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Science Journal


Academia Arena

(Academ Arena)


ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online), doi:10.7537, Monthly

Volume 11 - Number 12 (Cumulated No. 126), December 25, 2019

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A Study on the Agricultural Economy of district Bhiwani, Haryana (India)


*Dr. Kalu Ram and **Gurdev


*Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, OPJS University, Churu-136119, Rajasthan (India)

**Research Scholar, Department of Geography, OPJS University, Churu-136119, Rajasthan (India)

e-mail: gurukuk@gmail.com


Abstract: In the village Lohani 2.50 per cent are owned by marginal farmers, 6.94 per cent by small farmers, 26 per cent by large farmers ad 51.02 per cent are is cultivated by very large farmers, about 71 per cent of sample farmers having their own land and cultivated by themselves. Nearly 29 per cent farmers having their own land and they also leased in and leaded out in terms of cost sharing and crop sharing. In Nandha 1.62 per cent area is cultivated by marginal farmer, 6.47 per cent by small farmers 13.57 per cent by medium farmers, 28.43 per cent by large farmers. Only one farmer including in the category of very farmers. In this village about 77 per cent farmers having their own land self cultivated. About 23 per cent farmers having their own land but they giving their land on leased out at the rate of fix amount, i.e., Rs 4000 per acre. In Chang, 2.42 per cent area is cultivated by marginal farmers, 6.78 per cent by small farmers, 20.82 per cent medium and 28.82 per cent large and 41.16 per cent area cultivated by very large farmers. Only two sample farmers including in very large category. In this village all the sample farmers do not have their own land but hey take land on lease. About 64 per cent sample farmers have their own land which is self cultivated. Only 36 per cent farmers which are having their own land and they are taking (leased in) and giving (leased out) also. In village Budhsaili 2.65 per cent area is cultivated by marginal farmer, 5.90 per cent small farmer, 12.39 per cent medium farmers, 25.96 per cent large farmer, 53.10 per cent cultivated by very large farmers.

[Ram, K. and Gurdev. Xi B, Wei Z, Liu H. A Study on the Agricultural Economy of district Bhiwani, Haryana (India). Academ Arena 2019;11(12):1-5]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 1. doi:10.7537/marsaaj111219.01.


Keywords: Agricultural, Economy, Bhiwani, Haryana, India.

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Comparative Study on Intensity of irrigation in the districts of state Haryana (India)


1Dr. Kalu Ram and 2Mrs. Baby Devi


1Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, OPJS University, Churu-331303, Rajasthan (India)

2Research Scholar, Department of Geography, OPJS University, Churu-331303, Rajasthan (India)

2CC email: navjot@ewit.in


Abstract: Intensity of irrigation matter and particularly influences the intensity of cropping, the cropping pattern and the agricultural productivity. The intensity of irrigation is an indicator of irrigation efficiency. It is the ratio of gross area irrigated to net irrigated area in terms of percentage. The higher the index of intensity of irrigation, the higher the irrigation efficiency and lower the index, lower the irrigation efficiency. The intensity of irrigation is not uniform in any agricultural region. In fact, it is controlled by various factors such as source of irrigation, quantity and quality of water supply, density of network of water channels, cropping seasons, types of crops grown and likewise. It also varies from place to place and time to time. Sometimes and several parts of agricultural world, these variation are very important such as India, where unreliability of rainfall continuous to be a feature. The benefits of intense irrigation are reflected in the cropping pattern, land use efficiency, methods of cultivation and yield. In an agricultural region, other things being equal, the intensity of irrigation tend to increase with decreasing rainfall and vice-versa. However, the intensity of irrigation will always remain low and negligible in rain fed areas where there is restricted surface water, limited fresh quality of ground water and hilly or undulating topography.

[Ram, K. and Devi, B. Comparative Study on Intensity of irrigation in the districts of state Haryana (India). Academ Arena 2019;11(12):6-11]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 2. doi:10.7537/marsaaj111219.02.


Keywords: Intensity, Irrigation, Haryana, India.

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Recommended: 王德奎 (Wang Dekui), y-tx@163.com


Abstract: 摘要:本文是根据“观察者网讯20191025日发表的《任正非:感谢特朗普,他一吓唬大家,都努力工作了》一文编辑的----观察者网讯”注明此来源于1024日华为心声社区发布的任正非1015接受北欧媒体的采访纪要。

[任正非. 任正非科学道路宽窄自传----四川宽窄科学研究之11. Academ Arena 2019;11(12):12-14]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 3. doi:10.7537/marsaaj111219.03.


Keywords: 关键词:任正非; 科学; 道路; 宽窄; 自传

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Recommended: 王德奎 (Wang Dekui), y-tx@163.com


Abstract: 摘要:深度学习在许多模式识别领域取得了巨大的成功,给信息隐写和隐写分析带来新的方法和挑战。信息隐藏技术可以借用人工智能技术和思路,利用神经网络的对抗生成隐藏信息,获得人工智能相关技术与生俱来的自适应、海量等特点。所以转换到对于“量子计算机与量子通信”的基础研究者来说,可以看到因为“思路不同”,传统分析的无线电信息传输和光纤激光信息传输手段,难以发现量子纠缠信息隐形传输实验中,“量子计算机与量子通信”是一起结合,隐藏在量子引力信息隐形传输中,才被轻易破解的。

[叶眺新. 京沪量子通信工程真的不行了吗----四川宽窄科学研究之13. Academ Arena 2019;11(12):15-20]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 4. doi:10.7537/marsaaj111219.04.


Keywords: 关键词:模式识别;信息;方法;技术;人工智能; 量子计算机; 量子通信; 光纤激光; 传输; 量子纠缠

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Recommended: 王德奎 (Wang Dekui), y-tx@163.com


Abstract: 摘要:中医药和西医药是典型的两种宽窄科学,而“柯召-魏时珍猜想”是新中国成立70年第一个建立的宽窄基础科学理论----既然复兴现代中医药从类似空心圆球外表面的国内,“翻转”到类似空心圆球内表面的西方发达国家医药主流市场那么难,就不如把中医药提升理念带到“空心圆球内表面去翻转”,一举两得实现“医药多体理论----从中医药起源到西医药起源和中西医结合”。

[李造就. 中草药疗效精准宽窄说贝时璋到翁经科----四川宽窄科学研究之八. Academ Arena 2019;11(12):21-69]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 5. doi:10.7537/marsaaj111219.05.


Keywords: 关键词:中医药 拟设 能隙 拓扑序、量子序、弦网凝聚

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Recommended: 王德奎 (Wang Dekui), y-tx@163.com


Abstract: 摘要:文小刚教授的书虽不是为了抛出“引力子”和引力场的“一元多体”,但他却提供了比希格斯提出“希格斯玻色子场”与引力场起源有关更多联系超引力的数学。如书中第3章第3.3.4节《波也是粒子》和第3.3.5节《超流体的玩具宇宙》,短短不足4000字却意味深长,可以再写出一本《量子多体理论----从声子起源到引力子、光子和电子起源》,直至研制出“量子引力信息隐形传输智能手机”。因为他统一了从无到有的时空一元多体与数学上的0、实数(正、负实数)、虚数(正、负虚数)等的应对。

[叶眺新. 从文小刚声子模型类比研究引力子----四川宽窄科学研究之16. Academ Arena 2019;11(12):70-102]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 6. doi:10.7537/marsaaj111219.06.


Keywords: 关键词:声子 引力子 源点 汇点 一元多体 似是而非

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Recommended: 王德奎 (Wang Dekui), y-tx@163.com


Abstract: 摘要:抗美援朝战争,四川在全国各省中参加志愿军的人最多,牺牲的志愿军人也是最多。解放初我们还在童年,亲眼看着在我们那个偏僻贫困的四川农村山区小村民组里,就有三位堂兄当年参军入朝抗美。金灿荣,1962年生,武汉市人。1980年以高考文科状元被复旦大学录取。1984--1987年获中国社科院研究生院硕士学位,1999年获北京大学博士学位。现为中国人民大学国际关系学院副院长、教授、博士生导师,全国人大常委会研究室特约研究员、中国改革开放论坛常务理事、上海未来亚洲学会常务理事、研究员等。1992年金灿荣参加美国新闻署国际访问学者计划观察美国大选。1993--1994年作美国哥伦比亚大学访问学者。2003年在美国密歇根大学福特公共政策学院授课。1989--2019年金灿荣共编写、翻译著作20多部,发表论文和评论近千篇。此文为2019930日金灿荣教授在上海“观察者”网,发表的《朝鲜战争是立国之战,这一仗打完,我们收获是很大》一文的摘要。

[金灿荣(中国人民大学教授). 金灿荣教授用宽窄论抗美援朝----四川宽窄科学研究之十. Academ Arena 2019;11(12):103-103]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 7. doi:10.7537/marsaaj111219.07.


Keywords: 关键词金灿荣; 宽窄论; 抗美援朝

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Recommended: 王德奎 (Wang Dekui)



Abstract: 摘要: 20191120日上海“观察者网”发表大包教授的《为什么互联网巨头热衷办科技大会》一文,此前118日他在“观察者网”曾发表《中国的数学物理教育难度比不上欧洲100年前?》,两文提出“华为技术斤两如何?科技如何进步?”等深度学习问题,引起很多读者的关注,特摘录于下,供读者研究。

[大包科技. 华为技术斤两如何科技如何进步----四川宽窄科学研究之15大包. Academ Arena 2019;11(12):104-106]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 8. doi:10.7537/marsaaj111219.08.


Keywords: 关键词:华为; 术斤; 科技; 进步

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The articles in this issue are presented as online first for peer-review starting from November 26, 2019. 

All comments are welcome: editor@sciencepub.net

For back issues of the Academia Arena, click here.

Emails: editor@sciencepub.net; sciencepub@gmail.com

Website: http://www.sciencepub.net/academia  

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