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Science Journal


New York Science Journal

(N Y Sci J)

ISSN 1554-0200 (print); ISSN 2375-723X (online), doi prefix: 10.7537, Monthly

Volume 13 - Number 5 (Cumulated No. 135); May 25, 2020

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Physical Characteristics, Seed Indices and Imbibitions of Rauvolfia vomitoria (L.) Seeds


Bello O. A1, Adekunle V.A.J.1 and Adesuyi O.F2


1Department of Biology, Osun State College of Education, Ila-Orangun, Osun State, Nigeria

1,2Department of Forestry and Wood Technology, FUTA



Abstract: Rauvolfia vomitoria (L.) is a species of tree in the family Apocynaceae. It is a shrub or a small tree that undergo exploitation in some West African countries. More concentration has been on the species of Rauvolfia, that is, Rauvolfia serpentine which makes Rauvolfia vomitoria lesser known species. Fruits of Rauvolfia vomitoria were purposively collected from UI (Oyo state) and FUTA (Ondo state) to determine Physical characteristics (colour). The fruits were depulped, leaving the seeds washed. The length (cm), width (cm) and weight (g) of 100 samples per location were measured to determine the influence of imbibitions and seed index and analyzed. A t-Test was used to analyze and compare the imbibition rate and seed index of the locations. The ripe fruits in Akure (red) while the fruits in Ibadan (orange). The unripe fruits in Futa (bottled green) while in U.I (pure green) colour. Mean Seed indices 0.51 (Akure), 0.63 (Ibadan). Imbibitions show a higher percentage of mean 0.013 at Akure than Ibadan (0.010). The mature fruits of Rauvolfia vomitoria are red and orange colour. Imbibitions show a higher mean 0.013 at Akure had the best imbibitions rate unlike Ibadan and might make the seeds to germinate faster than Ibadan.

[Bello O. A, Adekunle V.A.J. and Adesuyi O.F. Physical Characteristics, Seed Indices and Imbibitions of Rauvolfia vomitoria (L.) Seeds. N Y Sci J 2020;13(5):1-4]. ISSN 1554-0200 (print); ISSN 2375-723X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/newyork. 1. doi:10.7537/marsnys130520.01.


Keywords: Imbibition, colour, Index, Seed, Characteristics

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Economic feasibility of production and marketing under the greenhouse system in light of project of 100 thousand greenhouses (Case study of cherry tomato crop)


Gehan Mohamed El-Afify and Nasser Awad Hammam


Agricultural Marketing Department, Agricultural Economics Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Egypt

Email: gege_elafify@hotmail.com,nasser_hamam75@hotmail.com 

Abstract: Greenhouse agriculture technology is considered one of the most important applications of modern technologies that contribute to increasing agricultural production, The research problem is summarized in the imbalance between the supply and demand sides of agricultural crops, especially with the limited land resources and the increase in irrigation and water needs, in addition to the worsening of the population problem, which aimed to identify the feasibility of producing cherry tomatoes for the purpose of export or local marketing under greenhouses. and studying the development of greenhouse numbers in Egypt, it is seen that it has taken an increasing trend with an annual growth rate of about 5.14% of the average number of greenhouses during the period (2004-2017). It is concerned with the development of greenhouse production during the period referred to, as production has taken an increasing trend with an annual growth rate estimated at 3.96% of the average greenhouse production for the study period. With an estimate of some indicators of the economic evaluation of the production of cherry tomatoes under the greenhouse, it was found that: the break-even point for the production destined for the domestic market is estimated at 6.1 tons / greenhouse, and with an estimate of the price safety limit for the production destined for export amounted to about 71.1%, which means that each product will still achieve profits even if the export prices decrease by 71.1%, but in the case of production Directed to the local market, the price safety limit reached 27.2%. Which indicates that the cherry tomato product under the greenhouse will still achieve profits until the local market prices decrease by 27.1%, and it becomes clear that the most important import markets for cherry tomatoes are the markets of Saudi Arabia, Russia, Kuwait, followed by the markets of the Emirates, the Netherlands, then Qatar, where they represent These markets collectively account for 97.4% of the total Egyptian exports of cherry tomatoes during the year 2017-2018, which indicates a concentration in the Egyptian export markets among a limited number of countries.

[Gehan Mohamed El-Afify and Nasser Awad Hammam. Economic feasibility of production and marketing under the greenhouse system in light of project of 100 thousand greenhouses (Case study of cherry tomato crop). N Y Sci J 2020;13(5):5-13]. ISSN 1554-0200 (print); ISSN 2375-723X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/newyork. 2. doi:10.7537/marsnys130520.02.


Keywords: Greenhouse, case study, resources, feasibility, growth rate, revenue, fixed assets, opportunity cost, break-even point, market prices, foreign market

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COVID-19, Social Isolation and Human Stress Comparative Behavior & Welfare


Oliveira G. M1 and Rossi M.I.D.2


1 Laboratório de Biologia Celular – Instituto Oswaldo Cruz/FIOCRUZ – Rio de Janeiro, Brasil; gmoliveira@ioc.fiocruz.br. 2 Instituo de Ciência e Tecnologia em Biomodelos (ICTB/FIOCRUZ), Rio de Janeiro – RJ, Brasil. ines.doria@fiocruz.br


Abstract: In late 2019, a novel coronavirus (COVID-19) was identified in Wuhan, a city in the Hubei province of China. COVID-19 rapidly spread and led to an outbreak in China and then became a global health emergency. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2 or COVID-19), showed high transmission capacity and morbidity. In this way, WHO suggests that the most efficient method for controlling transmission is social isolation/quarantine to the population. Human and Swiss Webster Outbred stock, in both species we can define a distress intersection point: abrupt break in routine and compromise in social relationships. For this reason, we can observe in the Swiss Webster ethology various behavioral disturbances, such as family violence and aggression exacerbated. In this review, we hope, through comparative behavioral analysis, to avoid, mitigate and alleviate social stress in humans, mainly through procedures for raising animal welfare. In conclusion, we believed that our knowledge of Mouse Lab ethology can be useful, since, by minimizing stress, the most rudimentary emotions, similar between humans and mice, but concient-rationalized in the human and promote the improvement of the human being's elevated quality of life, even in social isolation/quarantine.

[Oliveira G. M, and Rossi M.I.D. COVID-19, Social Isolation and Human Stress: Comparative Behavior & Welfare. N Y Sci J 2020;13(5):14-22]. ISSN 1554-0200 (print); ISSN 2375-723X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/newyork. 3. doi:10.7537/marsnys130520.03.


Keywords: COVID-19, social isolation, comparative behavior, Swiss Webster and stress.

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Using Android OS Applications for mobile healthcare information management utilizing Cloud Computing: A comprehensive Review


Abdelmageid A. Ali1, Nahla F. Omran2 and Amal A. Alsayied2


1Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Computers and Information, Minia University, Minia, Egypt.

2Department of Mathematics (Computer Science), Faculty of Science South Valley University, Qena, Egypt.

abdelmgeid@yahoo.com; nahlaafathy@yahoo.com, amal_a_a2002@yahoo.com


Abstract: When there are problems in developing countries in the field of infrastructure technology, the need arose to use the concept of mobile cloud computing, which is a very modern concept, and the concept of e-health and its applications and requirements for its application; while defining the relationship between e-health and mobile cloud computing by employing the best to implement mobile health systems through a Firebase cloud-based model provided by Google to store health information and provide health services. This technology is very useful especially in developing countries due to lack of strong infrastructure and adequate financial support. He concluded that these systems can be applied from a theoretical and practical point of view in Egyptian hospitals, but this needs more practical studies in hospitals, and in this study we conducted a reference review of studies related to mobile health that rely on cloud computing using the android operating system.

[Abdelmageid A. Ali, Nahla F. Omran and Amal A. Alsayied. Using Android OS Applications for mobile healthcare information management utilizing Cloud Computing: A comprehensive Review. N Y Sci J 2020;13(5):23-35]. ISSN 1554-0200 (print); ISSN 2375-723X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/newyork. 4. doi:10.7537/marsnys130520.04.


Keywords: E-Healthcare, Cloud computing, Mobile cloud Computing, Android Os system, Firebase, Amazon’s S3, DICOM format, JPEG 2000

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Effect of Intradialytic Aerobic Exercise on C-Reactive Protein for Chronic Kidney Disease Patients


Abdelrahman Salah Abdellah1; Hany Ezzat Obeya2; Heba Ahmed Ali2 and Essam Qotb Abelatif4


1Demonstrator of Physical Therapy for Cardiovascular / Respiratory Disorders and Geriatrics, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Deraya University, Minya, Egypt

2Assistant Professor of Physical Therapy for Cardiovascular / Respiratory Disorders and Geriatrics, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University, Egypt

3Lecturer of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, October 6 University, Egypt


Abstract: Background: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is the progressive deficiency of renal function for months and years and frequently present with elevation in markers of inflammation especially serum C-Reactive Protein (CRP). CRP may have a clinical prediction for risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) which is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with CKD. Aim of the Study: This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of 8 weeks intradialytic aerobic exercise on (CRP) for patients with chronic kidney disease. Subjects and Methods: Forty hemodialysis patients of both sexes with chronic renal failure participated in the study, their age ranged from 55 to 65 years old recruited randomly from hemodialysis unit of October 6 university hospital, Giza, Egypt. They were randomly divided into two groups (A & B). Study group (A) (30 patients) received 3 sessions per week for 2 months of intradialytic aerobic exercise while Control group (B) (10 patients) received only their medical treatment. All patients in both groups were assessed through serum CRP, Blood urea, creatinine lab tests and Borg rating of perceived exertion scale was used to assess functional activity before and after treatment. Results: The results showed that there was significant decrease in CRP, urea levels and significant positive decrease in Borg RPE scales scores in the study group pre and post treatment as compared to control group. Conclusion: Intradialytic aerobic exercise plays an important role in decreasing CRP, Urea and Borg RPE scores for patients on maintenance hemodialysis.

[Abdelrahman Salah Abdellah; Hany Ezzat Obeya; Heba Ahmed Aliand Essam Qotb Abelatif. Effect of Intradialytic Aerobic Exercise on C-Reactive Protein for Chronic Kidney Disease Patients. N Y Sci J 2020;13(5):36-42]. ISSN 1554-0200 (print); ISSN 2375-723X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/newyork. 5. doi:10.7537/marsnys130520.05.


Keywords: Intradialytic exercise, Aerobic exercise, Hemodialysis, CRP, CKD, Urea, ESRD.

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Effect of an Educational Program On the Performance Level of Some Basic Skills in Karate


Yehya Mohamed Abdelrahman Mohamed


Director of a Youth Center

Email: yehia.m.abd.m@gmail.com


Abstract: The researcher believes that the lesson of physical education needs to apply modern technological methods to be able to achieve its goals optimally, as the introduction of modern technology in the field of education may give us the opportunity to eliminate that type of generations with limited culture and skill and that non-good quality of education. Therefore, the researcher sees the necessity to take advantage of the capabilities offered by educational technology to raise the level of skill performance by designing different and effective educational environments and the optimal use of time and working to increase understanding and awareness of the correct motor performance. Therefore, the researcher has found the necessity of carrying out this research to make optimal use of technological innovations in designing educational programs for basic skills in karate in a systematic framework organized through the method of hypermedia objectives: The Paper aims at the following: 1. Designing an educational program for basic skills in karate, using the hypermedia technique. 2. Identifying the educational program effects on the level of basic skills performance in karate. procedures: Paper curriculum: The researcher used the experimental curriculum because of its relevance to the research nature by using the experimental design of two groups, one is controlled and the other is experimental by using the post-measurement of the two groups. Paper sample: The research sample was chosen intentionally from secondary school students in Al-Salihiya Educational District. The sample included (10) students who were randomly divided into two equal groups, each of which (5) students. results: Through the aims of the research and its hypothesis, and according to what the results indicated, the following conclusions were reached: 1. The experimental group that used the computer software prepared with the technique of hypermedia technique in some basic skills level in karate surpassed the control group that used the (traditional) method followed. 2. Computer software prepared with Hypermedia technology was more effective in the performance level of some basic skills in karate than in the traditional method. recommendations: In light of the previous results, the researcher recommends the following: 1. The necessity of using computer programs that use hypermedia technique in teaching different athletic activities' skills. 2. The computer science courses in physical education colleges should include training to use and produce educational programs. 3. The necessity of expanding the establishment of educational technology laboratories in colleges of physical education.

[Yehya Mohamed Abdelrahman Mohamed. Effect of an Educational Program On the Performance Level of Some Basic Skills in Karate. N Y Sci J 2020;13(5):43-49]. ISSN 1554-0200 (print); ISSN 2375-723X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/newyork. 6. doi:10.7537/marsnys130520.06.


Keywords: hypermedia, educational program, skills, karate

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Applications Of Laplace Transform To Differential Equations With Discontinuous Functions


Dr. Dinesh Verma


Associate Professor (Mathematics), Department of Applied Science

Yogananda College of Engineering and Technology (YCET), Jammu


Abstract: Most of the problems in different areas of science, engineering and technology are solved by the Laplace transformation method. In this paper, we will apply Laplace transformation method to differential equations with discontinuous functions. Laplace transformation makes it easier to solve the problems and makes differential equations with discontinuous functions simple to solve. This paper presents a new technological approach to solve differential equations with discontinuous functions.

[Dinesh Verma. Applications Of Laplace Transform To Differential Equations With Discontinuous Functions. N Y Sci J 2020;13(5):66-68]. ISSN 1554-0200 (print); ISSN 2375-723X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/newyork. 9. doi:10.7537/marsnys130520.09.


Key words: Laplace transformation, Differential equations with discontinuous functions.

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Physical Properties of the Selected Varieties of Melon (Citrullus lanatus)


1Oyerinde, A. S., 2Oladimeji, S. T., 2Akinyele, O. A., 2Ezenwogene, R. C, 2Fadele, N. T. and 2Ate, J. T.


1Department of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering, Federal University of Technology, Akure

2Department of Agricultural and Bio-environmental Engineering, federal college of Agriculture, Moor Plantation, Ibadan.


Abstract: This study determined some physical properties of two varieties of melon (Bara and Sewere) using standard methods of evaluation. Properties determined include dimensional, gravimetric and frictional properties. These properties were investigated at 9.83 and 6.73% moisture content wet basis. Sewere had the highest axial dimension (14.50, 9, 1.36 mm) for length, width and thickness respectively while Bara had 14.08, 8.34 and 1.17 mm respectively. Bara has the highest Geometric mean diameter (4.35-6.75mm), while Sewere has 4.15-6.62mm. Sewere has the highest arithmetic mean diameter which ranged from 6.77-9.47mm while Sewere ranged from 6.77-9.07mm. The sphericity of Bara and Sewere ranged from 0.31-0.49 and 0.29-0.46 respectively while bulk density ranged from 296.65 to 312.81 kg/m3 and 309.16 to 406.94 kg/m3 respectively. The true density and porosity of Bara is higher than that of Sewere and it ranged from 1414.08 to 1580.32 kg/m3 and 79.02 to 80.42% respectively, while the true density and porosity of Sewere ranged from 759.15 kg/m3 to 119.72 kg/m3 and 47.18 to 65.88% respectively. The highest coefficient of static friction of 0.62 was obtained on plywood followed by glass with a value of 0.42 while stainless steel has the least coefficient of static friction with a value of 0.34 for Bara. Similarly, Sewere has the highest value of 0.55 on plywood followed by stainless steel with a value of 0.45 while glass has the least coefficient of static friction with a value of 0.40. The angle of repose of Bara ranged from 23.02 to 29.090 while Sewere ranged from 29.280 to 37.370. The knowledge of physical properties is essential as guide in design and development of various post harvest handling equipment.

[Oyerinde, A. S., Oladimeji, S. T., Akinyele, O. A., Ezenwogene, R. C, Fadele, N. T. and Ate, J. T. Physical Properties of the Selected Varieties of Melon (Citrullus lanatus). N Y Sci J 2020;13(5):59-65]. ISSN 1554-0200 (print); ISSN 2375-723X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/newyork. 8. doi:10.7537/marsnys130520.08.


Keywords: Bara, Sewere, dimensional properties, gravimetric properties and frictional properties

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Applications Of Laplace Transform To Differential Equations With Discontinuous Functions


Dr. Dinesh Verma


Associate Professor (Mathematics), Department of Applied Science

Yogananda College of Engineering and Technology (YCET), Jammu


Abstract: Most of the problems in different areas of science, engineering and technology are solved by the Laplace transformation method. In this paper, we will apply Laplace transformation method to differential equations with discontinuous functions. Laplace transformation makes it easier to solve the problems and makes differential equations with discontinuous functions simple to solve. This paper presents a new technological approach to solve differential equations with discontinuous functions.

[Dinesh Verma. Applications Of Laplace Transform To Differential Equations With Discontinuous Functions. N Y Sci J 2020;13(5):66-68]. ISSN 1554-0200 (print); ISSN 2375-723X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/newyork. 9. doi:10.7537/marsnys130520.09.


Key words: Laplace transformation, Differential equations with discontinuous functions.

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Preparation and some reactions of a novel (E)-4-((1,3-diphenyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl) methylene)-2-(4-nitrophenyl) oxazol-5(4H)-one containing 2,4-diphenyl pyrazole and investigation of their antimicrobial and anticancer activities


Adel M. El-Gendy a*, Mariam A. Al-Sheikh b, Hanadi Y. Medrasi b, Shymah A. Al-Harbi b


a*Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Zagazig, Egypt.

bDepartment of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Jeddah, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.


Abstract: New (E)-4-((1,3-diphenyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl) methylene)-2-(4-nitrophenyl) oxazol-5(4H)-one (3) has been prepared by reaction of p-nitrohippuric acid (1) with 1,3-diphenyl-1H-pyrazol-4-carbaldehyde (2). Treatment of 3 with hydrazine hydrate gave the hydrazide derivative 4. Refluxing 4 with 6N HCl afforded the imidazolone derivative 5. Reaction of the hydrazide derivative 4 with benzoyl chloride yielded N-benzoyl derivative 6. Refluxing 6 with 6N HCl gave triazinone derivative 7. However, reaction of 6 with POCl3 yielded the oxadiazole derivative 8. Aminolysis of 3 with primary and /or secondary aliphatic amines gave the corresponding (E)-N-(1-(1,3-diphenyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl)-3-substitueted-3-oxoprp-1-en-2-yl)-4-nitrobenzamide (9a-d). On the other hand, refluxing 3 with aniline led to the formation of (E)-N-(1-(1,3-diphenyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl)-3-oxo-3-(phenylamino) pro-1-en-2-yl)-4-nitrobenzamide (10). Treatment of 3 with hydroxylamine hydrochloride in boiling pyridine yielded oxadiazinone derivative 11. The structures of synthesized compounds were elucidated on the basis of IR, 1HNMR, 13CNMR, MS data and elemental analysis. The prepared compounds were tested for antibacterial, antifungal and anticancer activity. The antimicrobial activities of the synthesized compounds have been studied against gram positive bacteria, gram negative bacteria and fungi by using agar well diffusion method which showed that compounds 3, 7 were the most effective gram positive. Compounds 3, 7 and 8 were effective against gram negative but less than gram positive. However, compounds 3, 4, 5, 6 were more effective against fungi. Furthermore, anticancer activities of some selected compounds were tested against human hepatocellular (HepG2) cancer cell line. Compound 6 showed moderate cancer cell growth inhibition. Also, the anticancer activities against Ascitic Carcinoma showed that compounds 6 showed the highest antitumor effects.

[Adel M. El-Gendy, Mariam A. Al-Sheikh, Hanadi Y. Medrasi, Shymah A. Al-Harbi. Preparation and some reactions of a novel (E)-4-((1,3-diphenyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl) methylene)-2-(4-nitrophenyl) oxazol-5(4H)-one containing 2,4-diphenyl pyrazole and investigation of their antimicrobial and anticancer activities. N Y Sci J 2020;13(5):69-81]. ISSN 1554-0200 (print); ISSN 2375-723X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/newyork. 10. doi:10.7537/marsnys130520.10.


Keywords: Oxazol-5(4H)-one, antimicrobial, imidazolone, oxadiazole, oxadiazinone, triazinone

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The manuscripts in this issue were presented as online first for peer-review, starting from April 25, 2020. 

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