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Science Journal


Academia Arena

(Academ Arena)


ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online), doi:10.7537, Monthly

Volume 12 - Number 12 (Cumulated No. 138), December 25, 2020

Cover (jpg), Cover (pdf)Introduction, Contents, Call for Papers


The following manuscripts are presented as online first for peer-review, starting from November 20, 2020. All comments are welcome: editor@sciencepub.net

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                                         Marsland Press, 310 West 18th Street, New York, NY 10011, USA. Telephones: 718-404-5362; 347-321-7172



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Review Of Literature Related To Study Conceptualization Of Cocentroidal Matrices In Js Metric Space And Application Of Various Class Of Structured Group Matrices: A Critical Study


*Dr. Rajeev Kumar and **Preetika


*Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, OPJS University, Churu, Rajasthan (India)

**Research Scholar, Department of Mathematics, OPJS University, Churu, Rajasthan (India)

Email: preetikabhakar07@gmail.com


Abstract: Multiplication by a selection additionally satisfies the typical qualities of a summary and number multiplication of the can be also discovered in Figure two. All this must be rather apparent and straightforward. How about solutions of matrices? You may possibly think, in the beginning sight, that the apparent device is usually to simply multiply the corresponding entries. You are able to indeed determine a product this way - it's known as the Hadamard goods - but this turns out not to be extremely effective mathematically. The matrix matrix item is actually a much stranger beast, in the beginning sight. If perhaps you've an n k matrix, A, along with a k Śm matrix, B, then simply you are able to matrix multiply them together to develop a n Śm matrix denoted AB. (We at times make use of A.B for the matrix item if it really helps to make formulae clearer.) The matrix item is actually among the most essential matrix activities and it's essential to know how it operates in detail. It might seem to be bad initially sight and we are going to learn exactly where it comes from eventually but, because the second, it's ideal to deal with it as new stuff to study and simply be used to it. The very first thing to keep in mind is the way the matrix dimensions succeed.

[Preetika and Kumar, R. Review Of Literature Related To Study Conceptualization Of Cocentroidal Matrices In Js Metric Space And Application Of Various Class Of Structured Group Matrices: A Critical Study. Academ Arena 2020;12(12):1-7]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 1. doi:10.7537/marsaaj121220.01.


Keywords: Conceptualization, Concetroidal matrices, Space, Application

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Assessment Of Noise Levels In Selected Areas Within Akure, Nigeria Metropolis Using ArcGIS


1Olumuyiwa S. Aderinola and 2Titilayo A. Owolabi


1 Department of Civil Engineering, Federal University of Technology Akure, Nigeria

2Department of Civil Engineering, Hong Kong University of Technology, Hong Kong, China

1Email: osaderinola@futa.edu.ng

2Email: taowolabi@connect.ust.hk

*Corresponding Author: taowolabi@connect.ust.hk


Abstract: The study examined the noise levels in selected areas within Akure Metropolis, Nigeria intending to generate noise maps using ArcGIS which will help to identify high impact areas and support environmental management in the study area. Some selected areas within Akure metropolis were selected for this study namely; Oja-oba Market (commercial Land use), Ijoka (Residential land use), and the Federal University of Technology, Akure (Futa as an Educational Land Use). The digital sound level meter (IEC651 Type 2) was used to measure noise level in the morning (8:00am-9:00am), afternoon (1:00pm-2:00pm) and evening (4:00pm-5:00pm) for a period of 7days in each of the selected areas. The compiled data were imported into the ArcGIS 10.5 Software for analysis and geo-referencing whereby transforming the data and presenting it on noise contour maps. The study revealed that Sunday bus stop has the highest mean noise level with 64.3 decibel (A) while the lowest noise level was found in Olowookere street with 38.1 dB (A) for the Residential area. Ijomu recorded the highest noise level with 78.6 dB (A) and Erekesan market has the lowest noise level of 61.5 dB (A) for the commercial area. Finally, Northgate has the highest noise level, which recorded 76.3 dB (A) and the lowest noise level was recorded at Library area with 41.0 dB (A) for the Institutional area. 80% of the commercial area is exposed to the highest risk of noise pollution. The residential area was exposed to 18.7% noise pollution which makes the area suitable for housing. The institutional land use recorded 36.6% for total area exposed to noise pollution. This research has provided valuable information for decision makers as a guidance for noise pollution risk management and serve as a reference for future noise limit regulations to be executed in urban areas of Nigeria and other developing countries. It is recommended that Ministry of Environment at the Federal and State level should collaborate to conduct a noise assessment study. Such study will produce a comprehensive noise pollution and regulations standard for sustainable environmental development in Akure, Nigeria with respect to the identified land uses.

[Olumuyiwa S. Aderinola and Titilayo A. Owolabi. Assessment Of Noise Levels In Selected Areas Within Akure, Nigeria Metropolis Using ArcGIS. Academ Arena 2020;12(12):8-17]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 2. doi:10.7537/marsaaj121220.02.


Keyword: Noise, Noise pollution, Environmental noise, Akure, Noise map, ArcGIS.

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作者简介:孙纯武(1948-),男(汉族) ,中国江苏省扬州市,主要从事研究自然科学等;

单位名称、原江苏省扬州三力电器集团有限公司退休工人 邮编225008

电子信箱: yzscw0514@163.com                 微信号 scw20171020


Abstract摘要:今后医院为感冒发烧病人挂水设备条件未具备时,不要轻意挂水输液治退烧.节是需要放化疗的病人, 虽然需要将药物通过挂水输液,形成的是新分子结构的机体,以确保活体细胞的生存和恢复的环境。但人身体内是一个复杂系统工程, 如水多水少,水温度高低及进入身体內速度快慢都有一定讲究标准量, 水可以缓解疼痛,水又会加重病情等大问题。

[孙纯武. 我对当前冠状病毒防病治病的看法. Academ Arena 2020;12(12):18-22]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 3. doi:10.7537/marsaaj121220.03.


Keywords关健词新型肺炎冠状病毒 气侯变化 传染病 流行病 中药 挂水 媒体

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Molecular biology

Primarily from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



Mark Herbert, PhD


World Development Institute

39-6 Main Street, Flushing, Queens, New York 11354, USA, ma708090@gmail.com


Abstract: Molecular biology is the branch of biology that concerns the molecular basis of biological activity in and between cells, including molecular synthesis, modification, mechanisms and interactions. The central dogma of molecular biology describes the process in which DNA is transcribed into RNA then translated into protein.

[Mark Herbert. Molecular biology. Academ Arena 2020;12(12):23-26]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 4. doi:10.7537/marsaaj121220.04.


Keywords: Molecular biology; cell, synthesis; modification; mechanism; interactions; DNA; RNA protein

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王德奎 (Wang Dekui), 绵阳日报社, 绵阳, 四川 621000, 中国, y-tx@163.com


Abstract 摘要:环量子的三种自旋编码和对DNA双螺旋结构的孤立波模拟,奠定了量子信息学及其量子计算机新的理论基础;而原子间量子态及多粒子纠缠态隐形传输的探索,会更多拓展三旋理论的这一基础。 

[王德奎. 多粒子量子纠缠态隐形传输与三旋理论. Academ Arena 2020;12(12):27-32]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 5. doi:10.7537/marsaaj121220.05.



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Recommended: 王德奎 (Wang Dekui), 绵阳日报社, 绵阳, 四川 621000, 中国, y-tx@163.com



[长江康. 评从超发光现象到实数超光速运动----读曹盛林的《狭义相对论与超光速运动》. Academ Arena 2020;12(12):33-45]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 6. doi:10.7537/marsaaj121220.06.


关键词:中科院; 高能物理研究所; 研究员; 相对论; 科学历史

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(西南科技大学 环境工程,359492483@qq.com)

Recommended: 王德奎 (Wang Dekui), 绵阳日报社, 绵阳, 四川 621000, 中国, y-tx@163.com



[潘俊杰. 不同除磷剂对二级出水生化出水强化除磷的效能研究. Academ Arena 2020;12(12):46-54]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 7. doi:10.7537/marsaaj121220.07.


Keywords关键词:二级出水 除磷剂 去除效能

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Recommended: 王德奎 (Wang Dekui), 绵阳日报社, 绵阳, 四川 621000, 中国, y-tx@163.com


Abstract 摘要:2020年《环球科学》杂志8月号,发表美国洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室物理学家威廉•查尔斯•路易斯和理查德•范德沃特的《第四种中微子:宇宙的至暗物质》一文,介绍他们在洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室,1996年至202025年间做的寻找“惰性中微子”存在证据的新一代CCM实验----粒子物理学的尺度模型告诉,中微子只有三种类型。然而1996年的一场实验却提出了另一种可能性:第四种中微子(惰性中微子)有可能存在。自那时起,物理学家开展了大量实验,试图证明或彻底否认这一突破尺度模型的假说。

[长江康. 宇宙暗物质和暗能量之谜. Academ Arena 2020;12(12):55-59]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 8. doi:10.7537/marsaaj121220.08.


Keywords 关键词:科学;洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室; 物理学; 中微子; 宇宙 暗物质

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My view on prevention and treatment of coronavirus



Sun Chunwu



单位名称、原江苏省扬州三力电器集团有限公司, 邮编225008

电子信箱: yzscw0514@163.com;  微信号 scw20171020

Sun Chunwu (1948-), male (Han nationality), Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China, mainly engaged in natural science research;

Unit name: Jiangsu Yangzhou Sanli Electric Group Co., Ltd., Zip code 225008

E-mail: yzscw0514@163.com, WeChat number scw20171020


Abstract摘要: 今后医院为感冒发烧病人挂水设备条件未具备时,不要轻意挂水输液治退烧.节是需要放化疗的病人, 虽然需要将药物通过挂水输液,形成的是新分子结构的机体,以确保活体细胞的生存和恢复的环境。但人身体内是一个复杂系统工程, 如水多水少,水温度高低及进入身体內速度快慢都有一定讲究标准量., 水可以缓解疼痛,水又会加重病情等大问题。

In the future, when the equipment for hanging water for cold and fever patients is not available, do not lightly hang water infusion to treat fever. Saving refers to patients who need radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Although the drugs need to be put through water infusion, the body with new molecular structure is formed to ensure the survival and recovery environment of living cells. But the human body is a complex system engineering, such as more water, less water, water temperature and speed into the body have certain standards. Water can relieve pain, water will aggravate the disease and other major problems.

[孙纯武. 我对当前冠状病毒防病治病的看法. Academ Arena 2020;12(12):60-69]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 9. doi:10.7537/marsaaj121220.09.


Key words: Novel pneumonia coronavirusClimate changeInfectious Diseasestraditional Chinese medicineHanging water media 关健词新型冠状病毒 气侯变化 传染病 流行病 中药 挂水 媒体

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The articles in this issue are presented as online first for peer-review starting from November 20, 2020. 

All comments are welcome: editor@sciencepub.net

For back issues of the Academia Arena, click here.

Emails: editor@sciencepub.net; sciencepub@gmail.com

Website: http://www.sciencepub.net/academia  

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Global Impact Factor: 0.324 (2012); 0.454 (2013); 0.565 (2014); 0.676 (2015)

InfoBase Index IBI Factor: 4.79 (2015)

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