие вызывает сомнение у современного казахстанского общества. В связи с этим, основной целью данного исследования является проведение научно-теоретического анализа национального интереса по вопросу перехода казахской письменности на латиницу; на основе духовных национальных ценностей сформировать систему образования; определить проблемы формирования национальных духовных ценностей для разработки программы духовно-нравственного воспитания подрастающего поколения нашей страны, для развития национального менталитета, традиции, самопознания, духовности и религии, с точки зрения национальной идеи. Определены теоретические проблемы и основные национальные воззрения перехода современной казахской письменности на латинскую графику. Анализируя теоретическую значимость исследования, формируется основа познания перехода современной письменности на латинскуюй графику, которая вытекает из национально-духовных потребностей. Наряду с современными изменениями главным достижением нашей страны является духовная независимость страны, что привело к уникальной возможности рассмотрения эффективных путей освоения современных технологий.


КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА: казахская письменность, латинская графика, азбука, национальное самопознание, национальный менталитет, звук, буква, арабская азбука, латиница, графика, казахская азбука на кирилице, правописание, правила правописания, звуковая система, законы языка.

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[Academ Arena 2017;9(12):81-89]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 14. doi:10.7537/marsaaj091217.14.


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Literature Review On Gas-Condensate Relative Permeability


Vahid Farokhi1, Shahab Gerami2


1. Department of Petroleum Engineering, University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), Tehran, Iran

2. National Iranian Oil Co. (IOR Research Institute), Tehran, Iran

vahid.farokhi@yahoo.com, vahid.farokhi@aut.ac.ir


Abstract: Condensation takes place in gas-condensate reservoirs right after the moment, pressure falls below the dew point. This phenomenon is more severe in the vicinity of producing wells due to rapid pressure fall, as a result condensate saturation in this region is ahead of the critical saturation and condensate phase could move toward producing well, consequently reduces gas relative permeability. Gas relative permeability in the near well region is the most important parameter for determining condensate well productivity, therefore an understanding of the characteristics of high-velocity gas-condensate flow is necessary for accurate forecasts of well productivity. In this paper some experimental results and empirical correlations made on gas-condensate relative permeabilities in the literature have been reviewed.

[Vahid Farokhi, Shahab Gerami. Literature Review On Gas-Condensate Relative Permeability. Academ Arena 2017;9(12):90-96]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 15. doi:10.7537/marsaaj091217.15.


Keywords: Gas relative permeability, gas-condensate reservoirs, dew point, Condensation, well productivity

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