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Science Journal


Academia Arena

(Academ Arena)


ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online), doi:10.7537, Monthly

Volume 10 - Number 12 (Cumulated No. 114), December 25, 2018

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Solution of different order boundary value problems using Optimal Homotopy Asymptotic Method


1 Muhammad Naeem 1 Syed Inayat Ali Shah, 2Noor Badshah


1 Islamia College Peshawar (Public Sector University) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Peshawar, Pakistan

[2]University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

1 Muhammad Naeem (muhammadnaee@yahoo.com), 1 Syed Inayat Ali Shah (inayat64@gmail.com), 2Noor Badshah (noor2knoor@gmail.com)

1 Muhammad Iqbal (iqbal166dn@gmail.com), 1 Kamran (kamrank44@gmail.com)


Abstract: In this paper, the method, Optimal Homotopy Asymptotic Method is applied to solve first order, second order and third order boundary value problems. This method gives a series solution whose convergence is restrained optimally and the convergence region can be adjusted according to the problem concerned. Numerical results are compared with the results obtained by using Modified Adomian decomposition method. The results show that the suggested method is more effective and easy to use.

[ Muhammad Naeem, Syed Inayat Ali Shah, Noor Badshah. Solution of different order boundary value problems using Optimal Homotopy Asymptotic Method. Academ Arena 2018;10(12):1-10]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 1. doi:10.7537/marsaaj101218.01.


Keywords: Optimal Homotopy Asymptotic Method (OHAM), first order second order and third order boundary value problems.

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 Appeal To World Scientists


Gangadhara Rao Irlapati


H.No.5-30-4/1, Saibabanagar, Jeedimetla, Hyderabad, India-500055.

Email: scientistgangadhar@yahoo.com


Abstract: I, Gangadhara rao irlapati appeal to the world scientists in the following few lines for kind consideration and research. I am an unfortunate Indian scientist born on 25, May,1958 in a group of lowest social caste system traditionally to be untouchable in india. The Government organizations and research institutes did not encourage and provide research opportunities to me moreover subjected to incessant verbal insults and humiliations. I built a small lab at his house with home-made apparatus and conducted enormous researches and studies on weather problems and natural calamities. From 1965 to present, over a 10,000 researches and studies on weather problems and natural calamities have conducted. More than 5,000 research papers are prepared; among of them above 1000 papers in print and online science journals and 4000 papers in social networking websites have published. Around a 100 key investigations have made just like Irlapatism- A New Hypothetical Model of Cosmology (1977), Geoscope (1962), Global Monsoon Time Scales (1991).

[Gangadhara Rao Irlapati. Appeal To World Scientists. Academ Arena 2018;10(12):11-12]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 2. doi:10.7537/marsaaj101218.02.


Keywords: Appeal; World; Scientist; Cosmology

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中国江苏省扬州市西湖镇蜀秀花园20805 手机号17306271565 主要从事研究自然科学等;

单位名称、江苏省扬州三力电器集团有限公司, 邮编225008 电子信箱:yzscw0514@163.com. 微信号17306271565


摘要: 就知构成原始天体的物质基础,是受那一种作用力的气力向前推挤摩擦运动,它的原理机制是转化出厧量复制出能量或力、天体是从简单向复杂从低級向高级一步步进化演化的、宇宙间万物或天体是谁的质量大或是方法得当,谁在这个活体场上是统一的场. 不存在一成不变。它们在时间上作一元复始有序运动,空间是作无序运动,不匀速、不规则、不对称的椭圆运动的序发展。解释宇宙天体应先从完善物理理论入手才能解决问题。.解决了物理学理论一切突破口问题解决了,就知如星系中心一旁边向上运动的一颗颗星球,受到了这边场上摩擦力重力向心拉力消耗能量多,星球内星核被复制出的自转力就减少, 使转速降慢。因此,向上运动的一颗颗星球,就作椭圆运动时形成了密度波。

[孙纯武. 我的理解太极八卦图. Academ Arena 2018;10(12):13-21]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 3. doi:10.7537/marsaaj101218.03.


Keywords: 天体; 物质; 能量; ; 星球; 星系; 中心; 作向; 心涡旋环绕; 椭圆运动; 密度波

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Cell growth and division and Cancer Biology Research Literatures


Mark Herbert, PhD


39-06 Main Street, Flushing, Queens, New York 11354, USA, ma8080@gmail.com


Abstract: Cancer is the general name for a group of more than 100 diseases. Although there are many kinds of cancer, all cancers start because abnormal cells grow out of control. Untreated cancers can cause serious illness and death. The body is made up of trillions of living cells. Normal body cells grow, divide, and die in an orderly fashion. During the early years of a person’s life, normal cells divide faster to allow the person to grow. After the person becomes an adult, most cells divide only to replace worn-out or dying cells or to repair injuries. This article introduces recent research reports as references in the related studies.

 [Mark Herbert, PhD. Cell growth and division and Cancer Biology Research Literatures. Academ Arena 2018;10(12):22-87]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 4. doi:10.7537/marsaaj101218.04.


Key words: cancer; life; cell growth; division; biology; research; literature

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Examining the brand image on public relations and customer loyalty


Leila Nakhaei


Abstract: Because of global competition space and changes that are occurred rapidly today, organization have to take actions that pave the way for organizational performance to be more effective in order to maintain their customers. Maintaining and strengthening the customer loyalty along with a company's products or services become as a main and central point of marketing activities. Customer loyalty can lead to lower marketing costs and attract more customers. In addition, loyal customers may promote world-to-word world so rapidly, combat with competitors` strategies and created additional benefits. This study aims to investigate the relationship between the customer public relations and the customer loyalty and it is for testing the role of brand image as a moderator in the relationship. The results indicate that the public relations view is effective on customers` loyalty but brand image cannot adjust the relationship between two variables of public relations and customer loyalty.

[Leila Nakhaei. Examining the brand image on public relations and customer loyalty. Academ Arena 2018;10(12):88-92]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 5. doi:10.7537/marsaaj101218.05.


Keywords: Public relations view, customer loyalty, brand image, consumer loyalty, public relations

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Parliamentary immunity of representative in Iran and other countries


Seyyed Mohammad Taghi Hasan Zadeh


Department of Law, Maku Branch, Islamic Azad University, Maku, Iran.

Email: smt.hasanzadeh@yahoo.com


Abstract: The most important privileges that the representatives hold are freedom of speech and immunity of detention. No one can detain the representatives from presence in the parliament and expressing his/her ideas freely. The Immunity principle, although is in contrast to the principle of equality of citizens, but is has been accepted due to defending parliament performance and also for the sake of the necessity of parliament meetings. It has been accepted so that the representatives would be secure in front of the state despotism or any other intentional action from the Executive side. This principle also protects the representatives from any foreign impression and obstacles which may prevent the representative from showing up in the parliament. Consequently, in the fundamental law this principle has been considered as an example of public order.

[Seyyed Mohammad Taghi Hasan Zadeh. Parliamentary immunity of representative in Iran and other countries. Academ Arena 2018;10(12):93-96]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 6. doi:10.7537/marsaaj101218.06.


Keywords: immunity, parliament, representative

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The investigation of relationship between Depressive Behavior and Internet Using among Students of Tehran University


Reza Ahmadi1, Mohammad Khan ahmadi2, Maryam Malmir3, Mahtab Sabzevari4


1: MA in Exceptional Children, Allameh Tabatabaei University, Iran

2: MA in Psychology, Allameh Tabatabaei University, Iran

3: PhD Student of Exceptional Children, Islamic Azad University, Iran

4: PhD Student of Exceptional Children, Islamic Azad University, Iran



Abstract: In this paper, we report our results on a month long experiment conducted at Tehran University on associating depressive symptoms among university students and Internet using real Internet data collected continuously, unobtrusively and preserving privacy. In our study, 300 undergraduates were researched for depressive symptoms using the LIPE grade. We then collected their on-campus Internet using via Cisco Net Flow records. Subsequent analysis revealed that several Internet using features like average boxes per flow, peer-to-peer (octets, boxes and duration), chat octets, mail (boxes and duration), ftp duration, and remote file octets exhibit a statistically significant correlation with depressive symptoms. Additionally, Mann-Whitney U-tests revealed that average boxes per flow, remote file octets, chat (octets, boxes and duration) and flow duration entropy demonstrate statistically significant differences in the mean values across groups with and without depressive symptoms. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that associates depressive symptoms among university students with continuously collected real Internet data.

[Reza Ahmadi, Mohammad Khan ahmadi, Maryam Malmir, Mahtab Sabzevari. The investigation of relationship between Depressive Behavior and Internet Using among Students of Tehran University. Academ Arena 2018;10(12):97-101]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 7. doi:10.7537/marsaaj101218.07.


Keywords: depression, internet, health of mental, Tehran university students

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A Surveying and Reviewing on Marketing of After Sales Services for Industrial Goods


Dr. Hasan Esmaeilpour1, Hosein Asadi2


1: Department of Management, Islamic Azad University, Arak Branch, Arak, Iran

2: Department of Business Management, Islamic Azad University, Arak Branch, Arak, Iran



Abstract: Due to the every research and practical expert that is dealing with area of industrial goods marketing we must say, that this area is not accepted and elaborated as a marketing for consume subjects both from the viewpoint of theoretical as well as practical. Such situation exists also abroad. In our paper we will find where obstacles for naturalization of marketing opinions of industrial goods marketing in practice are. We will find more deals that underline correctness of showed arguments due to other till now problems not analyzed.

[Dr. Hasan Esmaeilpour, Hosein Asadi. A Surveying and Reviewing on Marketing of After Sales Services for Industrial Goods. Academ Arena 2018;10(12):102-106]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 8. doi:10.7537/marsaaj101218.08.


Key words: industrial goods marketing, marketing of consume subjects, market of immediate material

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A Study of Administrative Corruption in the Quran and Hadith


Mehdi Akbarnezhad 1, Mina yaghoobi 2


1. Department of Theology, Humanities Faculty, Ilam University, Pejohesh Bol, Ilam, Iran

2. Department of Theology, Humanities Faculty, Ilam University, Pejohesh Bol, Ilam, Iran

E-mail: m_akbarnezhaad@yahoo.com


Abstract: Administrative corruption is one of the most significant management challenges that constantly threatens the health and survival of administrative systems. Hence theoretical understanding of it is the first step in its prevention and fighting. In Muslim countries where religions culture and authority is predominant, investigation of this issue seems necessary. Therefore, in this study we have tried to understand the words of the Quran and Hadith as synonymous with corruption Aldakhl, Alsobur, Alkhabl and determine the areas of corruption, such as the rule of social reform, instances of corruption; types of corruption and using Islamic sources, to discuss the theoretical explanation in terms of the original texts of Islam and pave the way for applied studies in this field.

[Mehdi Akbarnezhad, Mina yaghoobi. A Study of Administrative Corruption in the Quran and Hadith. Academ Arena 2018;10(12):107-111]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 9. doi:10.7537/marsaaj101218.09.


Keywords: corruption, the Quran and Hadith, study areas, types of corruption

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The articles in this issue are presented as online first for peer-review starting from December 5, 2018. 

All comments are welcome: editor@sciencepub.net

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doi prefix: 10.7537

Global Impact Factor: 0.324 (2012); 0.454 (2013); 0.565 (2014); 0.676 (2015)

InfoBase Index IBI Factor: 4.79 (2015)

IF A2016: 2.15

Journal Index I2OR

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