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Nature and Science
(Nat Sci
ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online); doi prefix: 10.7537, Monthly
Volume 16 - Number 10 (Cumulated No. 139), October 25, 2018
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Impact of endometriosis on intracytoplasmic Sperm injection (ICSI) outcome


Prof. Dr. Naglaa El Shaprawy1, Prof. Dr. Enas Hamdy1, Prof. Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Rammah2 and Nahed Abdel Naeim Ahmed Omran3


1Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, Faculty of Medicine for Girls, Al-Azhar University, Egypt

2Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, International Islamic Center, Faculty of Medicine, Al-Azhar University, Egypt

3Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, Gala Maternity Teaching Hospital, Egypt



Abstract: background: Endometriosis and infertility are correlated in a complex manner, and a number of various pathogenetic cellular and molecular mechanisms interconnect the two issues. Endometriosis is diagnosed in 6-8% of females undergoing assisted reproductive management protocols. Cases suffering endometriosis apparently have similar ART clinical outcomes in comparison to unexplained infertility as regards live birth rates, in spite of a lower oocyte quality retrieved. In case of more severe forms of the disease (e.g. endometrioma, deep infiltrating endometriosis) the benefits of surgery prior to ART are debatable, and must be balanced against risks. Aim: The current research study aims to investigate impact of endometriosis on ICSI clinical outcome as regards pregnancy rate. Methodology: The current research study was conducted at ART unit Al Azhar university, on 100 cases with endometriosis were recruited in a prospective manner in research group I and 50 cases with unexplained infertility were recruited in a retrospective manner research group II to be used as a control group. Controlled ovarian stimulation for ICSI performance was conducted by using long protocol. The primary research outcome measure was determining the pregnancy rate per case. Results: statistically significant difference between research groups according pregnancy rates using chi-square test with p-value <0.001. Women with severe endometriosis have a statistically significant lower pregnancy rate and implantation rate, have lower number of oocytes obtained at retrieval and a lower serum E2 concentration. Conclusion: The current research study reveals that the effect of endometriosis is not exclusively on the endometrial respectively but also on the oocyte and embryonic development.

[Naglaa El Shaprawy, Enas Hamdy, Ahmed Mohamed Rammah and Nahed Abdel Naeim Ahmed Omran. Impact of endometriosis on intracytoplasmic Sperm injection (ICSI) outcome. Nat Sci 2018;16(10):1-12]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 1. doi:10.7537/marsnsj161018.01.


Keywords: Impact; endometriosis; intracytoplasmic Sperm; injection (ICSI); outcome

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Clinical Intervention for Maternal Near Miss cases in El Galaa Teaching Hospital


Mohamed Taher Ismail; Mohamed Cherine Ramadan; Ahmad Shaaban Mohamed; Ahmed Moataz Elshishini


Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Al Azhar University, Egypt



Abstract: Background: Near miss cases share many characteristics with maternal deaths and can directly inform about obstacles that had to be overcome after the onset of an acute complication, hence providing valuable information on obstetric care. This allows for corrective action to be taken on identified problems to reduce related mortality and long-term morbidity. Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the efficacy of possible interventions (in the form of monthly clinical audit for new near miss cases and feedback strategy) in reducing maternal near miss cases in El Galaa Teaching Hospital in Egypt and improving WHO indicators of maternal health. Methods: The study was conducted over 3 stages: Stage I (Formative Stage): Is a retrospective study of maternal near miss cases over 1 year period, based on WHO criteria from 1/1/2016 to 1/1/2017. Stage II (Intervention stage): This incorporated a monthly clinical audit for new near-miss cases and feedback strategy, using WHO case report forms, as well as engagement of opinion leaders for 1 year from 1/1/2017 to 1/1 2018 with 2 to 3 cases discussed monthly. Stage III (Assessment Stage): Evaluating the clinical performance and frequency of near miss cases after intervention. Results: In this study, the majority of women with potentially life threatening conditions were referred from private obstetrician clinic, private hospitals and Ministry of Health to El Galaa hospital. The majority of Maternal near miss cases (67.9%) gave birth by Caesarean section, this was because of the severity of these patients' obstetric conditions usually requires urgent action. The main life threatening conditions among women in this study were hypertensive disorders of pregnancy 41% (24% Pre-eclampsia, 15% Eclampsia, 2% chronic hypertension). Conclusion: Our intervention (near miss clinical audit) helped to improve the performance and quality of care provided to women with complications during pregnancy, as reflected on the maternal health outcome indicators. Therefore we recommend incorporating clinical audit process in all health facilities. The Maternal mortality index and Maternal near miss mortality ratio, two of the indicators recommended by WHO, can be used to monitor and assess the performance and health care level. Health managers and policy makers should use maternal health outcome indicators for allocation of resources and prioritization of investments.

[Mohamed Taher Ismail; Mohamed Cherine Ramadan; Ahmad Shaaban Mohamed; Ahmed Moataz Elshishini. Clinical Intervention for Maternal Near Miss cases in El Galaa Teaching Hospital. Nat Sci 2018;16(10):13-20]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 2. doi:10.7537/marsnsj161018.02.


Keywords: Clinical; Intervention; Maternal; Miss; case; El Galaa; Teaching; Hospital

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Prevalence of Hepatitis C in Pregnant Women in Egypt


Mohamed Samir Mohamed Fouad 1, Mahmoud Samy Zaky 1, Mohamed Abd El Hakiim Rizk 2, Mohamed Saeed Elshorbagy3, Mohamed Hamza Saleh1


1Obstetrics & Gynecology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Al-Azhar University, Egypt

2Public Health & Community Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine, Al-Azhar University, Egypt

3Clinical Pathology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Al-Azhar University, Egypt



Abstract: Background: Infection with the hepatitis C virus (HCV) affects2% - 3% of the world’s population. The Egyptian Demographic Health Survey (EDHS), a cross sectional survey including hepatitis C virus (HCV) biomarkers, was conducted in 2008 on a large nationally representative sample. It estimated HCV prevalence among the 15–59 years age group to be 14.7%. Accordingly, Egypt has the highest HCV prevalence in the world. This unparalleled level of exposure to this infection appears to reflect a national level epidemic. It has been postulated that the epidemic has been caused by extensive iatrogenic transmission during the era of parenteral-antischistosomal-therapy (PAT) mass-treatment campaigns. Objectives: To find out the prevalence of accidentally discovered cases of HCV infection among pregnant women who give no history of any hepatic disease. To check for the possibility of making Hepatitis-C screening a routine investigation during pregnancy. Patients and Methods: The study is a cross-sectional study. This study will be recruited from obstetric & gynecology department at Luxor International Hospital. Over a period of seven months starting from March 2017 to October 2017. The stored serum will be analyzed for hepatitis-C antibody by A con cards which is rapid method for qualitative detection of HCV-ab. Then positive samples will be submitted to more confirmatory test (bioelisa HCV 4.0) the result will take the form of positive versus Negative. Results: Our work is a cross-sectional study depending on the screening of blood samples withdrawn from (216) pregnant women. 15(6.9%) women were positive for both HCV antibodies (Ab) and HCV-RNA, women positive to Ab but negative to HCV-RNA were excluded due to cross antigenicity known between HCV and other diseases. In an investigation of 2,644 blood donors from 26 Egyptian governorates, those with highest prevalence were located in the central and northeastern Nile Delta and the Nile valley. However of those 15 pregnant women positive to HCV both by AB. and PCR, 6 (40%) had a history of blood transfusion.

Conclusion: In view of the results of the current work, the vertical transmission of HCV is not confirmed, further studies together with long term follow up of seropositive mothers and their neonates are recommended. HCV infection doesn't increase the risk of obstetric complications.

[Mohamed Samir Mohamed Fouad, Mahmoud Samy Zaky, Mohamed Abd El Hakiim Rizk, Mohamed Saeed Elshorbagy, Mohamed Hamza Saleh. Prevalence of Hepatitis C in Pregnant Women in Egypt. Nat Sci 2018;16(10):21-25]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 3. doi:10.7537/marsnsj161018.03.


Keywords: Hepatitis C, Pregnant Women, Egyptian Demographic Health Survey, alanine aminotransferase.

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Effect of Some Dormancy Breaking Treatments on Yield and Fruit Quality of “Le Conte” Pear Trees


Fahmy M. A., Abd-Elrazik A. M., Hamdy A. E. and Shams Eldeen, Z. S.


Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Al-Azhar University, Nasr city, Cairo, Egypt



Abstract: present work was carried out during two successive seasons of 2015 and 2016. Experimental treatments were applied on 5 years old, ‘Le Conte’ pear trees budded on Pyrus betulaefolia rootstock, planted at distance of 3 × 5 meters and grown in sandy soil under drip irrigation system in a private orchard located at Al- Hussein association for reclaiming and cultivating land, Kilo 64 Cairo Alexandria desert road, Giza governorate, Egypt. The field experiments was designed to evaluate the efficacy of using some dormancy breaking materials (Milagro, Dormex, Mineral oil and Thiourea) on yield and fruit quality. The obtained results showed that dormancy braking treatments at various dates had simultaneously effect on some fruit physical characteristics of 'Le Conte' pear cultivar trees such as an early beginning of flowering, fruit weight, volume, length, diameter and firmness as well as yield (kg)/ tree of ‘Le Conte’ pear cultivar fruits. These parameters were positively affected by all treatments in comparison to that of the control trees. Pear trees sprayed with Thiourea and mineral oil at 6 % gave higher significant values of fruit T.S.S (%) than those sprayed with Dormex or Milagro. Generally, spraying Le-Conte pear trees by breaking dormancy substances (Feb. 5th) obtained the highest yield and the best fruit quality suitable for export and domestic consumption. In addition, regularity the bud burst and balances between flowering and vegetative buds.

[Fahmy M. A., Abd-Elrazik A. M., Hamdy A. E. and Shams Eldeen, Z. S. Effect of Some Dormancy Breaking Treatments on Yield and Fruit Quality of “Le Conte” Pear Trees. Nat Sci 2018;16(10):26-32]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 4. doi:10.7537/marsnsj161018.04.


Keywords: Pear, foliar spraying, Milagro, Dormex, Mineral oil and Thiourea

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Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein and High Sensitive C - reactive protein Levels in Children with Nephrotic Syndrome


Mohamed Mohamed El Mazahi, MD., Ayman Mohamed Hammad, MD., Mohamed Abd El Salam Zannoun, MD., Tarek Mustafa Emran, MD. and Riham Mohammed Elsayed Arnous


1Pediatric Department, Faculty of Medicine, Al Azhar University, New Damietta, Egypt.

2Clinical pathology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Al Azhar University, New Damietta, Egypt.



Abstract: Background and objectives: The Characteristic Features of Nephrotic Syndrome are heavy proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, Hyperlipidemia associated with peripheral edema. The nephrotic syndrome is defined by heavy proteinuria due to increase of glomerular permeability and following hypoalbuminemia, Hyperlipidemia and edema. Hyperlipidemia is a common feature of the nephrotic syndrome. Hyperlipidemia so commonly complicates with heavy proteinuria that it has come to be regarded as an integral features of nephrotic syndrome lipid abnormalities in patients with the nephrotic syndrome have been recognized. This study brings new insights that (OxLDL) and CRP may play a direct role in promoting the inflammatory Component of atherosclerosis. So the Aim of the work to assess and evaluate the level of hs-CRP (high sensitive C-reactive protein) and Oxidized low density lipoprotein (Ox-LDL) as markers of atherosclerosis in children with nephrotic syndrome. Methods: in this case control study, we measure the hs-CRP and Oxidized LDL in children with INS collected from Mansoura Children University Hospital and Al-Azhar University Hospital in New Damietta. Results: we found elevated hs-CRP and Ox-LDL in those children with INS in remission. Conclusion: the results of our study suggest presence of pro artherogenic lipid profile and elevated hs-CRP and Ox-LDL levels in children with INS.

[Mohamed Mohamed El Mazahi, Ayman Mohamed Hammad, Mohamed Abd El Salam Zannoun, Tarek Mustafa Emran, and Riham Mohammed Elsayed Arnous. Oxidized low-density lipoprotein and high sensitive C-reactive protein levels in children with nephrotic syndrome. Nat Sci 2018;16(10):33-36]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 5. doi:10.7537/marsnsj161018.05.


Keywords: Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein; High Sensitive C-reactive protein; Level; Children; Nephrotic Syndrome

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Normative Reference Values of Abdominal Aortic Diameters of Sudanese Using Computed Tomography


Salah Albager1,3, Mohamed Yousef1,2, Ikhlas Abdelaziz1, Mohammed Salih4, Hammad Abdoh5


1College of Medical Radiological Sciences, Sudan University of Science and Technology, Khartoum Sudan

2Batterjee Medical College, Department of Radiological Science, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

3Al-Ghad International College for Applied Medical Science, Medical Imaging Technology Department, Burida, KSA

4Al-Ghad International College for Applied Medical Science, Medical Imaging Technology Department, Abha, KSA

5Al-Azhar University, New Damietta Faculty of Medicine Anatomy Department, Damiett, Egypt



Abstract: Computed tomography angiography (CTA) is a standard tool for investigation of the abdominal aorta diseases. Currently, there are only a few published scientific articles devoted to the study of the infrarenal aortic size without pathology. The aims of this study were to use Computed Tomography (CT) to determine normal diameters for the suprarenal and infrarenal abdominal aorta in Sudanese population of asymptomatic, low-risk adult subjects and to study the variation in aortic diameters with age and gender. A total of 200 patients (108 males and 92 females) with a mean age of 48.6 years consecutive adults free of cardiac or aortic structural disease or arrhythmia who referred for abdominal CT scanning in the radiology department of Royal Care Hospital in Khartoum- Sudan during the period from August 2015 to May 2018. The mean internal diameters of the suprarenal and infrarenal abdominal aorta were measured at T12 and L3 vertebral levels and tabulated according to various age groups for both men and women. Pearson correlation coefficient was used to evaluate the correlation between aortic diameters, with age and gender. The results of this study revealed that the mean diameter of the suprarenal abdominal aorta, measured at T12 vertebral level was19.44±1.51 mm in women and 20.97±1.74mm in men. The mean diameters of the infrarenal abdominal aorta, measured at L3 vertebral level were 14.13±1.34 mm. in women and 17.34±1.36 mm. in men. It concluded that normal dimensions abdominal aorta by CT scan was established and correlated with age and gender which is similar to previously published studies.

[Albager s, Yousef M, Abdelaziz I, Salih M, Abdoh H. Normative Reference Values of Abdominal Aortic Diameters of Sudanese Using Computed Tomography. Nat Sci 2018;16(10):37-43]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 6. doi:10.7537/marsnsj161018.06.


Keywords: Aortic Diameter; Computed tomography angiography; Sudanese, Abdominal aortic aneurism; Normative Reference Values.

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Value of transvaginal ultrasound doppler in uterine and ovarian arteries during mid luteal phase in women with unexplained infertility


Prof. Dr. Iman Bayoumi Abd –Rabou, Dr. Doaa Mahmoud Effat, Samar Salah –Elden Mohammed


Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Egypt



Abstract: Abstract: Objective: Altered utero-ovarian blood flow and uterine receptivity has been found to be a cause of un explained infertility. the aim of this study was to evaluate the role of trans vaginal ultra sound Doppler in determination of uterine and ovarian arteries blood flow in un explained infertile women during the window phase of implantation and to detect any uterine abnormality that may affect embryo implantation. Study design: observational, cross section, controlled study done at department of obstetrics and genecology Alzhraa hospital and bahteem hospital during the period of May 2015 to October 2017. Outcome measure: Element of uterine scoring system of infertility and mean uterine and ovarian arteries resistance and pulsation indices in both groups and their values in the diagnosis of altered blood flow in unexplained infertility were measured. Result: women with unexplained infertility had significantly higher uterine and ovarian arteries pulsating index (P<.001) Uterine artery pulsating index of >1.2 was a good test for the diagnosis of decreased uterine artery blood flow in UN explained infertility. Witha sensitivity of 68.00%, specificity of 92.00% for uterine artery and a sensitivity of 96.00, specificity of 100.00% for ovarian artery. Conclusion: Unexplained infertility is associated with increase resistance to blood flow in the utero-ovarian circulation during the mid-luteal phase uterine artery PI of 1.2 indicated decreased utero ovarian blood flow. More studies are needed to support this Conclusion and to evaluate the possible role of perfusion Enhancer drugs in increasing blood flow and enhancing pregnancy in women with unexplained infertility.

[Iman Bayoumi Abd –Rabou, Doaa Mahmoud Effat, Samar Salah–Elden Mohammed. Value of transvaginal ultrasound doppler in uterine and ovarian arteries during mid luteal phase in women with unexplained infertility. Nat Sci 2018;16(10):44-47]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 7. doi:10.7537/marsnsj161018.07.


Keywords: Value; transvaginal; ultrasound; Doppler; uterine; ovarian; artery; luteal; phase; women; infertility

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Determination Of Heavy Metal Concentrations In Transformer Oil Polluted Soil Inoculated With Pleurotus tuber-regium (Sing.) AND Lentinus squarrosulus (L.)


Ejoh, E.O,1 Adenipekun, C.O,1 Olowoyo, J.O.2, Ogunjobi, A.A.3 and Urhie E. J.4


1Department of Botany, University of Ibadan Nigeria, 2Department of Biology, University of Limpopo Medunsa Campus, South Africa, 3 Department of Microbiology, University of Ibadan, Nigeria, 4Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin China.



Abstract: The main environmental challenge facing the world today is the contamination of air, soil and water by toxic compounds due to extensive use of pesticides in agriculture and industralization. Heavy metals are also introduced into the environment through the means mentioned above, although they are need in trace amount by living organisms but in high concentration they are toxic and result in serious health implications such as damage of central nervous function, gastrointestinal and cardiovascular and systems, kidneys, lungs, bones etc. Overtime, various methods have been employed to combat this challenge (incineration, thermal desorption and removal and disposal etc.), most of which are cost effective and unsafe and hence the need for biological method such as bioremediation using bacteria and fungi, phytoremediation and bioaccumulation etc. This study investigated the effect of Pleurotus tuber-regium (PT) and Lentinus squarrosulus (LS) on the concentrations of heavy metals in transformer oil polluted soil collected from three different sites in Power Holding Company of Nigeria over a period of 3 months. After incubation, the mycelia ramified substrate (rice straw) was carefully separated from the soil. The soil and the straw were air dried and oven dried respectively and acid digested and analyzed for the following heavy metals Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, Mg and Pb using Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES). Soil from Ibadan substation was most contaminated with heavy metals (type and concentration) and soil from Ughelli substation was the least contaminated. Fe values at the Ibadan substation were significantly (P>0.05) higher than values from other locations, the Fe concentration in all the soil samples ranged from 53.04–438 mg/kg, Mg concentration ranged from 0.18–10.11 mg/kg and Pb concentration ranged from 0.17–14.02 mg/kg while heavy metal concentrations in straw/fungi biomass ranged from 9.21-41.42 mg/kg for Fe, 1.19– 12.88 mg/kg for Mn and 5.79 -14.88 mg/kg for Mg. The Fe concentration in both soil and straw/fungal biomass was observed to be highest in the three contaminated sites treated/inoculated with both P. tuber-regium and L. squarrosulus while the least is Pb concentration. Soil inoculated with L. squarrosulus had significantly (P>0.05) lower heavy metal concentrations in all the soils which indicates that it was more effective in accumulating heavy metals in soil than P. tuber-regium.

[Ejoh, E.O, Adenipekun, C.O, Olowoyo, J.O., Ogunjobi, A.A. and Urhie E. J. Determination Of Heavy Metal Concentrations In Transformer Oil Polluted Soil Inoculated With Pleurotus tuber-regium (Sing.) AND Lentinus squarrosulus (L.). Nat Sci 2018;16(10):48-54]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 8. doi:10.7537/marsnsj161018.08.


Key Words: Transformer oil; pollution; Pleurotus tuber-regium; Lentinus squarrosulus; heavy metals

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Yield Response of Soybean Crop to Irrigation Regime and Planting dates in El-Minia Region – Middle Egypt

Abdel Reheem, H. A.; Ahmed, Y. M.; Mohamed, M. A. and Hassan, A. F.

Water Management Research Institute, National Water Research Center, Delta Barrages. Egypt


Abstract: Two field experiments were carried out at Mallawy Research Station, El-Minia province, Middle Egypt during the growing summer seasons of 2015 and 2016 to evaluate the effect of sowing dates and irrigation regime on water applied, actual water requirements, saving water and yield for Soybean crop (Glycine max L.). The experiments included four treatments of sowing dates (A) and two irrigation regime (B) with four replicated. The irrigation regime treatments were traditional irrigation (the farmers practices), 100%, 90%, 80% and 70% of field capacity). Sowing dates were distributed at random in the main plots while irrigation regime treatments were distributed at random in the sub- plots so that the experiment was arranged in a split plot design. The results indicated that the highest values were obtained from plants which sowing at 10th May and irrigated until 80% of field capacity A1b4 (1.760 ton / fed. ). The treatment A1b4 was the best ( from with regard to the water saving ) it can save irrigation water by about 635.45 m3/fed equal (18.96%) under El-Minia conditions, compared with the common conventional treatment. The results show also that, the amount of water irrigation which can be saved (average area cultivated by soybean in El- Minia region ) about 76254000 million m3/ area compared to conventional treatment in region. Treatment A1b4 ( planting at 10th May and irrigated until 80% of field capacity ) gave the highest values of production and water use efficiency.
[Abdel Reheem, H. A.; Ahmed, Y. M.; Mohamed, M. A. and Hassan, A. F. Yield Response of Soybean Crop to Irrigation Regime and Planting dates in El-Minia Region – Middle Egypt. Nat Sci 2018;16(10):55-63]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 9. doi:10.7537/marsnsj161018.09.

Keywords: Yield; Response; Soybean; Crop; Irrigation; Regime; Planting; date; El-Minia Region; Middle Egypt

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The Potential Efficacy of Antidepressants and Moringa oleifera in Experimentally Induced Ulcerative Colitis in Rats


Prof. Dr. Nageh Ahmed El-Mahdy1, Prof. Dr. Omar Ahmed Saad Tammam2, Dr. Mohamed Fathi Mohamed Azazi3 and Rna Abd El Kader Mohammed Sayerdayer4


1Professor of Pharmacology & Toxicology, Faculty of Pharmacy -Tanta University, Egypt

2Professor of Natural Protectorates Dean of Environmental Studies and Research Institute, Sadat City University, Egypt

3Associate Professor of Plant Ecology and Head of Surveying of Natural Resources Department, Environmental Studies and Research Institute – Sadat City University, Egypt

4. Pharmacology & Toxicology Department, Faculty of Pharmacy -Tanta University, Egypt camelliarose52@yahoo.com


Abstract: Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a recurrent bowel disease resulting from uncontrolled inflammation that ultimately leads to mucosal disruption and ulceration. Medicinal plants have played a key role in world health in spite of great advances observed in conventional medicine in recent decades, herbal medicine still makes an important contribution to health care. Also Psychological disorders such as depression have more prevalence in inflammatory bowel disease patients and can exacerbate the clinical course of the disease, so anti-depressant therapy may have a potential to positively impact the disease course. On the other hand several antidepressant drugs have shown anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties. Therefore, an attempt was made to investigate the possible prophylactic and therapeutic effects of Moringa oleifera and fluoxetine on dextran induced colitis in male wistarrats in comparison with the reference drug Sulfasalazine using the following biomarkers including (MPO, MDA, NO, GSH and TNFα). The results showed that both Moringa oleifera and fluoxetine have significant prophylactic and therapeutic activity against experimental colitis in rats, as indicated by biochemical evaluations. Moringa oleifera seems to be the most effective as prophylactic therapy on the other hand fluoxetine seems to be the most effective as Curative therapy.

[Nageh Ahmed El-Mahdy, Omar Ahmed Saad Tammam, Dr. Mohamed Fathi Mohamed Azazi and Rna Abd El Kader Mohammed Sayerdayer. The Potential Efficacy of Antidepressants and Moringa oleifera in Experimentally Induced Ulcerative Colitis in Rats. Nat Sci 2018;16(10):64-72]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 10. doi:10.7537/marsnsj161018.10.


Key words: Ulcerative colitis, Moringa oleifera, fluoxetine, dextran

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Effect of Curcumin on the Cardiovascular System of Obese Albino Rats

El-Sayed Galal El-Sayed Khedr, Ahmad Mohmmad Abdel-Aleem Desoky and Ahmed Ibrahim Ibrahim Al Shenawy

Histology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Al-Azhar University, Egypt


Abstract: Background: cardiovascular diseases (CVD), principally ischemic heart disease and stroke, remain the leading cause of mortality worldwide and a major contributor to disability and rising healthcare costs. In 2010 alone, CVD was a primary cause of 15.6 million global deaths. Obesity is one of the major causes for incidence of cardiovascular disease. Abundant evidence shows that obesity is associated with structural and functional changes in the heart in both humans and animal models. A ten kg higher body weight is associated with a 3.0 mm Hg higher systolic and 2.3 mm Hg higher diastolic blood pressure. These increases translate into an estimated 12% increased risk rate for CHD and 24% increased risk rate for stroke. This increase in blood pressure is greatest when the obesity is of abdominal distribution. Aim of the Work: is to evaluate the hypolipidemic effect of curcumin extract (50 mg/kg/day) on the cardiovascular changes induced by obesity in albino rats that treated by intra-peritoneal injection of Triton WR 1339 (250 mg/kg) to induce obesity because it induces hyperlipidemia higher than cholesterol and oil supplemented diets. Materials and Methods: this study was performed using 80 male albino rats of Wistar strain, initially weighing 120 ± 5 grams and 5 weeks old. Rats were obtained from the National Institute for vaccine and anti-serum “VACSERA”, Cairo, Egypt. They were housed in stainless steel cages measuring 120 X 60 X 60 cm (10 rats / cage) at a well-ventilated animal house at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Alexandria University, Egypt. Rats were permitted adequate standard diet and given water ad libitum for one week of adaptation period prior to the experimental work. Care and use of the animals were conducted under supervision of the Animal Care Committee of the Alexandria University, Egypt. This study was carried out at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Alexandria University. The experiment lasted for eight weeks. A total of 80 male albino rats (each rat was about 120 ± 5 gram) were allocated in eight cages (10 rats/cage) and divided into four groups (20 rats per each group). Results: our study was focused on the therapeutic effect of the curcumin which has gained an increased interest in recent years as a potential treatment for obesity-related comorbidities. In the present study, 60 rats (120±5g and 5 weeks old) treatment with triton for duration of 4 weeks was designed to exhibit obesity features in rats characterized by an increase in the body weight gain, incidence of hyperlipidemia, cardiac and aortic remodling. During period of triron WR 1339 injection rats were calm, easy to handle without injuries or deaths. Appetite was increased in obese group more than in control group, this indicated by increased amount of food needed for each group (about 20 grams/ rat/ day for obese group and 14 grams/ rat/ day for control group). Obesity group increased in weight by (up to 70 grams per week) while control group showed lower rate of weight gain (about 30 grams per week). Conclusion: the obtained results revealed that, rats treated with triton WR 1339 for duration of 4 weeks tended to exhibit obesity features characterized by an increase in the body weight gain, elevated serum lipid level and features cardiovascular remodeling. Where, curcumin treatment of the obese rats showed a significant reduction in the body weight, improvement in cardiovascular remodeling and improvement in serum lipid profile and atherogenic indices.
[El-Sayed Galal El-Sayed Khedr, Ahmad Mohmmad Abdel-Aleem Desoky and Ahmed Ibrahim Ibrahim Al Shenawy. Effect of Curcumin on the Cardiovascular System of Obese Albino Rats. Nat Sci 2018;16(10):73-81]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 11. doi:10.7537/marsnsj161018.11.

Keywords: Curcumin, Cardiovascular System, Obese Albino Rats

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Effect of Curcumin on the Liver of Albino Rats in Experimental Obesity

El-Sayed Galal El-Sayed Khedr, Ahmad Mohmmad Abdel-Alem Desoky, Mohamed Yossry Ahmed Agwa

Histology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Al-Azhar University, Egypt


Abstract: Background: Diets containing high amount of fats or cholesterol lead to both hyper-cholesterolemia and hyper-triglyceridemia which mostly induces oxidative stress is now believed to be an important factor in the development of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Nonalcoholic fatty liver diseases the most common liver disorder in the world which caused by obesity, its incidence reaches 70-90%. The disease is characterized by the accumulation of triacylglycerols inside liver cells and the condition can progress into more serious liver disease, such as non-alcoholic steato-hepatitis, liver fibrosis, cirrhosisand more rarely, liver carcinoma. Hypercholesterolemia is widely known as a dominant risk factor for the development of cardiovascular diseases, particularly coronary heart disease which is a leading cause of death in developing and developed countries. Aim of the Work: The aim of this study is to evaluate the hypolipidemic effect of curcumin extract (50 mg/kg/day) on the hepatic changes induced by obesity in albino rats that treated by intra-peritoneal injection of Triton (250 mg/kg) to induce obesity. Materials and Methods: This study was carried out at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Alexandria University. 80 male albino rats weighing 120 ± 5 grams and aged 4-5 weeks were used throughout this study. The rats were housed in clean metallic cages with a metallic mish cover and dimension of 120 X 60X 60 cm. Each cage contained 10 rats. The animals were fed normal laboratory diet and with liberal supply of water. All animals were housed under the mentioned environmental condition and the basal diet for one week before experiment for acclimatization to ensure normal growth and behavior. Weight of animals was recorded every week. This study was carried out at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Alexandria University. The experiment lasted for eight weeks. A total of 80 male albino rats (weighing 120 ± 5 gram body weights) were allocated in eight cages (10 rats/cage) and divided into four groups. Group I (Control group), group II (Obese group), group III (Curcumin group), group IV (Recovery group). Results: During period of triron WR 1339 injection rats were calm, easy to handle without injuries or deaths. Appetite was increased in obese group more than in control group, this indicated by increased amount of food needed for each group (about 20 grams/ rat/ day for obese group and 14 grrams/ rat/ day for control group). Appetite was lower in curcumin-treated group (about 13 grams/ rat/ day) than recovery group (about 17 grams/ rat/ day). The rats stool in curcumin group was greasy in comparison with recovery group. No changes occurred in the skin or hair. Obese group increased in weight by (up to 70 grams per week) while control group showd lower rate of weight gain (about 30 grams per week). At the end of the fourth week rats were weighed and we found a significant increase in body weight in obese group compared to control group. Conclusion: There are several stages of NAFLD natural history, ranging from simple steatosis to steatohepatitis (NASH), liver cirrhosis, and finally carcinoma of the liver. The first stage, which is steatosis, is characterized by the presence of lipid inclusion in the liver. In NASH, steatosis is accompanied by inflammatory cells, ballooning of the hepatocytes, and often elevation of liver enzymes. Fibrosis is present when cirrhosis develops and is due to liver cells death.
[El-Sayed Galal El-Sayed Khedr, Ahmad Mohmmad Abdel-Alem Desoky, Mohamed Yossry Ahmed Agwa. Effect of Curcumin on the Liver of Albino Rats in Experimental Obesity. Nat Sci 2018;16(10):82-88]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 12. doi:10.7537/marsnsj161018.12.

Keywords: Curcumin, Albino Rats, Experimental Obesity, Steatohepatitis

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Comparison between the Preperitoneal Mesh and Lichtenstein’s Mesh Repair in Inguinal Hernia Repair


Mohammad Mohsen Salem1; Eslam Taha Ghalwash2 and Mohammad Jamal Mohammad Ammar3


1Professor of General Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt.

2Lecturer of General Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt.

3General Surgery Resident, Ahmed Maher Teaching Hospital, Cairo, Egypt



Abstract: Introduction: The Lichtenstein technique is currently one of the popular methods in practice as it provides very good results consistently. However many patients suffer from wound complications and chronic wound pain which are often underreported. The preperitoneal technique avoids these complications by placing the mesh in preperitoneal plane either by laparoscopic approach or open approach. Patients and Methods: It is a prospective randomized controlled study. It includes fifty patients divided into two groups, during the period from November 2017 till August 2018. The first group (A) includes twenty five patients and were operated using a preperitoneal mesh by a Laparoscopic trans-abdominal preperitoneal inguinal hernioplasty technique and open trans inguinal preperitoneal repair. While the second group (B) includes twenty five patients and were operated upon by a Lichtenstein’s Tension-Free Repair. Results: Patients in the preperitoneal group had less persisting pain in post-operative period (p = 0.04), less hospital stay (p = 0.012). Operative time was shorter in preperitoneal group but with no statistical significance. There was no recurrence in either group. Conclusion: This study shows that the preperitoneal approach provides a better alternative to Lichtenstein technique with decreased incidence of wound complications and chronic groin pain, while having a similar recurrence rate. So we recommend the preperitoneal approach in the inguinal hernia repair as an alternative to traditional Lichtenstein’s method.

[Mohammad Mohsen Salem; Eslam Taha Ghalwash and Mohammad Jamal Mohammad Ammar. Comparison between the Preperitoneal Mesh and Lichtenstein’s Mesh Repair in Inguinal Hernia Repair. Nat Sci 2018;16(10):89-97]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 13. doi:10.7537/marsnsj161018.13.


Keywords: Comparison; Preperitoneal Mesh; Lichtenstein’s Mesh Repair; Inguinal Hernia Repair

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Impact of whey protein supplementations on semen quality and reproductive hormone levels of young adult male gym-goers: A preliminary study


Ali Ramadan Rabie, MD, Ahmad Kamel Seddeik Abdel-Hameed, MD, Abulfetouh Khaled Abulfetouh Mohammed, MBBCh


1Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Andrology, Faculty of Medicine, Al-Azhar University Cairo, Egypt.



Abstract: Whey proteins are widely used by adult male gym-goers as a muscle-building supplement to improve their physical appearance. The current study aimed to investigate the impact of this practice on fertility capacity. Forty adult male gym-goers, recruited during the period between August 2016 and April 2017, received whey protein supplementation (Gold Standard 100% WheyTM, 15 gram daily) during their gym training for 12 weeks. Body mass index (BMI), lean body mass, semen analysis and hormonal profile (FSH, LH, PRL, T and oestrogen) were evaluated at the beginning and the end of the study. A total of 33 participants completed the study. There was a significant increase in mean BMI (from 24.69 to 25.01 Kg/m2, P = 0.04), mean lean body mass (from 59.39 to 59.78 Kg, P = 0.05), and men progressively motile sperms (from 62.73% to 65.76%, P = 0.05). Changes in semen volume, sperm count and hormonal levels were all non-significant. These results showed that whey protein supplementations did not have any negative impact on fertility capacity. Further larger and randomized controlled trials are needed to confirm these results.

[Ali Ramadan Rabie, Ahmad Kamel Seddeik Abdel-Hameed, Abul Fetouh Khaled Abul Fetouh Mohammed. Impact of whey protein supplementations on semen quality and reproductive hormone levels of young adult male gym-goers: A preliminary study. Nat Sci 2018;16(10):98-101]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 14. doi:10.7537/marsnsj161018.14.


Keywords: nutritional supplementation; exercise; fertility

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Examining the Connection between Food Addiction and Human Obesity


Mousa Numan Ahmad, Ruba M. Mushrbash


Department of Nutrition and Food Technology, Human Nutrition and Dietetics,

The University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan

mosnuman@ju.edu.jo; mousanuman@gmail.com


Abstract: Worldwide, obesity prevalence has increased substantially over the past two decades. Obesity is partly explained by genetic factors and is strongly influenced by individual's habitual lifestyle. Investigating factors that may affect the development of obesity and their mechanisms of action is highly significant; one of these factors includes energy-dense foods with high-fat and sugar. Although these foods play an important role in development of obesity, the basic mechanisms of their pathogenesis remain poorly understood. In this regard, the classical view has been that dietary fat and sugar modulate body's energy efficiency and consequently the adipose tissue lipogenesis. Recently, the relationship between dietary fat, sugar, and obesity has entered a different level due to introduction of the food addiction concept that refers to pattern of overeating because of similarities between compulsive overeating and chemical dependence. In essence, this provides new ways by which dietary fat and sugar exert their cellular effects, especially the brain’s reward pathway that is central to development and maintenance of chemical addiction. This article critically evaluates current literature dealing with the connection between dietary fat and sugar addiction, and the pathogenesis of human obesity, and suggests future avenues of research. The evidence that links high fat and high sugar foods to addiction-like eating behaviours in humans is limited. However, no causal relationship is already established. Further controlled human studies are required for better evidence-based links between the addiction of energy-dense foods and obesity development, a matter that is important for obesity prevention, treatment and its dietetic management.

[Mousa Numan Ahmad, Ruba M. Mushrbash. Examining the Connection between Food Addiction and Human Obesity. Nat Sci 2018;16(10):102-110]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 15. doi:10.7537/marsnsj161018.15.


Keywords: Food addiction, obesity, dietary fat, sugar, energy-dense foods, Yale food addiction scale (YFAS)

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The use of Phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors (PDE-5-Is) alone or in combination with Alpha-blockers for Lower Urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) due to Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)


Khaled Abdel Fattah Teama; Mohamed Ebrahim Ahmed and Ehab Ahmad Mohamed Fareed


Urology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, Egypt.



Abstract: Background: Lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) are common conditions in middle-age or older men. LUTS range from mild to severe, and include obstructive symptoms such as hesitancy, incomplete emptying, and weak stream, and irritative symptoms such as frequency, urgency, and nocturia, that can strongly worsen the quality of life (QoL). For several years, surgery has represented the gold standard of care for this condition, allowing the relief of urinary symptoms and the consequent improvement in QoL. Objective: The study was performed to determine the relative efficacy and safety of PDE5-Is alone or in combination with alpha-1 adrenergic blockers in LUTS due to BPH. Methods: Our study was conducted on 60 patients diagnosed with LUTS/BPH and ED presented at Ain shams university hospital. They were the same age group (50-70 years old) and were complaining of moderate to severe prostatic symptoms, with IPSS > 13, when combining sildenafil 25 mg and tamsulosin 0.4 m, or vardenafil 10 mg and tamsulosin 0.4mg, IPSS score showed greater improvement than using either of the 2 drugs alone. The same result was found in Q-max and IIEF. Results: The combination of PDE5-Is with alpha-blockers induce statistically significant improvement of maximum flow rate as compared with alpha-blockers alone, in addition to the positive effect on micturition and sexual activity. Younger men with lower BMI and severe urinary symptoms seem to be the best candidates for PDE5-Is in terms of improvement of their urinary function. Headache, dyspepsia, and back pain are the most frequently reported AEs after PDE5-Is in men with LUTS/BPH. Conclusions: PDE5-Is are effective and well tolerated either alone or in combination with a-blockers in men with LUTS/BPH in the first 12 wk of treatment. PDE5-Is with alpha-blockers induce an additional small improvement in flow rate, whereas PDE5-Is alone fail to do it. Younger men with lower BMI and severe urinary symptoms seem to be the best candidates for PDE5-Is in terms of improvement of their urinary function. Headache, dyspepsia, and back pain are the most frequently reported AEs after PDE5-Is in men with LUTS/BPH.

[Khaled Abdel Fattah Teama; Mohamed Ebrahim Ahmed and Ehab Ahmad Mohamed Fareed. The use of Phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors (PDE-5-Is) alone or in combination with Alpha-blockers for Lower Urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) due to Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). Nat Sci 2018;16(10):111-119]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 16. doi:10.7537/marsnsj161018.16.


Keywords: Phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors; Alpha-blockers; Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

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Effect of Mirabegron Versus Solifenacin in Treatment of over Active Bladder


Hany M. Abd Allah, Mohammed M. Zaza, Mohammed K. Abd El-fatah and Ahmed M. Ezzat


Urology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Ain shams University, Cairo, Egypt.



Abstract: Purpose: to compare effect of β-3 Androreceptor agonist (Mirabegron) versus M3 Antimuscarenic (Solifenacin) in patients with over active bladder symptoms. Materials and methods: From jun 2017 to jun 2018 60 consecutive patients range from 20 to 60 years old with Over Active Bladder syndrome were enrolled in this prospective, randomized, controlled study. patients were divided into 2 groups of 30 patients each using a randomized 1:1 method, In group A, the patient received mirabegron 50 mg once a day for 12 weeks. In group B, the patient received solifenacin succinate 5 mg once a day for 12 weeks Patients was followed up for 12 weeks by clinical examination & OABSS Score & Urodynamic Study. Results: Day time frequency of Mirabegron arm was 40% <7, 40% from 8-14 and 20% >15. Day time frequency of Solifenacin arm was 40% <7, 46% from 8-14 and 13.3 % >15. Night time frequency of Mirabegron arm was 10% zero, 50% one, 26.7% two and 13.3 % three times per night, Night time frequency of Solifenacin arm was 6.7% zero, 46.7 % one,26.7 two and 20 % three. Urgency of Mirabegron arm was 30% less than one per week, 46% one a week or more, 13.3% once a day, 6.7% Two to four times a day. Urgency of Solifenacin arm was 40% less than one per week, 40% one a week or more, 13.3% once a day, 6.7% two to four times a day. Urge incontinence of Mirabegron arm was 50% less than one per week, 30% one a week or more, 13.3% once a day, 6.7% two to four times a day. Urge incontinence of Solifenacin arm was 46.7% less than one per week, 33.3% one a week or more, 13.3% once a day, 6.7% two to four times a day. After treatment: Day time frequency of Mirabegron arm becomes 86.7% <7, 13.3% from 8-14 and 0% >15. Day time frequency of Solifenacin arm becomes 53.3% <7, 46.7% from 8-14 and 0% >15. Night time frequency of Mirabegron arm becomes 80% zero, 20% one, 0% two and 0 % three times per night, Night time frequency of Solifenacin arm was 46.7% zero, 46.7 % one 6.7% two and 0% > three. Urgency of Mirabegrone arm becomes 60% not at all, 40% less than one per week, 0% one a week or more, 0% once a day, 0% Two to four times a day. Urgency of Solifenacin arm becomes 33.3% not at all, 46.7% less than one per week, 0% one a week or more, 0% once a day, 0% two to four times a day. P value is 0.012 which is significant. Urge incontinence of Mirabegron arm becomes 40% not at all, 60% less than once per week, 0% one a week or more, 0% once a day, 0% two to four times a day. Urge incontinence of Solifenacin arm becomes 40% not at all, 40% less than one per week, 20% one a week or more, 0% once a day, 0% two to four times a day. Conclusion: Both solifenacin and mirabegron were effective in improving Over Active Bladder symptoms. Mirabegron showed greater tolerability with fewer patients discontinuing therapy because of side effects.

[Hany M. Abd Allah, Mohammed M. Zaza, Mohammed K. Abd El-fatah and Ahmed M. Ezzat. Effect of Mirabegron Versus Solifenacin in Treatment of over Active Bladder. Nat Sci 2018;16(10):120-125]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 17. doi:10.7537/marsnsj161018.17.


Key words: over Active Bladder, Mirabegron, Solifenacin.

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Assessment of Ascitic Fluid Calprotectin role as a Marker for Diagnosis and follow up treatment of Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis


Enas Mahmoud Fouda, Moataz Mohamed Sayed, Ahmed Al Saady Khayyal and Yahia Zakaria Zaki Mehrez


Department of Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology, Faculty of Medicine Ain Shams University, Egypt.



Abstract: Background: Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP) is a potentially fatal condition, characterized by infection of ascitic fluid in absence of any intra-abdominal surgically treatable source of infection. It is the most common infectious complication of cirrhotic patients. SBP is a condition that requires a high index of suspicion, rapid and accurate diagnosis in addition to prompt and effective therapy. It is also characterized by a high recurrence rate within one year of the 1st episode. Objective: The goal of the present study was to assess the role of ascitic fluid calprotectin in diagnosis of SBP. Patients and Methods: For this purpose, 60 patients with decompensated liver disease were selected. These patients divided into: Non SBP Group: include 30 patients with cirrhotic ascites without clinical or laboratory evidence of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis. SBP Group: include 30 patients with cirrhotic ascites and spontaneous bacterial peritonitis. Results: There was highly statistically significance increase in number of cases presented with fever, abdominal pain, abdominal tenderness and upper GIT bleeding in SBP group compared to non SBP group. Splenomegaly and ascitic fluid turbidity were obviously appeared in ultrasound examination of SBP group. Conclusion: ascitic fluid calprotectin was significantly elevated in SBP patients in comparison with non-SBP patients. In addition, they also correlate well with the PMNLs count and protein levels in ascitic fluid and reliably diagnose SBP.

[Enas Mahmoud Fouda, Moataz Mohamed Sayed, Ahmed Al Saady Khayyal and Yahia Zakaria Zaki Mehrez. Assessment of Ascitic Fluid Calprotectin role as a Marker for Diagnosis and follow up treatment of Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis. Nat Sci 2018;16(10):126-132]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 18. doi:10.7537/marsnsj161018.18.


Keywords: Ascitic fluid total protein, calprotectin, aspartate amino transferase

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Detecting Reservoir Compartmentalization from Cepstral Decomposition

1Alao O. A.*, 2Ofuyah, W.N. and 3Abegunrin A.

1 Department of Geology, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria.
2 Department of Earth Sciences, Federal University of Petroleum Resources, Effurun, Nigeria.
3Exxon Mobil Nigeria Limited


Abstract: This study presents a novel workflow aimed at delineating subtle faults and indicators of their sealing capacity and detecting reservoir compartmentalization directly from seismic data in “Olumi” field, Niger Delta. Conventional structural interpretation of seismic and well log data over “Olumi” field was done using OpendTect and IHS Kingdom Advanced software. Cepstral Decomposition was introduced and applied to a fault model and 3-D seismic data using a developed algorithm within Mathlab software. The outputs of the conventional and developed techniques were tested on both standard and general interpretation platforms. The results showed three (3) reservoir sands (OLA 500, OLA 1000 and OLA 1500), identified across wells with average thicknesses of 4.88, 18.75 and 38.25 m respectively. Nine faults marked A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and I were mapped in the study area including two structure building faults (A and D) which characterize the field. Four horizons (AS, BS, CS and DS) were mapped on vertical seismic sections at 2.25 s, 2.44 s, 2.76 s and 2.85 s respectively based on log interpretation. Analysis of the cepstral attributes of Gamnitude, Quefrency and Saphe of the mapped reservoirs, indicated possible compartments within reservoir sand OLA 1000 bounded by micro faults which may be responsible for fluid migration up dip into the overlying formation thus, indicative of a ruptured seal. This study concluded that field appraisal and delineation of reservoir compartmentalization in stratigraphically and geologically complex reservoir targets could be achieved using Cepstral Decomposition attributes.
[ Alao O. A., Ofuyah, W.N. and Abegunrin A. Detecting Reservoir Compartmentalization from Cepstral Decomposition. Nat Sci 2018;16(10):133-141]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 19. doi:10.7537/marsnsj161018.19.

Keywords: Cepstral Decomposition; Gamnitude; Quefrency; Saphe; Compartmentalization

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Response of Wheat to Bio-compost (BC) along with Inorganic Fertilizer (NPK)


Umer Ijaz1**, Muhammad Faizan Aslam2, Malik Ghulam Asghar3, Mazhar Ali4, Muhammad Jahanzaib Shafi3, Muhammad Ahsan Maqbool3, Hafiz Muhammad Zaid3, Muhammad Dilawaiz Khan3


1Department of Agronomy, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan.

2Institute of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan.

3Department of Agronomy, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Pakistan.

4Department of Agronomy, Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam, Pakistan.

**Corresponding author’s email: umermeelu@yahoo.com


Abstract: The combined application of organic and inorganic fertilizer improves crop productivity and soil health. The field experiments were conducted to determine the effect of bio-compost (BC) and NPK fertilizers on growth, yield and quality of wheat crop at Shakarganj Sugar Research Institute (SSRI) Jhang, Pakistan. The present experiment was conducted under RCBD to determine the plant growth and yield parameters of wheat with integrated management of organic fertilizer Biocompost (BC) with inorganic fertilizers (NPK) at different levels. The experiment was consisted of five levels of Bio-compost (0-0-0, 225, 450, 675 and 900 kg ha-1) with five levels of inorganic fertilizers (0-0-0, 30-25-50, 60-50-30, 90-75-45 and 120-100-60 NPK kg ha-1). The characters understudied like number of plants m2, plant height (cm), total number of tillers m2, total number of fertile tillers m2, spike length (cm), number of spikelet per spike, number of grains per spike, 1000-grain weight (g), grain yield (t ha-1) and harvest index (%) were influenced positively. It is concluded from the present study that integrated use of organic and inorganic sources are good for wheat crop. The plots which received combined (bio-compost and NPK) produced higher yield than of plot receiving only inorganic fertilizer. Moreover, the use of organic sources would reduce reliance on the synthetic fertilizers, with additional benefits of environmental protection.

[Umer Ijaz, Muhammad Faizan Aslam, Malik Ghulam Asghar, Mazhar Ali, Muhammad Jahanzaib Shafi, Muhammad Ahsan Maqbool, Hafiz Muhammad Zaid, Muhammad Dilawaiz Khan. Response of Wheat to Bio-compost (BC) along with Inorganic Fertilizer (NPK). Nat Sci 2018;16(10):142-147]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 20. doi:10.7537/marsnsj161018.20.


Key words: wheat, bio-compost, NPK

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Effect of preoperative instructions related to immunosuppressive therapy on post liver transplantation patients’ outcomes


Karima Fuad Elshamy1, Wafaa Gmail Mohamed2 and Amira Atef Maan3


1 Assist Professor of Medical Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Mansoura University, Egypt.

2Professor of Medical Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Mansoura University, Egypt

3B.Sc. Faculty of Nursing. Mansoura University, Egypt.



Abstract: Background: Today, liver transplantation (LT) is considered the golden standard for management of end stage liver diseases patients and early liver tumor. Pre-operative instructions are playing important role to maintain patient safety and success of a transplant. Aim of the study: Evaluate the effect of preoperative instructions related to immunosuppressive therapy on post liver transplantation patients outcome in terms of patient compliance to immunosuppressive therapy, knowledge about liver, liver transplantation, immunosuppressive therapy, nutrition and post liver transplantation patients complications. Design: Quasi experimental design was used in the study.  Study sample: was a conducted on (36) patient undergoing liver transplantation operation. Tools: Patients’ knowledge assessment questionnaire sheet in addition to Sociodemographic and medical data, Patients compliance to immunosuppressive therapy and therapeutic diet questionnaire sheet and post liver transplantation patients Complications assessment sheet. Results: there was a positive association between total patients knowledge, patient compliance to immunosuppressive therapy and a decrease post liver transplantation patient Complications after exposure to preoperative instructions were highly statistical significant p value equal (˂0.001) for all of them. Conclusion:  There were improvements of patients knowledge, patients’ compliance to immunosuppressive therapy, therapeutic diet and decrease post liver transplantation patients Complications after exposure to preoperative instructions. Recommendations: All patients scheduled  for liver transplantation and  their families need  adequate knowledge  and skills about liver transplantation to  adapt  with their life after transplantation  and Distributing  the health education instructions   to all  liver transplant  patients.

[Karima Fuad Elshamy, Wafaa Gmail Mohamed and Amira Atef Maan. Effect of Preoperative Instructions Related to Immunosuppressive Therapy on Post Liver Transplantation Patient’s Outcome. Nat Sci 2018;16(10):148-158]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 21. doi:10.7537/marsnsj161018.21.


Key words: complication, immunosuppressive therapy, knowledge, Liver transplantation, preoperative instruction, patients’ outcomes.

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