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Science Journal


Academia Arena

(Academ Arena)


ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online), doi:10.7537, Monthly

Volume 11 - Number 5 (Cumulated No. 119), May 25, 2019

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[1] 浙江省衢州市老年科学工作者协会 浙江衢州324000

[2] 中国·钱江数学与动力工程研究所(筹)浙江衢州324000


Abstract: 摘要 1900年,D.Hilbert在国际数学家大会上宣布23个问题,其中的黎曼猜想问题,是哥德巴赫猜想、孪生素数猜想、黎曼猜想”的合并。发现素数连乘组成“倒数与正数”平均值及其互逆性规则。证明ζ函数的“1的大O(即无穷素数在01之间的分布与取值)及同构性、单元性、互逆性的三个幺规范不变性和奇性、偶性的组成。建立“没有具体素数内容的算术四则运算”,称圆对数方程。这样,ζ函数均可归化为任意一个素数,得到与无穷素数个数相同的零点,在实部的临界线上复零点都是L=(0,1/2,1)Z。其中非正常零点有:黎曼猜想(含孪生素数)的{1/2}+1;哥德巴赫猜想的{1/2}-1={2}(偶数)。253

[汪一平. 基于圆对数试分析黎曼—哥德巴赫猜想. Academ Arena 2019;11(5):1-9]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia.1. doi:10.7537/marsaaj110519.01.



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Administrative Practice in Nigeria: Implications for National Development


Charles Ndubuisi Onyeche1 and Keeper Deebari Gbaranor2


1Department of Business Administration and Management, School of Business and Administrative Studies, Captain Elechi Amadi Polytechnic, Rumuola, P.M.B. 5936, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria.

2Department Of General Studies, School of Foundation Studies, Captain Elechi Amadi Polytechnic, Rumuola, P.M.B. 5936, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria.



Abstract: Administration cannot be practiced in isolation of the culture of the society. This assertion implies that the knowledge, attitude, societal norms and orientation which people hold epitomize their administrative philosophy and the way it is practiced. Administration in Nigeria is practiced in ways and manners which will benefit the administrator and in most cases not in the best interest of the common man. Whether in the private sector or in the public sector, the Nigerian administrators would normally use their positions and every other resource at their disposal to amass pecuniary interests for themselves. Hence, for a turn around and development of the economy, there should be a reorientation of the society apparently through proper education and training for the professional administrators as well as general attitudinal change to the way administrative functions are performed; that is, a new administrative philosophy which will inculcate in the society the true and genuine spirit of administration should be institutionalized in the country.

[Onyeche, C. N. and Gbaranor, K. D. Administrative Practice in Nigeria: Implications for National Development. Academ Arena 2019;11(5):10-16]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 2. doi:10.7537/marsaaj110519.02.


Keywords: Administrative Practice, economy, Nigeria, Implications, societal norms, National Development

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Analysis of marketing strategies of Life Insurance Company (LIC)


1Savita Rani, 2Geetesh Yadav and 3Swati Yadav


1Master Degree Student, Department of Commerce, Kanya Mahavidhalya, Pundri, Kaithal, Haryana (India)

2M.Com Student, Hindu College, Delhi University, Delhi (India)

3Research Scholar in Department of Commerce, Indira Gandhi University, Meerpur, Rewari, Haryana (India)

Email- 1savitasaini1020@gmail.com, 2yadavjeetesh17@gmail.com and 3swatiyadavoct@gmail.com


Abstract: Based on the objectives of this project, information was gathered through published journals and Government reports. These were analyzed to understand the factors that led the government to nationalize the industry and later reverse its decision to bring the entire life insurance industry under its control. the study focused on assessing the top five industry players which are Life Insurance Corporation (LIC). In case of death due to accident (within 180 days) an additional amount equal to Benefit Sum assured will be payable. In case of Total and Permanent disability arising accident an amount equal to accident benefit sum assured will be payable over years in monthly installments. However, the payment of accident benefit will be subject overall limit of Rs.25 lakh under all policies of the Life Assured with the Corporation together. The disability due to accident should be total and such that the Life assured is unable out any work to earn a living.    

[Rani, S., Yadav, G. and Yadav, S. Analysis of marketing strategies of Life Insurance Company (LIC). Academ Arena 2019;11(5):17-20]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 3. doi:10.7537/marsaaj110519.03.


Keywords: Life Insurance Corporation, Government, Haryana, India.

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Love, Marriage and Money in Jane Austen’s Mansfield Park and Emma


Surender Kumar


Research Scholar, Department of English and Foreign Languages, Maharishi Dayanand University, Rohtak, Haryana (Indian)

Email: skumarjangra29@gmail.com


Abstract: Jane Austen was born in 1975 in Steventon. She was the seventh of eight children, six boys and two girls. James, the eldest took order Austen was very close to her two years older than her sister Cassandra. The sisters were devoted to one another, when apart, wrote to each other than some of their family thought necessary. They were lively, affectionate, intelligent clan very fond and proud of one another. By modern standard, Jane Austen led a narrow and limited life. She never went abroad. She knew the little of the north of England. Hampshire and Kent were her territory with visits to Teignmouth and Sid mouth, a week or so with Henry, her brother, in London now and then; some years at Both and some in Southampton. She never had a bedroom for herself. She never seems to have framed any close relationship outside the family circle. Emma is the novel in which Austen regained the vigour and charm of Pride and Prejudice without sacrificing the moral imperatives of Mansfield Park. The antagonism between art and morality which weakens her few earlier novels- an antagonism reminiscent of eighteenth-century attack s on the irresponsibility of fiction-has been replaces in Emma by a renewed faith in the power of art by dealing skillfully with the concept of love, marriage and money, a serene belief that the novel can both recreate and criticize the illusions of life. We can say that it is a sing of difference between Pride and Prejudice and Emma that the problem of self-recognition occupies the entire course of Emma, while after Elizabeth’s self-understanding the interest in Pride and Prejudice shifts from personal problems of judgment to the social activities like, money and marriage. So Emma is presented as constant process of emotional miscalculation and rational correction.

[Kumar, S. Love, Marriage and Money in Jane Austen’s Mansfield Park and Emma. Academ Arena 2019;11(5):21-27]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 4. doi:10.7537/marsaaj110519.04.


Keywords: Love, Marriage and Money, Jane Austen’s Mansfield Park, Emma

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Parameters related to Compare the level of irrigation (proportion of irrigated area) in the state of Haryana, India


1Dr. Kalu Ram and 2Jai Singh


1Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, OPJS University, Churoo-331303, Rajasthan (India)

2Research Scholar, Department of Geography, OPJS University, Churoo-331303, Rajasthan (India)

2CC email: jaibana1990@gmail.com


Abstract: The proportion of irrigated area is very significant variable that may explain the level of agricultural development. Area under irrigation has expanded very fast since 1969-70. Net area irrigated (NAI) constituted only about 39.68 percent of Net Sown Area (NSA) in the state during 1969-70. It increased to 61.12 percent during 1979-80. During 1989-90, it has reached to 73.94 percent. In 1999-2000 it increased to 81.3 percent and 83.73 percent in 2004-05. Also in the year 2017-18 it reaches up to 91.47. In fact in some of the districts in eastern parts of state this figure is as high as 100 percent\. The districts have been classified into 5 broad categories of proportion of irrigated area. These categories may be termed as areas of very low proportions of irrigation (less than 30 percent), areas of low proportion (30-60 percent), areas of moderate proportion (60-75 percent), areas of high proportion (75-90 percent) and areas of very high proportion of irrigation (90-100 percent). During 1969-70, the southern, south-western and north-western parts of state had very low proportion of irrigated area. The proportion of irrigated area in Mahendergarh is less than 15 percent and in Ambala district this was less than 30 percent. These areas were devoid of canals and also lacked in tubewell irrigation. Karnal and Rohtak were only districts where proportion of irrigated area were more than 45 percent to Net Sown Area. Karnal remained the leading district in terms of irrigation development during 1979-80, on the other hand Bhiwani, Gurgaon and Amabala districts had less than 45 percent of Net Sown Area irrigated. Moderate proportion was noted in Hisar, Sirsa, Jind and Rohtak while high proportion of irrigated area was recorded in Karnal, Kurukshetra and Sonepat district. During 1989-90, district Jind had very low proportion of irrigated area whereas Mahendergarh, Bhiwani and Ambala had low proportion. Yamunanagar, Rohtak, Faridabad, Gurgaon, Rewari and Sirsa had moderate proportion of irrigated area, Hisar had high and less of Haryana had very high proportion of irrigated area.

[Ram, K. and Singh, J. Parameters related to Compare the level of irrigation (proportion of irrigated area) in the state of Haryana, India. Academ Arena 2019;11(5):28-34]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 5. doi:10.7537/marsaaj110519.05.


Keywords: Irrigated Area, Agricultural Development, Districts, Haryana, India

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Participants socio-demographic and house hold data of under graduate students of Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra, Haryana (India)


1Dr. Santosh and 2Mr. Deepak


1Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, OPJS University, Churoo-331303, Rajasthan (India)

2Research Scholar, Department of Psychology, OPJS University, Churoo-331303, Rajasthan (India)

2CC email: deepakbangrwa@gmail.com


Abstract: In the present study, a total of 225 questionnaires were distributed of under graduate students of Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra, and the response rate was 91.3%. Ultimately, we collected 225 valid questionnaires after excluding invalid questionnaires. There were more males (58.97%) than females (41.03%) in the sample, which reflects the gender distribution among the general population. The average age of the participants was 21.32 years (SD = 2.02) and ranged from 17 to 25 years. The study sample was composed of 127 men and 108 women. Of this sample, 122 participants reported suicidal ideation, and 103 participants reported not having suicidal ideation. Furthermore, 30.96% students were from regular students of university while 69.94% were distance education students of university; however, university type did not predict suicidal ideation among these Chinese university students. The characteristics of the subjects. Based on self-reports, 27.53% students had insomnia, 10.70% students were smokers, 25.17% students were alcohol abusers, 18.84% were affected by disease, and 17.37% had psychological problems. Sex, age, insomnia, drinking, disease and psychological problems were all associated with suicidal ideation. No family factors except being an only child were correlated with suicidal ideation among under graduate students of Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra.

[Santosh and Mr. Deepak. Participants socio-demographic and house hold data of under graduate students of Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra, Haryana (India). Academ Arena 2019;11(5):35-38]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 6. doi:10.7537/marsaaj110519.06.


Keywords: Socio-Demographic, Under Graduate Student, Suicidal, Student, Haryana

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Ascriptive to accepted: The politics of identify in Omprakash Valmiki’s Jhoothan


Sanjana Antil


Ph.D. Research Scholar, Department of English and Foreign Languages, Central University of Haryana, Mahendergrah, (Indian)

Email: sanjnaantil01@gmail.com


Abstract: Dalit autobiography like other marginalized autobiographies is based on communal identity. Dalit autobiographies lend an unstable attention to the individual (‘I’). In Hindi autobiographies, like Omprakash Valmiki’s ‘Joothan’ focalization jumps between Dalit friends, neighbours family and Community as a subject in its own rights. Om Prakash Valmiki’s novel ‘Joothan’ is one of the most popular novels under the category dalit literature. The first thing which one needs to understand is - what is Dalit literature. Dr. Jugal Kishore Mishra in his paper “A Critical Study of Dalit Literature in India” simply defines it as ‘writings that are about Dalits’. (Mishra, EASAS papers). Caste is such an important marker that teachers and the management deliberately connive to prevent a low caste student (Valmiki) from studying and changing his life. There is a tension between meritocracy and Valmiki’s experiences as a Dalit student. The pain suffered due to humiliation, exclusion and physical violence are voiced in the autobiography but get ignored in public discourses. The protagonist faces a clash between the negative identities imposed on him from the outside (by the upper caste) and his positively self-ascribed identity. While for the Dalit writers and readers it’s a unifying factor, for the non-Dalits this exposure means shame, accusation and a hope for change. There is another side to this fight for a ‘positive’ identity and recognition in society. In ‘Joothan’ Valmiki has successfully narrated his painful ordeals but he glosses over the inter-caste conflict among the Chamar and Bhangi Dalits. One can conclude from this that he is re-emphasizing the narrative agenda of the Dalit autobiography as being part of a larger movement of Dalit assertion. Generally referring to or focussing on divisions within the Dalit community is seen as counter-productive to larger interests. Hence we find most writers silent over this issue and the same is true of the writer of ‘Joothan’.

[Antil, S. The politics of identify in Omprakash Valmiki’s Jhoothan: Ascriptive to accepted. Academ Arena 2019;11(5):39-44]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 7. doi:10.7537/marsaaj110519.07.


Keywords: Omprakash Valmiki’s Jhoothan, Politics, Novel, Dalits.

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Poetics of Dalit Resistance: A study of Meena Kandasamy’s Touch and Ms Militancy


Sanjana Antil


Ph.D. Research Scholar, Department of English and Foreign Languages, Central University of Haryana, Mahendergrah, (India)

Email: sanjnaantil01@gmail.com


Abstract: Meena Kandasamy and her poetry embody a long withstanding fight against the stringent subjugation and atrocities undergone by the non-dominant caste community. While her poetry revolves around issues of caste, sexuality, political agendas, violence, gender oppression and language, her work mainly urges her readers to act. Active resistance or revolutionary activism, the discourse which seeks to analyze what needs to change and set it right, is the core theme of Kandasamy’s raw and outrightly unbridled poetry, “full of jagged edges” (Duarte). Some of Kandasamy‟s poems even though convey a sense of ease and familiarity most of them share a sinister lament for change. These poems are jarring for an audience who knows where she comes from. But the y are at loss of words once the y go through the history of her times. In spite of their awareness of the social hierarchies people still exclaim as if unaware “do such systems still exist? To such a heartless question her poems are a silent reply. Society has always been harsh to people who refused to follow, and Kandasamy‟s case is no different. Her principal consideration in her poetry is to empower women mainly the marginalised women to acquire a comprehensive vigilance and knowledge about their miserable situation. Her poems are born out from her own experiences and her commitment with the espousing caste and gender equivalence. Her poems provide a visual effect; she has a way of roping her readers in a forceful manner. She breaks the long silence that has misled traditional Indian women, their feminine experience and their female world.

[Antil, S. Poetics of Dalit Resistance: A study of Meena Kandasamy’s Touch and Ms Militancy. Academ Arena 2019;11(5):45-49]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 8. doi:10.7537/marsaaj110519.08.


Keywords: Meena Kandasamy’s, Dalit Resistance, Poetics, Violence, Ggender Oppression and Language.

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王德奎 (Wang Dekui)





[王德奎 (Wang Dekui). 中国秘史----类比暴露组学和基因组学联系的研究, 从历史智能到人工智能. Academ Arena 2019;11(5):50-52]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 9. doi:10.7537/marsaaj110519.09.


关键词:暴露组学; 研究;健康; 研究; 真相

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梅晓春( 福州原创物理研究所所长)


Recommended: 王德奎 (Wang Dekui), y-tx@163.com



[梅晓春( 福州原创物理研究所所长). 梅晓春教授评量子计算机等之殇(4)(摘录《量子计算机是当代永动机》等). Academ Arena 2019;11(5):53-65]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 10. doi:10.7537/marsaaj110519.10.


Keywords: 梅晓春; 量子; 计算机; 力学; 量子场论; 粒子物理学; 非线性物理学; 热力学; 统计物理学; 时空引力理论; 宇宙论

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The Impact of Human Capital on Business Performance in Algerian Companies


Dr Bouguesri Sarra1, Dr Mana Fatma2


1Professor Lecture A, Faculty of Economic and Commercial Sciences and Management Sciences, Hassiba Benbouali University - Chlef – Algeria, e-mail: s.bouguesri@univ-chlef.dz / sara9002007@yahoo.fr

2Professor Lecture A, Faculty of Economic and Commercial Sciences and Management Sciences

Hassiba Benbouali University - Chlef – Algeria, e-mail: f.mana@univ-chlef.dz / mng_mana@yahoo.fr


Abstract: Objective – The objective of this research is to empirically test the influence of the human capital on business performance through different Algerian companies. Design/methodology/approach – An empirical research was applied to test the hypothesis of this study through 307 employees worked in different administrations levels in Algerian companies. Findings – A positive correlation and impact of the human capital on business performance is conducted to ascertain the validity of the measures and models. Statistical support was found for the hypothesized relationships. Research limitations/implications – The findings offer valuable insights on the generalizability of human capital in a novel research setting. Practical implications – Human capital has become the substantial key to attain strategic goals and for the optimal utilize of the human resources. Originality/value – This paper is one of the few research concerned with the issues of human capital in Algeria.

[Bouguesri Sarra, Mana Fatm. The Impact of Human Capital on Business Performance in Algerian Companies. Academ Arena 2019;11(5):66-73]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 11. doi:10.7537/marsaaj110519.11.


Key words: Human capital – Business Performance - Algerian companies

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文扬( 复旦大学中国研究院研究员

Recommended: 王德奎 (Wang Dekui), y-tx@163.com


Abstract: 一带一路是指丝绸之路经济带海上丝绸之路,不是从零开始,它远不止继承古丝绸之路的开放传统----李后强教授的“天府学”,立足于十大主要原理----第一个就是珠峰映射原理----青藏高原是人类共同的舞台,世界淡水塔,是人类最早活动之地;喜马拉雅山的珠峰海拔8844米,世界最高,誉为地球第三极,对周边环境有重大影响,如四川盆地受到珠峰映射很大,在中国四大盆地中,只有四川盆地海拔最低(300米至700米),四川处于中国地形第二阶梯,但有横断山、邛崃山、岷山,有垂直分布的各种尺度的海拔高度(最高是贡嘎山7556米),使得生物种群呈立体分布,盘古、嫘祖、大禹诞生在此。为啥?黄河和长江主要源头在四川阿坝,岷江、沱江、嘉陵江、大渡河、雅砻江、金沙江等在四川;四川盆地古代是大海、内海、盆塞海,三峡出口打通后才形成外流型盆地,但三峡口子很小,外界低空气流难于倒入,加上四周环山,四川盆地具有海洋性气候,昼夜或一年四季温差不大,适合动植物繁衍,生活舒适,处于北纬30°黄金线上(在北纬26°34°之间),有最佳温度和湿度(纬度45°内、经度120°内),于是有了4万年前资阳人200万年前巫山人,多种生物发源和生存于此。四川位于印度洋板块与欧亚板块交界处、环太平洋地震带上,地质运动复杂,产生过攀西大裂谷,发生过多次强烈地震,形成了许多地貌特征。

[文扬. 从“天下”型第三极到古今“一带一路”----看不懂春秋战国,就看不懂中国和世界》摘录. Academ Arena 2019;11(5):74-79]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 12. doi:10.7537/marsaaj110519.12.


Keywords: 一带一路; 丝绸之路; 经济带; ; 珠峰映射原理; 青藏高原; 中国; 地形

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李学生 (Li Xuesheng)


山东大学副教授,理论物理教师, 中国管理科学院学术委员会特约研究员, 北京相对论研究联谊会会员,中国民主同盟盟员(作者为中国科学院高能物理所研究员)

xiandaiwulixue@21cn.com, 1922538071@qq.com


Abstract: 在经典力学中,守恒定律与体系对称性之间有密切联系.在一个体系中有的力学量是不随时间改变的,这种力学量称为守恒量.对于用Lagrange函数描述的体系,如果在空间坐标平移具有不变性,则体系的动量守恒,若具有空间旋转不变性,则角动量守恒.Lagrange函数时间平移的不变性,将导致体系的能量守恒. 牛顿时代的莱布尼兹研究过动能守恒,机械能中的势能直到1853才由Rankine正式提出[2], 而在这之前焦耳和迈耶已经建立了现代意义上的能量守恒与转化定律。

[李学生 (Li Xuesheng). 机械能守恒定律与力学相对性原理关系研究回顾. Academ Arena 2019;11(5):80-86]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 13. doi:10.7537/marsaaj110519.13.


Keywords: 机械能; 守恒; 定律; 力学; 相对性原理; 关系; 研究

Full Text


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