The Journal of American Science - Call for Papers

A new academic journal “The Journal of American Science” (ISSN: 1545-1003)
is inviting you to publish your papers. A formal academic international
journal, The Journal of American Science, is registered in the United
States. The website of the journal is currently under construction and will
soon be done. Please send your manuscript to

The journal will be supported by manuscript contributors. To cover the
printing cost, this journal will only charge authors the actual printing fee
(about US$30 per printed page). At least one (1) hard copy of a printed
journal and a hundred (100) offprints (reprints) of each article will be
given to authors free of charge. Here is a new avenue to publish your
outstanding reports and reviews. Please also help spread this to your
colleagues and friends and invite them to contribute papers to the journal.
Let's work together to disseminate our research results and our opinions.

Papers in all the fields are welcome, including papers of natural science
and social science.

Marsland Company

P.O. Box 753

East Lansing, Michigan 48826

The United States

Telephone: (517) 505-7688

