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Science Journal


Academia Arena

(Academ Arena)


ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online), doi:10.7537, Monthly

Volume 11 - Number 3 (Cumulated No. 117), March 25, 2019

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门捷列夫元素周期表150周年纪念总结 ---从门捷列夫到任正非




Recommendation: 王德奎 (Wang Dekui), y-tx@163.com


Abstract: 摘要:今天人们对门捷列夫元素周期表成功的认识还不完善:门捷列夫之所以成功,只是把原始元素周期表的外部极简单,留给了别人,而把元素周期表的内部极复杂留给了自己。门捷列夫之所以不说,是那时还没有量子卡西米尔平板效应和量子色动化学等发现,说了也没用。150年后的2019225日,中美最新一轮经贸磋商在华盛顿结束,和228日第二次“金特会”去核谈判在越南河内不欢而散,也许正是做门捷列夫发现元素周期表150周年纪念总结的时候。

[碧桂园. 门捷列夫元素周期表150周年纪念总结 ---从门捷列夫到任正非. Academ Arena 2019;11(3):1-16]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 1. doi:10.7537/marsaaj110319.01.


Keywords: 关键词:科学 人工智能 量子色动化学 门捷列夫 任正非

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天体运行和物理力学新定律新理论影视 (解说词)


郭选年 13873300270


Recommendation: 王铸钢, laowanggangzhu@qq.com


Abstract: 摘要: 宇宙物质的形成和星球自转和公转,是至今尚未破解的迷题,仍处于猜测和假说阶段。今人对前人的天文物理学说和定律不可苛求必须正确,但有质疑求证的责任,才能推动自然科学的发展进步。原始人对自然现象一无所知,经历了长久的恐惧和规避自然灾祸后,进行经验总结和不断地摸索,开始了唯心论的启蒙,再由唯心论走向唯物论。他们为求生存需要团结合作同自然搏斗,创造了语言和文字。种族的分居因交通落后闭塞,缺乏全人类的交流,故有语言、文字和习性的多样化。

[郭选年 13873300270. 天体运行和物理力学新定律新理论影视 (解说词). Academ Arena 2019;11(3):17-23]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 2. doi:10.7537/marsaaj110319.02.


Keywords: 天体运行; 物理; 力学; 定律; 理论; 影视

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Relationship between company characteristics and divided policy: Payments in overall analysis


Ms. Sapna Goyal


Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Chaudhary Bansi Lal University, Bhiwani, Haryana (India)

e-mail: sapnaneerajgoyal@gmail.com


Abstract: The regression coefficients of interest payment have negative values during most of the years and were found statistically significant for twelve years out of sixteen years of study. This suggests that there was a negative relationship between dividend payment and interest paid by the companies. It means companies having more burden of interest payment show a tendency to pay fewer dividends. Likewise in case of debt equity ratio regression coefficients have negative values during most of the years under study, which suggests that there was a negative relationship between debt equity ratio and dividend payment. It means levered firms pay fewer dividends then the unlevered ones. The regression coefficients of current ratio have negative sign during most of the years. This suggests that there was a negative relationship between current ratio and dividend payment, which was contrary to the hypothesis. The above analysis was also supported by the value of coefficients of determinants r2 which ranges between 0.59 and 0.99. This indicates that the independent variables have been causing more than seventy per cent of the variation in dividend paid by the companies under study. The F values also indicate that independent variables are the important determinants of current dividend. The Durbin Watson test which has been applied to examine the existence of autocorrelation in the cross sectional data series reveals the absence of autocorrelation in each year of the study as its values are near 2. Hence, the results of the model give reliable estimates.

[Goyal, M. Relationship between company characteristics and divided policy: Payments in overall analysis. Academ Arena 2019;11(3):24-27]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 3. doi:10.7537/marsaaj110319.03.


Keywords: Corporate Sector, Divided Policy, Company, Gurgaon, Haryana.

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Physico-chemical properties of concrete pond water used for Clarias gariepinus aquaculture


Ifeoma Laeticia Okoliegbe, Carol Nchedo Ariole and Gideon Chijioke Okpokwasili


Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Port Harcourt, P.M.B. 5323, Port Harcourt, Nigeria



Abstract: The world population is increasing every day and so is the need for food security. The increasing demand for fish can only be met by geometric expansion and sustainable development in aquaculture. The success of aquaculture to a large extent depends on water quality. Samples of rearing water collected from three concrete fish ponds located far from each other within Port Harcourt metropolis were analyzed using standard analytical methods. The data obtained were analyzed using ANOVA. Temperature, p H, salinity, alkalinity, conductivity, turbidity, total hardness and Chlorine were within the water quality criteria for aquaculture while total dissolved solids, phosphate, iron and ammonia did not conform to water quality criteria. Pond 2 contained high levels of most of the parameters measured while Pond 3 was low on most of the parameters analyzed. The values of total dissolved solids, phosphates, iron and ammonia were higher than permissible limits of FEPA. Better water quality and consequent increased fish productivity can be achieved if pond water is changed more frequently and contamination of water source by industrial effluents is effectively controlled.

[Okoliegbe, I. L., Ariole, C. N. and Okpokwasili, G. C. Bacterial Loads and Bacterial Distribution Pattern Associated with Clarias gariepinus Juveniles Cultured in Concrete Fish Ponds in Port Harcourt. Academ Arena 2019;11(3):28-35]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 4. doi:10.7537/marsaaj110319.04.


Keywords: Physico-chemical, aquaculture, temperature, fish pons, Clariasgariepinus

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Alan Mathison Turing: the man who cracked the Enigma code (Turing Digital Archive)




#16/1, 8th Main Road, Shivanagar, Rajajinagar, Bangalore560010, Karnataka, India

*Corresponding Author Email: manjunath5496@gmail.com


Abstract: Alan Mathison Turing -- English mathematician, logician and philosopher who made important advancements in the field of computer theory and who contributed important logical analyses of computer processes. In an unfortunate end to his prolific career, Turing was arrested in 1952 after British authorities found out he was having a relationship with another man. Under British law, homosexuality was a crime, and it resulted in Turing losing his security clearance to continue his work at Bletchley Park. Rather than face a life in prison, Turing accepted treatment of regular estrogen injections, which were believed to neutralize libido. On 8 June 1954, Turing died of potassium cyanide poisoning while conducting electrolysis experiments. The cyanide was found on a half eaten apple beside him. An inquest concluded that it was self-administered but his mother always maintained that it was an accident. In 2013, a bill was passed offering statutory pardon to Turing for offences under section 11 of the Criminal Law Amendment Act 1885. In 2016, the law (known as Turing’s law) was widened to retroactively pardon all men who were convicted under the historical legislation of gross indecency.

[Manjunath.R. Alan Mathison Turing: the man who cracked the Enigma code (Turing Digital Archive). Academ Arena 2019;11(3):36-77]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 5. doi:10.7537/marsaaj110319.05.


Key words: Alan Mathison Turing; brilliant mathematician; codebreaker; German Enigma machine; Bletchley Park

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Abstract: 由美国、瑞士和俄罗斯科学家组成的一个国际科研团队称,借助一台量子计算机,逆转了时间之箭的方向。这一违背常识的研究,会改变对统辖宇宙的机制和过程的理解吗?热力学第二定律告诉:时间是线性的,只能沿一个方向运动;系统总是从有序到无序,而非相反。所谓的量子非定域现象不满足洛仑兹不变性,是人为造成的。具体联系到双贝尔实验,涉及的问题有:一是所谓的两个粒子之间的“量子纠缠”,是类似指两个粒子的自旋态类型完全相同,这类似自然光,经过偏振片后改变成为具有一定振动方向的光;或自旋态完全是正交与对称的,而不是完全的硬性连接。

[王德奎. 量子计算机上时间倒流怎解. Academ Arena 2019;11(3):78-80]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 6. doi:10.7537/marsaaj110319.06.


Key words: 量子计算机; 时间; 倒流; 宇宙

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Abstract: 摘要:从复杂系统的非线性方程看,无论大尺度的大量子现象,还是数目大的量子现象,类似“蝴蝶效应”的不可预测原理,也能解读量子力学的测不准原理。

[王德奎. 不可预测原理解读测不准原理----量子信息理论的研究与应用(5. Academ Arena 2019;11(3):81-92]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 7. doi:10.7537/marsaaj110319.07.


Keywords: 关键词: 蝴蝶效应 不确定性 三弦方程 黎曼猜想

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汪弘轩[1], 汪一平[2,3]







Abstract:【摘要】 费马大定理历经三百多年历史和多人猜想辩证,1995年被怀尔斯证明成立。遗憾的是,其只有不等式与等式的差别性,结论是不公正的。定义群代数闭链是无穷元素任意有限复维次的有序组合集合与平衡,证明其单元性、互逆性、同构性、平行性、极限定理,以及兼顾扩展性、安全性、去中心化等优越性,建立无量纲量圆函数为底的对数,实现在[0~1]之间的算术运算,称圆对数理论。圆对数发现不等式的相容性,可以通过圆对数转换为任意整数展开,这样,相关联的不等式可以在一定条件下成为等式展开,证明了费马-怀尔斯定理不成立。

[汪弘轩汪一平, 7839. 基于圆对数理论证明费马-怀尔斯定理不成立(2. Academ Arena 2019;11(3):93-103]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 8. doi:10.7537/marsaaj110319.08.



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The articles in this issue are presented as online first for peer-review starting from  March 15,, 2019. 

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