Manuscript Preparation Instruction for The Journal of Ameican Science:


  1. Submission: Electronic submission through email is encouraged and hard copies plus an IBM formatted computer diskette would be also accepted.
  2. Software: The Microsoft Word file will be preferred.
  3. Font: Normal, Times New Roman, 10 pt, single space.
  4. Indent: Type 2 space in the beginning of each new paragraph.
  5. Cover Page: Put detail information of authors and a short title in the cover page.
  6. Title: Use Title Case in the title and subtitles, e.g. “Debt and Agency Costs”.
  7. Figure and Table: Use full word of figure and title, e.g. “Figure 1. Annul Income of Different Groups”, Table 1. Annual Increase of Investment”.
  8. References: Cite references by “last name, year”, e.g.  “(Smith, 2003)”.
  9. Reference Examples:
    Journal Article:
    Hacker J, Hentschel U, Dobrindt U. Prokaryotic chromosomes and disease. Science 2003;301(34):790-3.
    Book: Berkowitz BA, Katzung BG. Basic & Clinical Evaluation of New Drugs. In: Katzung BG, ed. Basic and Clinical Pharmacology.
    Norwalk, Connecticut, USA: Appleton & Lance. 1995:60-70.

10. Pay attention to the all the information of references is exact.

  1. Reference should including all the authors’ last names and initials, title, journal, year, volume, issue, and pages etc.
  2. Please do not use the “Footnote” or “Header and Footer” in your manuscripts.

13. The authors have the full responsibilities for the papers submitted.

14.  Visit: to see the published articles as the examples.


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The Journal of Ameican Science

Marsland Press

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Okemos, MI 48864

The United States

Telephone: (517) 349-2362

